search for: tracktable

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2012 Aug 01
Efficient deterministic algorithm for Matching Weighted Graphs with bounded degree.
Hi Petr, The following is different line of thought which is posted in different form, maybe you have some wise input on it. "I need to find Efficient(tracktable) deterministic algorithm for Matching Weighted Graphs with bounded degree. Now we all know Graph matching is non-tractable but when degree of vertex has upper bound are there any tractable algorithm? Does this special case comes under 'Finite Parameter Tractability' ? Also we know that Gra...
2016 Jun 22
[GSoC 2016] Enabling Polyhedral Optimizations in Julia - Midterm Report
Dear Community, in an earlier post, students working on LLVM were asked to provide a short report on their GSoC project. in the following I want to give an overview on the current status of my GSoC project and outline my next planned activities. Since my mentoring organization is Julia, I also send this to the according mailing list. *1. Activities so far:* As described in my proposal [1], I