Displaying 20 results from an estimated 33 matches for "tte".
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2009 Sep 02
Help with sub-setting data.frame
I have a data frame, df that I want to extract some rows from
Here is a sample of the data
> head(df)
TDate Expiry Underlie Strike CSettle PSettle Futures ExDate
1 20080102 200801 200803 0.840 0.0000 0 0.9207 20080104
2 20080102 200801 200803 0.850 0.0000 0 0.9207 20080104
Rate Disc
1 0.0457 0.9997496
2 0.0457 0.9997496
I want all rows where TTE is equal to 0.024657534
> head(summary(factor(df[,&qu...
2006 Oct 31
5023079 panic: sfm panic: sfmmu_tteload - tte remap, hmeblkp 0x70009ceec60.
Author: udpa
Repository: /hg/zfs-crypto/gate
Revision: d7b8f0209db029c6e95891ad26d66879ffb7fad6
Log message:
5023079 panic: sfm panic: sfmmu_tteload - tte remap, hmeblkp 0x70009ceec60.
update: usr/src/uts/common/vm/vm_anon.c
2012 Dec 03
Confidence bands with function survplot
h <- .02*exp(.04*(age-50)+.8*(sex=='female'))
dt <- -log(runif(n))/h
label(dt) <- 'Follow-up Time'
e <- ifelse(dt <= cens,1,0)
dt <- pmin(dt, cens)
units(dt) <- 'Year'
dd <- datadist(age, sex)
S <- Surv(dt,e)
############male group KM curve with bands#############
f <- survfit(Surv(dt,e)~1, data=tte,subset=sex=='male')
survplot(f,conf="bands", conf.int=0.95)
########notice no confidence band created#############
############female group KM curve with ban...
2020 Jun 27
roxygen2 / documentation of reexports
...-cran option on Debian with R-devel.
To reexport the magrittr pipe operator %>%, my package adopted I snippet you?d see in the dplyr package, for instance:
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export
The dplyr package has many statements of this kind and I guess the pattern is common. Roxygn2 will prepare a file documenting the reexport. But the Rd file prepared by Roxygen2 will result in an error saying ?Non-file package-anchored link(s) in documentation object?.
The part of the Rd file that is not in line with CRAN requirements is: \code{\link[magrittr]{\%>\%}...
2017 Nov 06
Survival model error
> ?
> David
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Nov 5, 2017, at 7:21 PM, Meghna Govil via R-help <r-help at r-project.org> wrote:
>> Hi - Below is my code and then the error when I run the last line.
>> time_np <- train1_na$tte
>> event_np <- train1_na$censored
>> X_np <- cbind(
>> train1_na$AMT,
>> train1_na$DISCOUNT_AMT,
>> train1_na$high_price_pcnt,
>> train1_na$EM_RECEIVED,
>> train1_na$DM_RECEIVED,
>> train1_na$TXN_WITH_RINGCODE,
>> trai...
2012 Sep 09
Sum of column from another df based of row values of df1
The loop will run for close to a million times, it has been running
for more than 10 hours and its just 12% complete. It would take more
than 80 hours to complete, not the mention the toll it would take on
my laptop. So is there a better way that I can accomplish this task?
Any input would be greatly appreciated. Below are the dput of the two
One point of note is that there are only 124 DISTINCT values of DATE
and 6 DISTINCT values of EXPDATE, in case it can be used in some way.
> dput(CALL)
structure(list(NAME =...
2023 Jul 20
Samba 4 AD SmartCard Authentication Problem
...rtcard login is not really reliable. Then my
users still have to log in with password. For now, as long as 4.19 is
not yet released.
Hans Schulze
Tel: +49 3581 66931-41
Fax: +49 3581 66931-281
Mail: h.schulze at labor-ostsachsen.de
Medizinisches Labor Ostsachsen MVZ GbR
Nebenbetriebsst?tte G?rlitz
Cottbuser Stra?e 11
D-02826 G?rlitz
www.labor-ostsachsen.de <https://www.labor-ostsachsen.de>
Die Hauptbetriebsst?tte der Medizinisches Labor Ostsachsen MVZ GbR
befindet sich in der Flinzstra?e 1 in 02625 Bautzen. Die Medizinisches
Labor Ostsachsen MVZ GbR wird vertreten durch die...
2002 Jul 26
manipulating the result of by()
...st of length 120 and dim 4.
Noww I want to sum the tables within the level of one of the grouping
variables, eg age class. How can I do?
Here is an example:
ttt <- by(data,list=c(age,sex,region,edu),FUN=function(x)
tto <- table(x$smoke[x$grp=="study1"])
so <- sum(tto)
tte <- prop.table(table(x$smoke[x$grp=="study2"]))*so
ttt <- rbind(tto,tte)
Think of age as a factor with 4 levels (age category). Now a want to sum
each table (observed=tto and expected=tte separately) within each age category.
I should end with 4 table with 2 rows (obs &am...
2020 Oct 05
S4 - inheritance changed by order of setClassUnion and setAs()
...As(from = "daughter", to = "grandma", def = function(from) new("grandma"))
[1] "daughter" "mother" "mr_x" "grandma"
Yet if I change the order of setAs() and setClassUnion(), this alters the pattern of inheritance.
setClass("grandma", slots = c(a = "character"))
setClass("mother", slots = c(b = "matrix"), contains = "grandma")
setClass("daughter", slots = c(c = "list"), contains = "mother")
setAs(from = "da...
2017 Nov 06
Survival model error
Hi - Below is my code and then the error when I run the last line.
time_np <- train1_na$tte
event_np <- train1_na$censored
X_np <- cbind(
2012 May 12
Query regarding date as argument in functions - and about sqldf
..., 280, 280),
TMSTMP = c("14:54:17", "14:42:38", "14:09:04", "14:20:25",
"12:27:26", "11:59:36"), PRICE = c(22, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23.2
), DATE = structure(c(14977, 14977, 14977, 14977, 14977,
14977), class = "Date"), TTE = c(24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24),
DTTM = structure(c(1294046657, 1294045958, 1294043944, 1294044625,
1294037846, 1294036176), class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt")),
SPOT = c(295, 294.5, 294.8, 293.85, 294.7, 294.55), MONEYNESS =
1.05178571428571, 1.05285...
2008 May 02
RH9 to centos 5 386
rpm -i --nodeps --force
yum upgrade
Everything was progressing until I did tte "yum upgrade"
I got an error about not finding a yum package.
"There was a problem importing one of the python modules
required to run yum. The error leading to this problem was:
No module named yum"
What do I do now...
2023 Jul 20
Samba 4 AD SmartCard Authentication Problem
On 20/07/2023 09:37, Hans Schulze via samba wrote:
> I found an old bugzilla report for this behavior:
> https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9612
> According to the statements in it, there was a patch already in version
> 4.16 and in heimdal 8 last year? Which option must be in the krb5.conf?
Sorry, but I read it slightly differently, there was a patch available,
2004 Aug 31
Login Problem after RESTORE with Powerquest Driveimage!!
...newly to the domain and
it works again.
What could this be ????
I have samba 3.0.5 installed as a Domain Controller.
If you need any more info pleas e-mail me !!!
Thanks in advance
Fink Oliver
Bildungs-Center der AK
Oliver Fink
Schie?st?tte 16
A-6800 Feldkirch
Tel. ++43/(0)5522-3551-16
Fax. ++43/(0)5522-3551-17
e-mail: mailto:oliver.fink@ak-vorarlberg.at
2017 Nov 06
Survival model error
...e the names in your formula refer to column names.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Nov 5, 2017, at 7:21 PM, Meghna Govil via R-help <r-help at r-project.org> wrote:
> Hi - Below is my code and then the error when I run the last line.
> time_np <- train1_na$tte
> event_np <- train1_na$censored
> X_np <- cbind(
> train1_na$AMT,
> train1_na$DISCOUNT_AMT,
> train1_na$high_price_pcnt,
> train1_na$EM_RECEIVED,
> train1_na$DM_RECEIVED,
> train1_na$TXN_WITH_RINGCODE,
> train1_na$WEB,
> train1_na$clearance_...
2004 May 06
Dial internal phones problem - zaphfc
...blem, habe 2 ISDN-Telefone angeschlossen.
zaphfc im nt-mode.
Anrufe von ausserhalb per sip (sipgate.de) kommen an.
Wenn ich aber intern zwischen den zwei Telefonen (Ascom Eurit 30) sprechen
m?chte geht das nur wie folgt :
Erst die Nebenstelle w?hlen und dann den H?rer am Telefon abnehmen.
Ich h?tte es aber gern so das ich erstmal den H?rer abnehmen kann und dann
ein internen W?hlton bekomme und jetzt erst die Nebenstelle anw?hle.
Ich vermute mal ich muss etwas spezielles in der extensions.conf eintragen...
Hat jemand eine Idee?
Andre Steden <andre@steden.de>
2008 Feb 27
1.1rc1 "Transaction rolled back"?
...8 expunges?
b) What's "Too many invalid IMAP commands"?
And when ist it being triggered?
Ralf Hildebrandt (Ralf.Hildebrandt at charite.de) snickebo at charite.de
Postfix - Einrichtung, Betrieb und Wartung Tel. +49 (0)30-450 570-155
H?tte ich 10 Euro f?r jeden Analysten, der in 'Computerfragen' schon
falsch lag - ich h?tte inzwischen meine Trauminsel mit halbnackten
Frauen, viel Bier und ordentlich Mampfmampf.
2020 Oct 06
S4 - inheritance changed by order of setClassUnion and setAs()
Class "mr_y2", directly
Class "mr_x2", directly
Class "grandma2", by class "mother2", distance 2
Note that mr_y2 appears in the list before mr_x2 the second block. The same
thing is happening with setAs which (somewhat contrary to my expectations,
admittedly) causes extends to consider "daughter" to inherit *directly* from
"grandma" in your example (though it does note its via explicit coercion).
I think the take-away here is that when modifying the class inheritance
structure explicitly, via setClassUnion or setAs (or, I assume...
2006 Aug 18
Strange Usermapping problem with 3.0.23b
Yesterday evening I upgraded my FreeBSD 5.5-RELEASE Server from Samba
3.0.22 to 3.0.23. This gave me a LOT of work today... :-(
This is what I found so far:
My Samba-Server is member of a large ADS-Domain. After the upgrade,
file based Usermapping didn't work anymore... better: it worked TWICE.
(I once opened a PR for that a few years ago :-). So, with LogLevel 3:
<DOMAIN>\<WinUser> is mapped to <UnixUser>
<DOMAIN>\<UnixUser> is mapped to <DefaultUser>
(I have a line "<DefaultUser> = *" in my 'smbusers.map'-...
2012 Oct 07
Why do I get different results for type III anova using the drop1 or Anova command?
dprime="contr.poly"), type="III") #liefert in nachstehend nach dem
2.Befehl dieses Ergebnis
#Response: P$rhoPug #also jetzt dasselbe wie drop1, aber nicht dasselbe,
#der exakt gleich Befehl alleine geliefert h?tte. Was
#stimmt den nun? Wo liegt mein Fehler?
# Sum Sq Df F value Pr(>F)
#(Intercept) 0.06877 1 4.0158 0.04679 *
#P$rhoAg 0.01320 1 0.7706 0.38136
#P$dprime 0.00022 1 0.0131 0.90909
#P$Befruchtungssystem 0.00250 1 0.1461 0.70280
#P$rhoAg:P$dprime 0.02837 1 1.6565 0.19997