Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches for "tra".
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2011 Aug 17
contrast package with interactions in gls model
I try to explain the efffect of (1) forest where i took samples's soils (*
Lugar*: categorical variable with three levels), (2) nitrogen addition
treatments (*Tra*: categorical variable with two levels) on total carbon
concentration's soil samples (*C: *continue* *variable) during four months
of sampling (*Time:* categorical and ordered variable with four levels).
I fitted the following final model with gls function:
var1<-varIdent(form=~ 1| Lugar*...
2003 May 22
getGroups, nested mixed model
...into trouble. I think I have properly used the getGropus commad but seems to be a fatal error when calculating the fixed effects (see bellow) and I cannot understand why. Any inputs?
Thanks in advance,
hongos1=read.table("c:/temp/hongos1.txt", header=T)
> attach(hongos1)
> Tra=factor(Tra)
> Ind=factor(Ind)
> Rep=factor(Rep)
> names(hongos1)
[1] "Esp" "Tra" "Ind" "Rep" "Are" "Cre"
> hongos1$TraInd= getGroups(hongos1, form = ~1|Tra/Ind, level = 2)
> model=lme(Cre~Tra,random=~1|Tra/Ind/Rep)
> summ...
2008 Nov 11
Producing a matrix of values
I all
I am trying to create a matrix for a network diagram:
# 1. The following produces two dataframes. The table "place" is a
dataframe of all places made from "tra" a tracing table that has the
source place and destination place. The table "details" is a dataframe
of all source and destination properties.
2004 Jun 02
Manova and contrasts
Hi R-users
I'm trying to do multivariate analysis of variance of a experiment with
3 treatments, 2 variables and 5 replicates.
The procedure adopted in SAS is as follow, but I'm having difficulty in
to implement the contrasts for comparison of all treatments in R.
I have already read manuals and other materials about manova in R, but
nothing about specific contrasts were found in them, just regarding buit
contrasts, such as contr.helmert, contr.poly, contr.treatment and
contr.sum. How to get output similar to that fr...
2010 Oct 02
Possible Bug in Effects Package
Dear List,
I find Effects package very useful, but I believe I have found a bug in
allEffects function. Please consider the following code:
test <- data.frame(tries= round(runif(40, 5, 300)),
tra = gl(4, 10, labels = c("V", "D", "C", "L")),
prop= runif(40, 0, 1))
test$success <- round(with(test, tries*prop))
test$prop <- with(test, success/tries)
model <- glm( cbind(success, tries) ~ -1 + tra, data = test, family =
2008 Jul 17
ATI Radeon 9600 was working once but not anymore....why ? :(
I have been using Mandriva 2008.0 regularly since last Jan so I'm not very good. I have Tomb Raider Anniversary (TRA )and although i had to remove all the graphic options everytime it loads i.e. vsync shadow reflection and water effects, i could play it and i was happy.
After some time i had to stop because i had a problem with video codecs and i had to install/remove a lot of things to get what i needed and by t...
2005 Sep 12
Help with a more flexible funtion for multiple comparision of means
I'm needing only two informations: 'qduncan' and 'pduncan',
similar to already available in R 'qtukey' and 'ptukey'. The basic algorithm
implemented with SNK test will be used for Duncan test.
Below a sample:
a) Generating data and calling the function:
tra = gl(4, 5, label = c('A', 'B', 'C', 'D'))
blo = rep(1:5, 4)
pro = c(NA, 26, 20, 23, 21, 31, 25, 28, 27, 24, 22, 26, NA, 25, 29, 33, 29, 31,
34, NA)
x = aov(pro ~ tra) #or x= aov(pro ~ blo + tra)
res = mctm(x, which='tra', test='SNK', conf.level=...
2006 Mar 29
missing value replacement for test data in random forest
In R, how to do missing value replacement for test data in randome forest in the way Breiman decribed.
thanks in advance
2011 Mar 23
p and wald values intra-groups geeglm: geepack
I am trying to fit a GEE model with *geeglm* function. The model is the
Modelo<-geeglm(sqrt ~Tra+ Mes, id=Lugar , data=datos,
family=gaussian(identity), corstr="independence")
*Tra( is a experimental treatment, 2 levels)*, *Mes* (is the month of take
data, 4 levels) and *Lugar* (is the site of study, 3 levels) are categorical
variables and *sqrt* (sqrt of Total Carbon on soil) it...
2012 Aug 03
replacement has length zero. In addition: Warning message: In max(i) : no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
Here is my data, the first 10 rows
> u=regCond_all[1:10,]
> dput(u)
structure(c(999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999,
99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99,
99, 99, 99, 99, 1.9, 2, 1.97, 1.99, 1.83, 1.78, 1.6, 1.52, 1.52,
1.36, 10.53, 9.88, 9.88, 10.53, 10.53, 10.53, 5.26, 9.88, 10.53,
10.53, 5.4, 5.57, 5.46, 5.34, 5.5, 5.59, 5.62, 5.76, 6.23, 6.19,
2012 Jul 20
convert date to a factor
I would like to convert date as a factor to represent time in a repeated
measure situation in the following code. How would I do that?
> d <- read.csv(file.path(dataDir,"data.csv"), as.is=T,stringsAsFactors =
> d[1:2,]
id date a b c y
1 1 8/6/2008 Red 15 B 22
2 1 8/6/2008 Green 15 B
2017 Aug 22
store into mailbox 'Junk' aborted
I've just switch from procmail to pigeonhole, and I'm seeing an issue
(twice in six hours).
I have spamassisn running via postfix milter, and dropping off via main.cf
"mailbox_transport = lmtp:unix:/var/lib/imap/socket/lmtp"
The issue is that I get a sequence of these log messages:
Aug 21 19:43:59 lmtp(toppk): Debug: Junk: Mailbox opened because: lib-lda
Aug 21 19:43:59 lmtp(toppk): Debug: $MAILDIR/Junk: Mailbox opened because:
lib-lda delivery
Aug 21 19:43:...
2008 Jun 22
Xattrs and Delete over AFP
Hello group,
I have an OSX 10.3.9 Server that I'm trying to back up with rsync 3.0.2.
Since I didn't have any luck with the 10.3.9 patch and I do have 10.4 clients,
I decided to try running the backup over AFP (Apple's file sharing protocol).
I found a way to mount the AFP volume with root permissions and rsync 3.0.2
works very nicely using this on the 10.4 clients, preserving
2015 Sep 29
Fwd: buildbot failure in LLVM on clang-ppc64-elf-linux2
...;llvm.buildmaster at lab.llvm.org>
Date: Mon, Sep 28, 2015 at 11:17 PM
Subject: buildbot failure in LLVM on clang-ppc64-elf-linux2
To: Aaron Ballman <aaron at aaronballman.com>, Adrian Prantl <aprantl at apple.com>,
Andrew Kaylor <andrew.kaylor at intel.com>, Artem Belevich <tra at google.com>,
Artur Pilipenko <apilipenko at azulsystems.com>, Dan Gohman <
dan433584 at gmail.com>, Daniel Jasper <djasper at google.com>, Daniel Sanders <
daniel.sanders at imgtec.com>, David Blaikie <dblaikie at gmail.com>, Evgeniy
Stepanov <eugeni.stepanov...
2006 Apr 04
imaging and contouring
...ge() and map() and running the following function:
{ #d?finition de la fonction
a <- read.table(nomfichier) #lecture du fichier
z <- array(0,dim=c(long,lat)) #cr?ation d'un tableau de 0
z <- t(a) #transposition de la matrice a en z
z1<-rbind(z[65:long,],z[1:64,]) #centrage de la carte sur greenwich
nlat<-seq(-90,90,2.5) #d?finition des latitudes / ordonn?es de 2,5?
en 2,5?
nlong <- seq(-180,177.5,2.5) #d?finition des longitudes /abcisses de
2,5? en 2,5?
2017 Aug 22
store into mailbox 'Junk' aborted
...kenneth topp <toppk at bllue.org>:
>>I've just switch from procmail to pigeonhole, and I'm seeing an issue
>>(twice in six hours).
>>I have spamassisn running via postfix milter, and dropping off via
>>"mailbox_transport = lmtp:unix:/var/lib/imap/socket/lmtp"
>>The issue is that I get a sequence of these log messages:
>>Aug 21 19:43:59 lmtp(toppk): Debug: Junk: Mailbox opened because:
>>Aug 21 19:43:59 lmtp(toppk): Debug: $MAIL...
2006 Feb 14
ANOVA: Help with SSQ decomposition and contrasts
# Dear R list,
# A have a doubt about SSQ decomposition and contrasts with ANOVAs.
# So, I would like a tip from more advanced R users.
# Below my data, the basic script and my doubts:
# Data
r = paste('r', gl(3, 8), sep='')
e = paste('e', rep(gl(2, 4), 3), sep='')
tra = sort(paste('t', rep(1:6, 4), sep=''))
2006 Feb 16
SSQ decomposition and contrasts with ANOVA
Dear R list,
Please, could someone help me with SSQ decomposition and contrasts.
Below my data, graphic, ANOVAs and my doubt:
# Data
a = paste('a', gl(3, 8), sep='')
b = paste('b', gl(2, 4, 24), sep='')
tra = sort(paste('t', rep(1:6, 4), sep=''))
y = c(26.2, 26.0, 25.0, 25.4, 24.8, 24.6, 26.7, 25.2,
25.7, 26.3,...
2004 Oct 25
Fail in add user script
Dear all,
I have a problem with adduser script in smb.conf.
I traing to log in WinXP as a user from trusted domain. But it writes
me alwais this fail:
useradd: unable to lock password file
[2004/10/21 14:00:53, 3] auth/auth_util.c:smb_create_user(53)
smb_create_user: Running the command `/usr/sbin/useradd -m veronika'
gave 1
My add user script in smb.conf...
2012 Jul 17
NA instead of time stamp
I was wondering why I get <NA> instead of the timestamp in the following.
> dataDir <- file.path(wd)
> localRaw <- read.csv(file.path(dataDir,"LOCAL.csv"), as.is=T,stringsAsFactors
> localRaw[1:2,]
Year Month Day hour minute second Temp1mab Temp7mab Temp14mab Salinity1mab
1 2009 10 5 0 0 0 11.288 13.675 13.743 33.513