Displaying 8 results from an estimated 8 matches for "truncgof".
2009 May 31
Bug in truncgof package?
Dear R-helpers,
I was testing the truncgof CRAN package, found something that looked
like a bug, and did my job: contacted the maintainer. But he did not
reply, so I am resending my query here.
I installed package truncgof and run the example for function ad.test. I
got the following output:
treshold <- 10
xc <- rlnor...
2012 Jun 03
Bug in truncgof package?
Dear Carlos, Duncan and everyone
You may have already sorted the matter by now, but since I have not seen
anything posted since Duncan's reply, here I go. I apologize in advance
for the spam, if it turns out I've missed some post.
I think the test and the implementation of the truncgof package are just
fine. I've done Carlos' experiment (repeatedly generating samples and
testing them with AD) and the test never rejected the null hypothesis.
@Carlos: in the first piece of code you are using ad.test (> ad.test(xt,
"plnorm", list(meanlog = 2, sdlog = 2), H = 10...
2007 May 02
KS test pvalue estimation using mctest (library truncgof)
I'm trying to evaluate a Monte Carlo p-value (using truncgof package) on
a left truncated sample.
>From an empirical sample I've estimated a generalized pareto
distribution parameters (xi, beta, threshold) (I've used fExtremes pkg).
I'm in doubt on what of the following command is the most appropriate:
2012 Jul 30
curve comparison
Dear R users,
I have seven regression lines I´d like to compare, in order to find out if
these are significatively different. The main problem is that these are
curves, non normal, non homogeneous data, I´ve tried to linearize them but
it has not worked. So I´d like to know if you know any command or source in
R which explains how to perform this kind of comparison.
Thanks in advance for your
2006 May 17
Non-ASCII chars in R code
...ot be displayed on many R platforms and it seems
incorrect to allow French messages and not Japanese ones.
The packages currently throwing warnings are
FactoMineR FunCluster JointGLM LoopAnalyst Sciviews ade4 adehabitat ape
climatol crossdes deal grasper irr lsa mvrpart pastecs sn surveillance
Brian D. Ripley, ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Professor of Applied Statistics, http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
University of Oxford, Tel: +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UK Fax: +...
2008 Feb 15
tests of lognormal distribution
What I want to do is
1) to test if my dataset is a lognormal distribution or not (Histogram shows
a nice normal distribution in log scale but I want to check)
2) two subsets from this dataset have same mean or not (like "t test" of
normal distribution)
What I tried are
1) ad.test{truncgof} of R, which is a "Supremum Class Anderson-Darling test"
but I got error message.
What I had problems are
1) Memory error happen with error message of "cannot allocate vector of size
1.0GB" and I cannot increase the computer spec.
2) I don't know what is "t test"...
2007 Mar 26
Problem in loading all packages all at once
2015 Jan 28
Ajuste con exponencial
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