search for: transfromation

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20 matches for "transfromation".

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2009 Feb 24
Syntax in taking log to transfrom the data to fit Gaussian distribution
Hi, I have a data set (weight) that does not follow the Gaussian (Normal) distribution. However, I have to transform the data before applying the Gaussian distribution. I used this syntax and used log(weight) as: posJy.model<-glm(log(weight) ~ factor(pos), family=gaussian(link='identity'), subset=Soil=="Jy"). This syntax COULD NOT transform the data. But if I transform the
2003 Sep 24
data.frame with duplicated id's
Hi, is there a exstisting function (..i found nothing until now.) what makes it possible transfrom a dataset: ID AGE V.MAI V.JUNE 11 20 100 120 12 30 200 90 into ID AGE V 11 20 100 11 20 120 12 30 200 12 30 90 ,or have i to programm ths my self? Thanks for any comment, help and/or starting point. regards,christian
2015 Aug 29
LLVM compiling
2015-08-29 14:45 GMT+08:00 Martell Malone <martellmalone at>: > Why are there two ways to compile LLVM? >> make and cmake! >> What's the difference of those two ways? > > > make and cmake are used together not separately. > cmake is a high level generator that creates a makefile for make > > I compile llvm according to this website(
2007 Jan 23
"tapply" and "data.frame"?
I want to transform the data by "tapply" to one dataframe. But I can not get it. For example: > tst=tapply(point,pp,length) > tst[1:10] p1 p10 p100 p1000 p1001 p1002 p1003 p1004 p1005 p1006 1 5 1 8 6 5 8 7 4 4 > # I try to transform it > res[1:10,] p1 p10 p100 p1000 p1001 p1002 p1003 p1004 p1005 p1006 1 5 1 8 6 5
2014 Mar 06
Fail to convert LXC container configuration into a domain XML fragment
Hi, all, I used lxc-tools to create a linux container. I am trying to transfrom LXC container configuration into a domain XML fragment using the following command: *$ virsh -c lxc:/// domxml-from-native lxc /var/lib/lxc/my_conatiner/config* However, I get the error message, error: this function is not supported by the connection driver: virConnectDomainXMLFromNative It seems that
2005 Jun 01
many chr2factors ?
Hi, i would like transfrom characters from a data.frame to factors automatic. > tofac <- function(df){ + i=0 + repeat{ + i <- i+1 + if(!is.character(df[,i])) + next + df[,i] <- as.factor(df[,i]) + print(i) + if(i == length(df)) + break } + } > > tofac(abrdat) [1] 7 [1] 8 [1] 9 [1] 11 [1] 13 [1] 15 Error in "[.data.frame"(df, , i) : undefined columns selected This
2004 Sep 10
24-bit audio?
According to : "FLAC supports from 4 to 32 bits per sample. Currently the reference encoder and decoders only support up to 24 bits per sample. " This is why I'm confused. I though one of the benefits of FLAC was it's ability to encode in word lengths longer than 16 bits. MW -----Original Message----- From:
2004 Nov 17
R: log-normal distribution and shapiro test
Hi, from what you're writing: "The logaritmic transformation "shapiro.test(log10(y))" says: W=0.9773, p-value= 2.512e-05." it seems the log-values are not distributed normally and so original data are not distributed like a log-normal: the p-value is extremally small! Other tests for normality are available in package: nortest compare the log-transformation of your ecdf
2009 Dec 26
[LLVMdev] "Graphite" for llvm
Hi ether, On 12/26/09 13:06, ether zhhb wrote: > hi, > > dose anyone going/planning to add something like > Graphite( in gcc to llvm(or that > should be implement at the level of clang?)? I already looked into implementing something like Graphite for LLVM. However just recently, so I have not released any code yet. As soon as some code is
2003 Nov 10
animated plot
Dear colleagues, Is there any way of saving an animated plot with R? For instance, any format that could be read by Microsoft windows media or whatever. Cheers, Jesus
2004 Oct 20
[LLVMdev] Re: LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Tutorial
...rget-independent representation is very valuable and important for software compilation. However, when we are doing high-level synthesis (also called behavioral/architectural synthesis), the targeting architecture is also changing. That is, we need to do architecture exploration and the IR transfromation simultaneously. For example, after a particular pass, we may need 4 ALUs to execute the program, under a certain latency constraint; then, after another optimization pass, we may end up with only 3 ALUs. The instruction-to-ALU binding will be different after this pass. The samething could happen...
2009 Aug 08
[PATCH] pxe: fix OACK packet handling
The current code only works iff the tsize option is set. This patch fixes the handling of the OACK packet and makes the code work with all combinations of the tsize and blksize options. Signed-off-by: Sebastian Herbszt <herbszt at> diff --git a/core/pxe.c b/core/pxe.c index 81d3e23..a4b8a14 100644 --- a/core/pxe.c +++ b/core/pxe.c @@ -913,8 +913,10 @@ static void pxe_searchdir(char
2015 Aug 29
LLVM compiling
Why are there two ways to compile LLVM? make and cmake! What's the difference of those two ways? - mudongliang
2009 Dec 27
[LLVMdev] "Graphite" for llvm
hi Tobi , that sounds greate :D On 2009-12-27 5:43, Tobias Grosser wrote: > I already looked into implementing something like Graphite for LLVM. > However just recently, so I have not released any code yet. As soon as > some code is available I will post patches. whats its status? do you need any help? > A general plan to implement polyhedral transformations in LLVM: > > 1.
2005 Jan 11
Kolmogorov-Smirnof test for lognormal distribution with estimated parameters
Hello all, Would somebody be kind enough to show me how to do a KS test in R for a lognormal distribution with ESTIMATED parameters. The R function ks.test()says "the parameters specified must be prespecified and not estimated from the data" Is there a way to correct this when one uses estimated data? Regards, Kwabena. -------------------------------------------- Kwabena Adusei-Poku
2004 Oct 21
[LLVMdev] Re: LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Tutorial
...and of course the passes for the two IRs are largely distinct. >     However, when we are doing high-level synthesis (also called > behavioral/architectural synthesis), > the targeting architecture is also changing. That is, we need to do > architecture exploration > and the IR transfromation simultaneously. For example, after a > particular pass, we may need 4 > ALUs to execute the program, under a certain latency constraint; > then, after another optimization pass, > we may end up with only 3 ALUs. The instruction-to-ALU binding will > be different after this pass....
2004 Oct 20
[LLVMdev] Re: LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Tutorial
Yiping, Could you describe in a little more detail what your goals are? I agree with Reid and Misha that modifying the instruction definition is usually not advisable but to suggest alternatives, we would need to know more. Also, for some projects it could make sense to change the instruction set. --Vikram On Oct 20, 2004, at 2:41 PM,
2009 Dec 29
[LLVMdev] "Graphite" for llvm
On 12/27/09 10:18, ether wrote: > hi Tobi , > > that sounds greate :D > > On 2009-12-27 5:43, Tobias Grosser wrote: >> I already looked into implementing something like Graphite for LLVM. >> However just recently, so I have not released any code yet. As soon as >> some code is available I will post patches. > whats its status? do you need any help? Very
2004 Oct 20
[LLVMdev] Re: LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Tutorial
On Wed, Oct 20, 2004 at 11:59:45AM -0700, Yiping Fan wrote: > Yeah. We need to have more extra fields in the instruction. Fo > example, during high-level synthesis, we must schedule an instruction > to a certain control step (or cycle), and bind it to be execute on a > certain functional unit, etc. Since we're talking about "execution" and "scheduling", you
2013 Apr 22
Multiple lon lat points in the map with ggplot2
Hello R users, For the last few days I am struggling with the following task: my data.frame: A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 58.81 53.292 54.501 13.013 17.39 19.407 56.02 56.251 54.033 20.099 13.15 10.411 55.376 53.099 57.625 13.396 21.031 13.22 58.584 53.194 54.218 13.038 16.854 19.289 55.7 55.921 53.847 19.942 13.153 9.828 55.093 52.934