Displaying 20 results from an estimated 37 matches for "tract".
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2010 Jun 21
Return value associated with a factor
I am using the code below to extract census tract information.
save.tract$state, save.tract$county and save.tract$tract are returned as
factors. In the last three statements, I need to save the actual value of
the factor, but, instead, the code is yielding the position of the factor.
How do I instead return the value of the factor?
2010 Mar 14
code rows depending on the value of other rows in multilevel dataframe
I have a multilevel dataframe (df):
ID Date Segment Slice Tract Lesion
1 CSPP005 12/4/2007 1 1 LCST 0
2 CSPP005 12/4/2007 1 1 LPC 2
3 CSPP005 12/4/2007 1 1 RPC 3
4 CSPP005 12/4/2007 1 1 RCST 1
5 CSPP005 12/4/2007 1 1 LGM 0
6 CSPP005 12/4/200...
2010 Nov 02
Using data( ) in a loop
I'm trying to generate 50+ graphs using the UScensus2000tract data. I
need to access the data for just about all of the states, so I was
hoping to create a simple loop that will take the relevant state from my
data and load the associated census data from the UScensus2000tract
package. Below is a sample of what I'm trying to do. Any suggestions
are mu...
2018 Mar 19
Labelling a fortified GADM map plotted with ggplot and geom_map
...ALSE 1 Alberta Alberta.1 132
-110.36250 60.00006 2 FALSE 1 Alberta Alberta.1 132
-110.35103 60.00006 3 FALSE 1 Alberta Alberta.1 132
and the data set "tract" is the map data without the "Number" variable.
I looked into working this out from by researching the geom_map function here: http://ggplot2.tidyverse.org/reference/geom_map.html
my code looks like this:
# get the raw map data
can_map <- getData('GADM', country = "CA...
2012 Aug 15
Obtaining census tract data from addresses
I have a bunch of street addresses that I want to obtain the census
tract data for. Is there any way I can do this in R?
Thank you,
Michael Leitson
Michael.Leitson at gmail.com
2024 Dec 06
Sum by group
I have population data (?totpopE?) at the census tract level (?GEOID?),
which are nested within Precincts (?Precinct?). Please see below my data
I used the code to sum population data per precinct:
inters <- inters %>%
group_by(Precinct) %>%
mutate(TotalPop = sum(totpopE)
However, said code produced too large sums beca...
2023 Oct 14
Create new data frame with conditional sums
...more efficient way to do it with cumsum(), though.
On Sat, Oct 14, 2023 at 12:53?AM Jason Stout, M.D. <jason.stout at duke.edu> wrote:
> This seems like it should be simple but I can't get it to work properly. I'm starting with a data frame like this:
> Tract Pct Totpop
> 1 0.05 4000
> 2 0.03 3500
> 3 0.01 4500
> 4 0.12 4100
> 5 0.21 3900
> 6 0.04 4250
> 7 0.07 5100
> 8...
2012 Sep 14
USCensus2000 package
Does anyone know the appropriate R code to obtain census tracts (tract
and block level) from addresses by using Zack Almquist's USCensus2000
Thank you,
Michael Leitson
Michael.Leitson at gmail.com
2003 Mar 24
negative binomial regression
I would like to know if it is possible to perform negative binomial
regression with rate data (incidence density) using the glm.nb (in
MASS) function.
I used the poisson regression glm call to assess the count of injuries
across census tracts. The glm request was adjusted to handle the data
as rates using the offset parameter since the population of census
tracts can vary by a factor of three.
eg. Call:
glm(formula = inj ~ lp + rdm, family = poisson(), data = ww,
offset = log(pop))
Deviance Residuals:
Min 1Q...
2023 Oct 13
Create new data frame with conditional sums
This seems like it should be simple but I can't get it to work properly. I'm starting with a data frame like this:
Tract Pct Totpop
1 0.05 4000
2 0.03 3500
3 0.01 4500
4 0.12 4100
5 0.21 3900
6 0.04 4250
7 0.07 5100
8 0.09 4700
9 0.0...
2007 Jan 15
Registry entries
Can anyone point me at a good doc on farting about with the registry?
Or do you feel like giving me the fool's guide?
I have large tracts of registry entries to stuff in, and adding them via
Edit/new in regedit is an absolute PITA and unworkably slow.
I have files from exported from a win98 registry (via windoze regedit)
with the correct info.
I need to add because programs are not finding installed packages.
Declan Mo...
2013 Jan 29
points rejected as lying outside the specified window
...e ppp files from csv data and map shape files, but I am getting some errors which I have been unable to fix by searching them online:
NYC2<-readShapePoly("nybb.shp") # this is a map of the NYC boroughs without waterways and no census tract divisions (but it does include lines separating the 5 boroughs)
NYBorough<-readShapePoly("NYBoroughsShapeMerge.shp") # this is a map of the NYC boroughs with census tract divisions
# my csv file contains 4 columns...
2011 Nov 07
help with programming
...lection and BIC criterions, to the Boston housing
> data.
The Boston housing data contains 506 observations, and is publicly
available in the R package mlbench (dataset “BostonHousing”).
The response variable Y is the median value of owner-occupied homes
(MEDV) in each of the 506 census tracts in the Boston Standard Metropolitan
Statistical Areas, and there are thirteen predictor variables.
We are interested in the relationship between MEDV and the other
predictor variables.
> Setup your parametric model and use rank-based regression methodology to
> select and estimate the p...
2004 Aug 06
Query r/e multiple decoder reset...
...status after encoding? It
would be nice if we could leave all the raw data processing within Speex,
all we're missing is a way to determine if a packet contained enough energy
to warrant transmission.
Finally - has anyone looked at or be able to point me to papers on
integration of vocal tract modeling into CELP systems? I'm very interested
in reproducing some of the intra-CODEC features we had at OnLive that
allowed primitive mouth placement from the audio stream. Its on our long
term target list, and I was curious if anyone had any suggestions...
<p>--- >8 -...
2023 Oct 15
Create new data frame with conditional sums
> On 2023-10-13 4:13 p.m., Jason Stout, M.D. wrote:
> > Caution: External email.
> >
> >
> > This seems like it should be simple but I can't get it to work properly. I'm starting with a data frame like this:
> >
> > Tract Pct Totpop
> > 1 0.05 4000
> > 2 0.03 3500
> > 3 0.01 4500
> > 4 0.12 4100
> > 5 0.21 3900
> > 6 0.04 4250
> > 7...
2023 Oct 14
Create new data frame with conditional sums
On 2023-10-13 4:13 p.m., Jason Stout, M.D. wrote:
> Caution: External email.
> This seems like it should be simple but I can't get it to work properly. I'm starting with a data frame like this:
> Tract Pct Totpop
> 1 0.05 4000
> 2 0.03 3500
> 3 0.01 4500
> 4 0.12 4100
> 5 0.21 3900
> 6 0.04 4250
> 7 0.07 5100
> 8...
2005 Jan 13
autocorrelation and levinson-durbin
...h it is typical to see one peak resonance for the fundamental frequency (typically 50-440Hz) and one additional peak per 1000Hz. From this we can see that the best order for an LPC speech model is based upon the bandwidth of the sampled audio. In speex linear prediction is used to model the vocal tract of the speaker.
For narrow-band mode we low-pass filter the speech to 4000Hz. Using our knowledge of speech we choose a suitable model of 5 poles (1 pole for the fundamental frequency and 4 poles for the vocal tract). Since each pole requires 2 coefficients we arrive at 10 LPC coefficients.
2006 Mar 30
Random Coefficients using coxme
...2 + V3 + V4 + (1 + V1 + V2|GROUP))
Can I do something like this, though correctly without getting the error
("Error in max(kindex) : object "kindex" not found")?
Mod2=coxme(Surv(YDAYS, Y) ~ V1 + V2 + V3 + V4, data=ds1, random=~1 + V1
The GROUP variable is a census tract, while V1 & V2 are individual-level
characteristics of people. Thanks in advance.
Mark Powers
mark.powers at illinois.gov
2002 Nov 21
Re: RArcInfo question(basic=T, newbie=T, annoying=T)
I'll post your question also to the R-help mailing list since I think
this can help to other RArcInfo users.
As I mentioned in the last release of the package, I have a tutorial
nearly finished. I hope to release it in the next days.
> I have downloaded an .e00 file of 2000 Census Tracts for the southern US
> State of Georgia, and I'm wondering which steps I need to go through to use
> RArcInfo on the data. If I can get to a plot today I'll be happy.
I've looked for the data you mentioned and I have downlowaded from
http://www.census.gov . It's a nice set...
2023 Oct 16
Create new data frame with conditional sums
Dear Jason,
The code could look something like:
dummyData = data.frame(Tract=seq(1, 10, by=1),
?? ?Pct = c(0.05,0.03,0.01,0.12,0.21,0.04,0.07,0.09,0.06,0.03),
?? ?Totpop = c(4000,3500,4500,4100,3900,4250,5100,4700,4950,4800))
# Define the cutoffs
# - allow for duplicate entries;
by = 0.03; # by = 0.01;
cutoffs <- seq(0, 0.20, by = by)
# Create a new column with cutof...