search for: tugging

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2006 Mar 13
rsync 2.6.7 not excluding whole directories
I'm not sure if I was relying on unspecified behavior, but I was in the habit of putting entries like this: /home/tug/public_html into an exclude file. This would omit everything under that directory. (I'm not sure if it omitted the directory itself, but I didn't care.) In rsync 2.6.7, this had no effect, and everything under /home/tug/public_html was copied. I notice that a new
2005 Sep 05
TeX distribution on Windows
I'm looking for a Windows distribution of TeX that works with R, after a few years' absence from Windows. On Duncan Murdoch's Rtools page fptex is still recommended, but it turns out that fptex is "defunct" as of May 2005, see So, what is suggested? TUG ( recommends something called proTeXt, which is said to be
2004 Sep 28
S latex listings
Hello, I would like to insert S code to my latex document. I was looking for a listings package that supports S. In www.r-project.or in the software/other section there is an item with a link to latex package listings, but it seems that the link is broken. Does anybody know an alternative to get the package? Thanks in advance,
2010 Aug 16
How to make flowchart in R?
I have a large dataset and I would like to make some kind of flowchart from this dataset. The idea is to show rowcounts from data subsets: data1 rows= 100000 | / \ / \ males females, rows=500000 rows=500000 /\ / \
2010 Apr 09
SID to UID conversion problem
Hi folks! I have a problem with SID to UID translation on one of my domainmember servers since I use a newer version of samba (3.4.0). The PDC is running samba 3.0.28 and uses LDAP. On the domainmember everything is working as expected (login with domain user, wbinfo -u, wbinfo -g) but when it comes to convert the SID to UID it fails: $ wbinfo -S S-1-5-21-2106500839-766785134-2740805053-6093002
2019 Dec 23
Trouble using reverse dsync backup (log in successful but almost nothing happens)
I am migrating an old dovecot 2.2.30 (macOS High SIerra, macO S Server) to a new server with dovecot 2.3.7 (macOS Mojave, macports). To get the data over, I?m trying to do a reverse backup with doveadm between an old and a new mail server, but failing to do so. I?m trying (from the new server, the old server is doveadm -Dv \ -o imapc_host= \ -o imapc_user=gerben \
2011 Mar 25
Rd2pdf and Rd2dvi don't find texi2dvi
Hello everybody I'm am trying to build a pdf out of the Rd files that i wrote for a package, so that I can attach it to my thesis. if i Run Rd2pdf (or Rd2dvi) I get this error massage: Hmm ... looks like a package Converting Rd files to LaTeX . Creating pdf output from LaTeX ... Error in texi2dvi("Rd2.tex", pdf = (out_ext == "pdf"), quiet = FALSE, : Running
2012 Oct 05
LaTeX consistent publication graphics from R and Comparison of GLE and R
Hi Everyone I am at the moment preparing my thesis and am looking at producing a few Organigrams / Flow charts (unrelated to the calculations in R) as well as a range of charts (barcharts, histograms, ...) based on calculations in R. For the Organigrams I am looking at an Opensource package called GLE at sourceforge, which produces the text part in Latex figures which is very neat and also in
2006 Feb 08
DRY methodology
because I am a grasshopper... Now that I can sort my ''list'' there a logical way of not repeating myself to having essentially the same list view with multiple sorts? i.e. def list_cl # ordered by clients last name @placement_pages, @placements = paginate( :placements, :include => [:client], :order_by =>
2020 Feb 17
R-3.6.2 make check fails
You're definitely missing bits of texlive. Lots of "missing file: mf" in your debug logs. I think you need to start with installing texlive-metafont. Alternately, there are pre-built R 3.6.2 packages for EL-7 here: I cannot push them as official updates to EPEL because of the catch-22 created by R's dependency on
2007 Jun 01
On Solaris x86, does zpool (or anything) support PATA (or SATA) IDE SMART data? With the Predictive Self Healing feature, I assumed that Solaris would have at least some SMART support, but what I''ve googled so far has been discouraging. Bug ID: 4665068 SMART support in IDE driver
2004 Mar 30
FW: RID to SID Bug? Share ACL Access Denied
Hi, Is this problem related to this bug? Bugzilla Bug 1165 Samba ADS Kerberos login doesnt resolve correct groups when smbd is su'ing to the uid Anyone? Please respond. I am desperate to get this working. Thank you, Steve -----Original Message----- From: Aden, Steve Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 3:24 PM To:
2012 Jan 04
rattle y R2.14 en plataforma windows
Hola, después de bastante tiempo usando con éxito rattle en R2.13 (windows y linux), he intentado instalarlo en el reciente R2.14 en plataformas windows (xp 32 y win2003-serv-64 bit) y me da infinitos problemas. Siempre falla algo relacionado con GTK+ y la URL que salta no funciona. Buscando ayuda en internet encuentro información casi que contradictoria. ¿Alguno puede recomendar un sitio que le
2008 Oct 11
Sweave-LaTEX question
Hi: I am working on a publication and I have heard about LaTEX but I haven't actually tried to learn about it until today. I've found a few examples but I can't actually make them work properly. I have a couple of questions: Does LATEX have to be installed on your computer? How does the xtable package and Sweave work together? How can I make the code below create a table as pdf file?
2013 Jul 31
[LLVMdev] IR Passes and TargetTransformInfo: Straw Man such that following LNO optimizers feel comfortable to kick in. Such preparation/fix pass should include getting rid of imperfect part, fusion, fission on individual nests or the neighboring nests, at appropriate nest level. In theory, you are always possible to get rid of imperfect part by tugging them into the loop with a condition like "if "iv == 1st iteration", or if possible you can distribute the imperfect part. I don't think the imperfect part created by LICM need such expensive transformation; you just place them back to appropriate loop. In this sense, LICM shou...
2017 Feb 15
There is problem of rsync with options --hard-links --inplace.
There is the problem which I discribed here rsync does not break hard-link into destination if hard-link has be broken in source with option inplace. The problem remains in the latest version of rsync? -- View this message in context: Sent from
2020 Feb 17
R-3.6.2 make check fails
On Fri, 14 Feb 2020, Barris, Wes wrote: > I have been able to build previous versions of R up to and including 3.5.3 successfully. Starting with 3.6.0 > the "make check" step fails with errors relating to "pdflatex" being missing. So, I installed texlive-latex > (and the 100 other rpm dependencies) then tried rebuilding R. "make check" continues to fail.
2006 Nov 02
rotated figures within Sweave?
I can't recall (or find an example of) how to rotate figures in Sweave: <<fig=TRUE, echo=false, width=9, landscape=TRUE>>= ??? <<fig=TRUE, echo=false, width=9, rotate=true>>= ??? <<fig=TRUE, echo=false, width=9, sideways=TRUE>>= ??? <<fig=TRUE, echo=false, width=9, par=(something)>>= ??? Does anyone know how to do this?
2010 Aug 04
Problem using R and Beamer...
Dear [R] and beamer community, I am trying to build a presentation using beamer and [R]. I can Sweave the file; however, when I run pdflatex on the file i get the following error: ! FancyVerb Error: Extraneous input `> a = 123450 > b = -0.69 \end {Sinput} \end {Schunk} \end { beamer at frameslide}\ifbeamer at twoscreenstext \beamer at dosecondscreennow {{fragile} \frametitle
2006 Oct 06
sparklines in lattice
Dear R-help, Has anyone implemented sparklines in the strips of a lattice plot? What I have in mind is, say, highlighting that part of a time series that one is examining in more detail in a set of lattice plots. Regads,. Mark Difford. PS: (Andreas Loffler has implemented a simple but functional version for TeX/LaTeX: