Displaying 20 results from an estimated 174 matches for "tropics".
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2020 Oct 08
RStudio question
I'm solving the following problem: Create a variable (column) in the ?wf?
dataframe named ?Zone? that takes value of ?tropic? if Latitude is less
than or equal to 30, or ?non-tropic? for Latitude greater than 30. Show you
Zone variable. Latitude is a column of my dataframe. I don't know the
sintaxis and the process to create the column.
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Aug 15
[Bug 53519] New: Missing bits of geometry in Unigine tropics
Bug #: 53519
Summary: Missing bits of geometry in Unigine tropics
Classification: Unclassified
Product: Mesa
Version: git
Platform: Other
OS/Version: All
Status: NEW
Severity: minor
Priority: medium
Component: Drivers/DRI/nouveau
AssignedTo: nouveau at lists.freedesktop.o...
2014 Mar 07
Abril Pro Ruby 2014 - The Tropical Ruby Conference
Hello everybody,
On April 24th to 27th the biggest Ruby Conference on the Northeast of
Brazil will be happening, Abril Pro Ruby <http://abrilproruby.com/>. We
would like to invite you to be part of the event and share you experiences
with great rubists from all over the world in Porto de Galinhas, very close
to Recife.
Speakers from everywhere are already confirmed to the event. Take a
2007 Apr 04
transition matrices
I am working with transition matrices of sequences of animal
behaviours. What I would like to do is parse the original matrices,
adjusting row/column order so that the matrix has its main values in blocks
surrounding the diagonal. This would cause behaviours involved in
functional groupings (e.g. grooming, resting, foraging etc) to appear as
This can be done manually by applying
2007 Jan 01
if ... problem with compound instructions
I am having problems with the 'if' syntax.
I have an n x 4 matrix, X say. The first two columns hold x, y values and
I am attempting to fill the second two columns with the quadrant in which
the datapoint (x, y) is and with the heading angle.
So I have two problems
1) how to do this elegantly (at which I've failed as I can't seem to
vectorize the problem) and
2) how to
2007 Dec 20
Dear all,
I'm trying to estimate the parameters of a special case of a poisson
model, where the specified equation has an integral and several fixed
I think that the MLE command in STATS4 package could be a good choice,
but it's a little complicated. I've got some problems with the offset
and I don't understand some of the functions. Do you know where can I
find some
2010 Feb 24
Remove missing observations
Hi everyone
I have the following problem: My dataframe has 3 variables: ID, Year and
and an outcome variable. The dataframe contains repeated measurements
because the subjects filled out a questionnaire every year. The time span
covers 2 years.
Now I want to check if there is a significant change in the outcome over
the 2 years with a paired wilcox.test. The problem: Not every subject
2007 Oct 03
Windows OS, R and unicode
I'm trying to use the biological female and male signs in R2.5.1 under
Windows XP. I can access and insert these symbols using word-processors.
In general these should be available as \u2640 and \u2642 but I can't
make them happen in R using (say) text(5,5, "\u2640") message "invalid
\uxxxx sequence"
I've replaced Arial with Arial unicode MS in Rdevga and
2011 Sep 30
need help on forest plot with ggplot
Dear R users,
I am trying to do the forest plot follow the function given on web. However,
the order of the tests has been sorted alphabetically. I would prefer
keeping the order as data frame input so that I can group and compare (from
the graph) the target immune NS1, IgG and IgM (where SD, BioRad, Pb etc are
the brand names)
> d
x y ylo yhi
2010 Jul 27
Eval() or parse() do not work inside function
I am writing a function where the arguments are names of objects or variable
names in a data frame. To convert the strings to the objects I am using
However running this returns an error:
2012 Sep 02
why variations in accuracy between R to ARCGIS for the same point reprojection?
and then reprojecting it to Berhmann with:
spPointReprj=spTransform(Data,CRS("+proj=cea +lon_0=0 +lat_ts=30
+x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84"))
If I put the two outputs of the reprojections in the same map, they
are off by few meters in the tropics by up to 40km in the poles.
I decided to investigate how the reprojections are done and my
calculations are different from both R and ArcGis:
First, I calculated the radious of the Earth in two different ways:
=Re * (1 - e^2)/ (1 - e^2 *SIN(RADIANS(Latitude))^2)^(3/2)
=Re * SQRT(1 - e^2) / (1 -...
2007 Sep 05
ecological meaning of randomForest vegetation classification?
Hi, everyone,
I haven't found anything similar in the forum, so here's my problem (I'm no
expert in R nor statistics):
I have a data set of 59.000 cases with 9 variables each (fractional
coverage of 9 different plant types, such as deciduous broad-leaved
temperate trees or evergreen tropical trees etc.), which was generated by a
vegetation model.
In order to evaluate the quality of
2008 Sep 24
climatological standard deviation- (question re-posted)
Sorry for re-posting the question, I did not get any reply.
Kindly reply please if any one can.
Hello R users,
I have a montly time series over a several year period.
It's easy to compute a monthly climatology (12 values), Now, I would like to
calculate the corresponding standard deviation, ie the 12 values
calculated from the january values, february values, etc.
What's the best way
2011 May 03
Visiting Researcher, species distribution modelling, Cali, Colombia
Dear All,
The Decision and Policy Analysis (DAPA) program of the International Center
for Tropical
Agriculture (CIAT), a not-for-profit agriculture, biodiversity and
ecosystems research center,
supported by the Consultative Group of International Agricultural Research
(CGIAR), with
headquarters in Cali, Colombia is looking for a visiting researcher to work
on various modeling
projects, primarily
2007 Feb 19
need help in reading TOMS observed ASCII data file
Hello R Users,
I am new to R.
I have two data sets i) TOMS aerosol optical depth(AOD) and ii) TOMS
> AOD data is on 1x1 grid and O3 data is on 5x5 grid.
> First I want to read AOD and O3 as it is and then I want to regrid AOD on
> 5x5 grid as O3.
> Reading is first problem.
> AOD data is in following format:
2009 Feb 02
logLik for poisson models
Dear all,
I have a very basic question:
how does the logLik function work for poisson models?
I simulate 20 observations from a Poisson distribution with mean 800.
y <- rpois(20,800)
model <- glm(y ~ 1, family=poisson())
I would like to know what's the exact formula the function logLik uses.
I looked at ?extractAIC but I cannot sort it out.
Can you please
2003 Dec 05
Odds ratios for categorical variable
Dear R-users:
How does one calculate in R the odds ratios for a CATEGORICAL predictor
variable that has 4 levels. I see r-help inquiries regarding odds ratios
for what looked like a continuous predictor variable. I was wondering how
to get the pairwise odds ratios for comparisons of levels of a categorical
predictor variable. I can't seem to get the correct output using:
2007 Nov 26
Preserving output of MCMC iterations
Dear colleagues,
I'm an epidemiologist with no background in programming and just
started using R a few weeks ago. I am working on the epidemiology of
African sleeping sickness, and am trying to use R to perform a Monte
Carlo Markov Chain analysis to estimate three unknown parameters within
a model of African sleeping sickness case detection that is mainly
informed by actual field programme
2002 Mar 28
Is it possible to do Ripley's K and L functions analysis with R?
Dear friends,
I am studying the spatial distribution of trees in
a tropical swamp forest in Brazil, and the spatial
association between the trees and other forest and non
forest elements. These are point pattern analysis of
mapped data, preferentially done with the L function
of Ripley.
I have recently discovererd the R-project and would
like to know whether it is possible to do these
2009 Nov 05
new help pages in R 2.10.0
Dear R-users,
I've just installed the last version of R (2.10.0) in Windows and found a completely new version of the help pages.
Basically, they now appear as a simple (even if slightly embellished) text file.
I tried to install it with a customized startup and realized that the old CHM files (the default for Windows up to 2.9.2) are not included anymore as a possible choice.
I don't