search for: trainrf

Displaying 3 results from an estimated 3 matches for "trainrf".

2013 Feb 03
RandomForest, Party and Memory Management
...ease see how I am using the Party and RandomForest packages. Any comment is welcome and useful. myparty <- cforest(SalePrice ~ ModelID+ ProductGroup+ ProductGroupDesc+MfgYear+saledate3+saleday+ salemonth, data = trainRF, control = cforest_unbiased(mtry = 3, ntree=300, trace=TRUE)) rf_model <- randomForest(SalePrice ~ ModelID+ ProductGroup+ ProductGroupDesc+MfgYear+saledate3+saleday+ salemonth, data = trainRF,na.action = na.o...
2013 Mar 24
Parallelizing GBM
...amming. Most of the time, I rely or randomForest for data mining large datasets. I would like to give a try also to the gradient boosted methods in GBM, but I have a need for parallelization. I normally rely on for speed reasons, and I usually call it this way gbm_model <-,prices_train, offset = NULL, misc = NULL, distribution = "multinomial", w = NULL, var.monotone = NULL, n.trees = 50, interaction.depth = 5, n.minobsinnode = 10, shrinkage = 0.001, bag.fraction = 0.5, nTrain = (n_train/2), = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, var.names = NULL,
2013 Mar 24
Random Forest, Giving More Importance to Some Data
...s, ntree = rep(50, 4), .combine = combine, .packages = "randomForest") %dopar%{ sink("log.txt", append=TRUE) cat(paste("Starting iteration",iteration,"\n")) randomForest(trainRF, prices_train, ## mtry=20, nodesize=5, ## maxnodes=140, importance=FALSE, do.trace=10,ntree=ntree) ###########################################################################