Displaying 20 results from an estimated 22 matches for "tsdiag".
2006 Mar 28
Having trouble with tsdiag function on a time series
I'm getting the following error message when I try to run 'tsdiag' on what seems to be a valid time series:
> tsdiag(small)
[Error in tsdiag(small) : no applicable method for "tsdiag"]
where small is a little test series where I have isolated this problem (the original has 30-years worth of daily data)
When I print it (small), it lo...
2009 Mar 05
Overriding contributed package functions
The "tsdiag" function in the TSA package overrides the "tsdiag" function in
the "stats" package. There are a few annoying bugs in the TSA's version of
the function so I would like to use the "stats" function but still have
access to other TSA functions. I have tried usin...
2004 Nov 15
tsdiag() titles
I am using the ts package to fit ARIMA models, and the tsdiag() function to
plot diagnostics. In doing so I'm generating an awful lot of diagnostic
plots of different models and different data sets all within the same R
session. So my question is, is there an option in tsdiag() similar to
<main="Title"> that I can use? This would be qui...
2019 Jun 04
tsdiag should pass the fitdf parameter to Box.test
Dear Everyone,
The document of `tsdiag? says
> These tests are sometimes applied to the residuals from an ARMA(p, q) fit, in which case the references suggest a better approximation to the null-hypothesis distribution is obtained by setting fitdf = p+q, provided of course that lag > fitdf.
This implies that we should pass the `f...
2003 Aug 11
tsdiag and tsStructure for np,ns,nt and nl determination
Hi R-Helpers,
I'm dealing with the STL procedure and trying to apply the tsdiag and
StructTS onto the ts object to analyse the different parameters which
need to be set. How can I use the tsStructure & tsdiag to create a
seasonal, trend and cycle subseries plot so that I can select & analyse
the correct np,ns, nt and nl?
The problem is that too much signal goes into t...
2010 Jul 22
HI list,
I want to know whether tsdiag uses k-(p+q) as the lag in ljung box
test. How is it possible to save those values
Research Scientist
National Center for Antarctic and Ocean research
Head land Sada
Vasco da Gamma
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Feb 03
Time series plots with ggplot
I am newbie user of ggplot and would like some assistance in
implementing time series plots.
I'd like to know how the tsdiag plot can be made in ggplot?
Harsh Singhal
Decisions Systems,
Mu Sigma Inc.
2011 Feb 25
time series with NA - acf - tsdiag - Ljung-Box
Hi all,
I am modelling a time series with missing data.
*Q1)* However, I am not sure if I should use the next *graphics* to
understand my data:
*a)* ACF & PACF (original series)
*b)* ACF & PACF (residuals)
* *
*Q2)* I am using *tsdiag*, so I obtain a graphic with 3 plots: stand.
residuals vs time; acf for residuals; Ljung-Box for residuals (it is wrong
for residuals).
I know that using Box.test with type Ljung-Box, I can specify a correct df
to my estimated model (fitdf = p + q). So, I could do this test with
different lags, eva...
2010 Aug 30
How to Remove Autocorrelation from Simple Moving Average time series
...g seasonal ARIMA like,
data <- rnorm(252)
arima=arima(sma_data,c(0,0,0),seasonal = list(order = c(0, 0,n)));tsdiag(arima,100);arima$aic;
But is there any easy way that we can do in excel?? (Like differencing, dummy variable approach etc)
Thanks and Regards,
Ramesh Kallol | Amba Research
Ph +91 80 3980 8467 | Mob +91 9019720734
Bangalore * Colombo * London * New York * San José * Singapore * www...
2009 Oct 14
"Error: testing 'stats' failed" - R 2.9.2 on Linux
> > (fit <- StructTS(trees, type = "level"))
> Call:
> StructTS(x = trees, type = "level")
> Variances:
> level epsilon
> 0.0003700 0.0719877
> > plot(trees)
> > lines(fitted(fit), col = "green")
> > tsdiag(fit)
> >
> > (fit <- StructTS(log10(UKgas), type = "BSM"))
> Error in optim(init[mask], getLike, method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = rep(0, :
> non-finite value supplied by optim
> Calls: StructTS -> optim
> Execution halted
I'll be happy to supp...
2004 Jul 21
Testing autocorrelation & heteroskedasticity of residuals in ts
I'm dealing with time series. I usually use stl() to
estimate trend, stagionality and residuals. I test for
normality of residuals using shapiro.test(), but I
can't test for autocorrelation and heteroskedasticity.
Is there a way to perform Durbin-Watson test and
Breusch-Pagan test (or other simalar tests) for time
I find dwtest() and bptest() in the package lmtest,
but it
2012 Mar 29
how to increase speed for function?/time efficiency of below function
if (d==0 & D>0)
fitit=arima(data, order=c(p,d,q), seasonal=list(order=c(P,D,Q),
if (S < 0) goof=20 else goof=3*S
list(fit=fitit, AIC=AIC, AICc=AICc, BIC=BIC)
2010 May 25
summary of arima model in R
I want to give a summary or anova for "arima" model in R, as
"summary", and "anova" for "lm".
As including various intervention factors in arima(xreg = ) part, I
want to assess the significancy of thse factors.
I can do it using interrupted analysis of time series by linear
regression, but want to see whether arima model works for the data
2002 Sep 23
arima() in package ts.
...of the standard deviation of
the residuals. But if I do
flh <- arima(lh, order = c(3,0,0))
I get 0.1824616, not (something close to) 1 as I would have expected.
And flh$sigma2 is 0.1786603 --- which is pretty close to the
foregoing value given by var().
Also I note that tsdiag.Arima creates
rs <- object$resid
stdres <- rs/sqrt(object$sigma2)
i.e. it undertakes ``standardization''.
So it looks to me as if the residuals component is NOT
``standardized''? Am I correct?
(2) How is sigma2 calculated? The help says that it is
the MLE of sigma-squa...
2007 Mar 13
AR(1) and gls
Hi there,
I am using gls from the nlme library to fit an AR(1) regression model.
I am wondering if (and how) I can separate the auto-correlated and random
components of the residuals? Id like to be able to plot the fitted values +
the autocorrelated error (i.e. phi * resid(t-1)), to compare with the
observed values.
I am also wondering how I might go about calculating confidence (or
2010 Aug 04
Maximum seasonal 'q' parameter
...Seems like the maximum seasonal 'q' parameter for the ?arima is 350. Any
way, where we can increase this? Since I am working on 3 year (q=252*3)
and 5 year(q=252*5) returns, I may require this option. Thanks.
> fit=arima(r,c(3,0,0),seasonal = list(order = c(0, 0, 500), period =
Error in makeARIMA(trarma[[1L]], trarma[[2L]], Delta, kappa) :
maximum supported lag is 350
This e-mail may contain confidential and/or privileged i...{{dropped:13}}
2011 Jul 01
How to fit ARMA model
I am having some problems with fitting an ARMA model to my time series data
(randomly generated numbers). The thing is I have tried many packages
[tseries, fseries, FitARMA etc.] and all of them giving very different
results. I would appreciate if someone could post here what the best package
is for my purpose.
Also, after having done the fitting, I would like to check for the model's
2009 Jul 29
Determination of lag value for Box.test
I saw that tsdiag function doesn't provide a correct result for Ljung-Box
test. I want to use Box.test function for this, but I don't know how to
determine lag parameter for this function.
For fitdf, as I'm using a SARIMA model (0,1,1)(0,1,1)12, I decided to set it
to 2.
Can you confirm me the value fo...
2002 Sep 20
problem with make on sparc solaris 8 ( R-1.6.0beta_2002-09-18.tar.gz)
This is something that I have not seen in earlier beta versions of 1.6.0:
ts.plot text html latex example
ts.union text html latex example
tsSmooth text html latex
tsdiag text html latex example
R_LIBS= ../../../bin/R CMD INSTALL
ERROR: no packages specified
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `_tgz.ts'
Current working directory
*** Error code 1 (...
2009 Oct 27
Non-normal residuals.
I asked a question about what the most likely process to follow if after a time-series fit is performed the residuals are found to be non-normal. One peron responded and offered to help if I supplied a sample data set. Unfortunately now that I have a sample I have lost the emai addressl. If you are that person or have some ideas please email me back at rkevinburton at charter.net.