search for: trawls

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 214 matches for "trawls".

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2011 Jul 12
Connecting to Empress DB using RODBC
Hi there, I am using the RODBC library to connect to an Empress database. I have installed the ODBC data source with the server DNs number and port, and named the source "Trawl". It is the odbcDriverConnect that seems to have the problem, and I suspect one of the settings in my Data Source is wrong, or that my syntax to identify the database is wrong. I have not set CodeSet or ODBC
2006 Mar 15
filtering in aggregate
Hello all, I have a data frame with year, month, species, fishing gear and catch (Y, M, S, F, C) and I want the sum of C by Y for species "A" and fishing gear "trawl". I tried things like aggregate(C[S=="A" & F=="trawl"], list (Year = Y[S=="A" & F=="trawl"]), fun=sum), but it didn't worked. To overcome this problem I did
2012 Feb 15
matching a sequence in a vector?
Hi All, I've been trawling through the documentation and listserv archives on this topic -- but as yet have not found a solution. I'm sure this is pretty simple with R, but I cannot work out how without resorting to ugly nested loops. As far as I can tell, grep, match, and %in% are not the correct tools. Question: given these vectors -- patrn <- c(1,2,3,4) exmpl <-
2010 Sep 08
Change plot order in lattice xyplot
Greetings, I am writing with a question regarding plotting using the xyplot command in lattice. I currently have the commands shown below, but I need to produce a plot that orders the Month variable differently. I was told to use the lattice.options command (shown below) to change the plot order, and this helped by starting the plot at a point other than the bottom-left origin, but this did not
2008 Aug 13
conditional IF with AND
Hi everyone, I'm trying to create an "if" conditional statement with two conditions, whereby the statement is true when condition 1 AND condition 2 are met: code structure: if ?AND? (a[x,y] <condition1>, a[x,y] <condition2>) I've trawled through the help files, but I cannot find an example of the syntax for incorporating an AND in a conditional IF statement.
2013 Mar 28
Protect Icecast Admin/Run on different port?
Hi list, We're new to Icecast and we're looking at securing the admin functions. I've trawled the docs but it's not clear to me if we are able to run this on a different TCP port to the streams themselves. Has anyone with a little more experience any insight into this? Thanks, David.
2006 Sep 26
putting stuff into bins...
Hi All, I have a vector of data, a vector of bin breakpoints and I want to put my data in the bins and then extract fanciful informations like the mean value of each bin. I know I can write my own function, but I would have thought that R should have somewhere a function that took as arguments something like (data, breaks, what to do with the data in the bins). I surey could not find it
2016 Jul 14
How to GSSAPI/Kerberos authenticate with Dovecot [formerly Where is krb5.keytab or equivalent?]
On Thu, 2016-07-14 at 22:05 +0100, Rowland penny wrote: > On 14/07/16 21:52, Andrew Bartlett wrote: > >  > > Rowland: > > > > Running samba-tool domain exportkeytab for a specific user is quite > > a > > reasonable thing to do, and is entirely sensible to recommand as > > part > > of adding a new user with an SPN.  They keytab can then be
2003 Jan 29
calling sweave function from latex
System info: Mandrake 9.0 R Version 1.6.1 ESS 5.1.21 Emacs 21.2.1 ------------------- Colleagues I've been calling R-code embedded in my LaTex document using Sweave, but would like to make things more convenient. At present as I understand it you first process the R chunks of code using the Sweave function called from within R to process a "precursor file" e.g. foo.sw to get a
2003 Jan 29
calling sweave function from latex
System info: Mandrake 9.0 R Version 1.6.1 ESS 5.1.21 Emacs 21.2.1 ------------------- Colleagues I've been calling R-code embedded in my LaTex document using Sweave, but would like to make things more convenient. At present as I understand it you first process the R chunks of code using the Sweave function called from within R to process a "precursor file" e.g. foo.sw to get a
2017 Oct 06
My sub-folder with Outlook work-around to date
...then create actual e-mail folders under the "Rentals" Linux directory as such. With Outlook 2013 and 2016 this seems to have stopped working and so I implemented a work-around where the user creates a normal folder, example "Rentals++", and I have written a cron script that trawls the $HOMEs each minute and if it finds a folder with a "++" at the end, it creates the folder as a directory, so: /u/home/someuser/mail/Rentals++ becomes: /u/home/someuser/mail/Rentals/ and adds this new subscription to their .subscription folder. It also sends an e-mail to the use...
2009 Jul 09
executing an error prone function without stopping a script
Dear R Users, I've used this a long time ago but have forgotten. Trawling aroung the various sources somehow does not lead me to it. How can I execute an error prone function without stopping a script if it goes wrong ? Thanks in advance, Tolga This email is confidential and subject to important disclaimers and conditions including on offers for the purchase or sale of securities, accuracy
2006 Feb 20
Boxplot Help for Neophyte
R helpers I am getting to grips with R but came across a small problem today that I could not fix by myself. I have 3 text files, each with a single column of data. I read them in using: myData1<-scan("C:/Program Files/R/myData1.txt") myData2<-scan("C:/Program Files/R/myData2.txt") myData3<-scan("C:/Program Files/R/myData3.txt") I wanted to produce a
2016 Jul 16
How to GSSAPI/Kerberos authenticate with Dovecot [formerly Where is krb5.keytab or equivalent?]
On 15/07/16 08:17, Rowland penny wrote: > On 15/07/16 00:34, Andrew Bartlett wrote: >> On Thu, 2016-07-14 at 22:05 +0100, Rowland penny wrote: >>> On 14/07/16 21:52, Andrew Bartlett wrote: >>>> Rowland: >>>> >>>> Running samba-tool domain exportkeytab for a specific user is quite >>>> a >>>> reasonable thing to do, and
2011 Dec 16
DNS update failed! - Samba 3 joining Samba 4 AD Domain
Hi All, I've got samba4 set up as AD domain controller (from latest git), works fine. I'm now attemptng to use a separate samba 3 box as the file server (as I'm assuming this is current best practice?) but when joining the domain (which succeeds) I get the message 'DNS update failed!'. I've seen a lot of issues with this whilst trawling the net but no solutions.
2013 Feb 07
help with creating new variables using a loop
Hi there, I've got a set of 10 numeric variables called Mood1 to Mood10 in a dataset called mood. I'm trying to create a set of 10 new variables called m1 to m10 so that m1=Mood1*1, m2=Mood2*2, etc to m10=Mood10*10 Trawling through the internet, I eventually tried the following code: for (i in 1:10){ assign(x=paste0("mood$m",i),
2016 Jul 12
Enforcing password history policy on password resets
Hi there, We are using Samba as a user directory for our application. Passwords are stored in unicodePwd attribute, and our application resets passwords through LDAP (without the knowledge of the previous password, because it's an email-based reset). Unfortunately resetting it like this prevents the "password history" policy enforcement. This is a security problem that will come up
2008 Dec 03
Making a picture that is wide and small height
How do I make a picture that is a horizontal strip? I tried > plot(x=c(1,2,3,4),y=c(1,1,1,1)) #works but screen image is square. > pdf("ratio.pdf",height=1,width=6) > plot(x=c(1,2,3,4),y=c(1,1,1,1)) I got the following error message: Error in : figure margins too large Is it possible to produce an on-screen picture that is a horizontal strip? (I use Mac Os X
2013 Mar 29
Error message in dredge function (MuMIn package) used with binary GLM
Hi all, I'm having trouble with the model generating 'dredge' function in the MuMIn 'Multi-model Inference' package. Here's the script: globalmodel<- glm(TB~lat+protocol+tested+ streams+goats+hay+cattle+deer, family="binomial") chat<- deviance(globalmodel)/59 #There we 59 residual degrees of freedom in this global model. models<- dredge(globalmodel,
2008 Dec 22
Install app_rxfax and app_txfax in 1.4withLenny
...described in the README file ;). SpanDSP - 0.0.4 pre 16 LibTiff - >= 3.8 but <4.0 I had to trawl around for the right SpanDSP - but I can e-mail a copy to whomever wants one (drop me a personal e-mail and I'll attach it by return) HTH Andy -----Original Message----- From: asterisk-users-bounces at [mailto:asterisk-users-bounces at] On Behalf Of