search for: topleft

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 180 matches for "topleft".

2011 Jul 13
Smart legend ???
Hi, all: Is there an automatic smart legend for R? Since my R code is running in a row, which will produce a bunch of R plots in a single run, some of the produced plots are really "ridiculous". Because my legend is fixed to "topleft", sometimes, which occludes the key parts of the figure/plots, but most of the time, the legend works just fine. I'm wondering is there a smart legend in R? Whenever I set "topleft" but occlude the actual plots, the smart legend may reset from "topleft" to "toprig...
2008 Oct 23
xy.coords in text
Hello, I want to add text annotation about correlation on "pairs" plots. I found that I could pass a function to the "panel" argument of pairs : panel.annot <- function(x, y, ...) { points(x, y, ...) c <- cor.test(x, y) legend("topleft", legend=substitute(rho == r, list(r=sprintf("%.2f", c$estimate))), bty="n") } And then : dat <- data.frame(a=rnorm(100), b=runif(100), c=runif(100)) # just random data pairs(dat, panel=panel.annot) It works fine. But what I plot is not really a legend, so I'...
2009 Aug 25
math symbol + value of a variable in legend.
Hi R users: I will like to have a legend with math symbols and also with the value of a variable. But I cannot obtain both at the same time (symbol + value of a variable): Here is a reproducible example: m1<-5 m2<-12 plot(1:5,1:5,type="n") legend("topleft",legend=c(paste(expression(mu),"=",m1),expression(paste(mu,"=",m2))),lty=1:2) Thank you for your help. Kenneth PD: Using R 2.9.2 on Linux ubuntu 2.6.28-15-generic #49-Ubuntu SMP Tue Aug 18 19:25:34 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linuxu
2009 Aug 25
math symbol + value of a variable in legend.
Hi R users: I will like to have a legend with math symbols and also with the value of a variable. But I cannot obtain both at the same time (symbol + value of a variable): Here is a reproducible example: m1<-5 m2<-12 plot(1:5,1:5,type="n") legend("topleft",legend=c(paste(expression(mu),"=",m1),expression(paste(mu,"=",m2))),lty=1:2) Thank you for your help. Kenneth PD: Using R 2.9.2 on Linux ubuntu 2.6.28-15-generic #49-Ubuntu SMP Tue Aug 18 19:25:34 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linuxu
2009 Dec 11
Array of legend text with math symbols from predefined variables
...xt in the legend, the following, although cumbersome, works for me: ? > LegendText = " 'U' [infinity], '=10 m/s' "?? # (read in from a file) ??> LegendName = paste("bquote(paste(",LegendText, "))") ? > plot( c(1,2,3), c(1,2,3) ) ? > legend(?topleft?,1, eval(parse(text=LegendName)) ) ?If I now have more than one line in a plot and hence want to include more than one line of legendtext, I run into problems because ? > legend(?topleft?,1, c( ?eval(parse(text=LegendName1)),eval(parse(text=LegendName2)) ?) will not result in evaluation of...
2011 Apr 29
Change the text size of the title in a legend of a R plot.
Hello, Is it possible to change the text size of the title in a legend of a R plot? I tried to directly change the title.cex argument but it seems not to work. Trying : Horizo <- c(1,2,6,10,20) legtext <- paste(Horizo,sep="") legend("topleft", legend=legtext,col=col,text.col=col,lwd=lwd, lty=lty,cex=1.1,ncol=3,title = "Horizons",title.col ="black",title.cex=1.4) gives the following error (sorry in french): Erreur dans legend("topleft", legend = legtext, col = col, text.col = col, : argument(s) i...
2006 Oct 13
Barplot legend position
Dear useRs, I'm trying to create a barplot like so: x=matrix(1:10,2,5) barplot(x,leg=c("left","right"),besid=T) The legend is placed in default position topright, however the data are plotted there too. I tried controlling the legend position by adding x="topleft" but this results in an error that x matches multiple formal arguments. Leaving out the legend and making a separate call to legend leaves out the colors of bars ... Please advice, Ingmar
2006 Nov 09
Plotting symbols with two positions?
...o positions as a symbol in a plot? All the best /CG On Thu, November 9, 2006 9:30 am, Dimitris Rizopoulos said: > try the following: > > x <- runif(100, -4, 4) > y <- 1 + 2 * x + rnorm(100, sd = 2) > fit <- lm(y ~ x) > > plot(x, y) > abline(fit) > legend("topleft", expression(paste(R[adj]^2, " = 0.66"))) > > ## or > > plot(x, y) > abline(fit) > legend("topleft", legend = substitute(R[adj]^2 == x, > list(x = summary(fit)$adj.r.squared))) > > > I hope it helps. > > Best, > Dimitris > >...
2008 Jul 29
Graphics function question
...x(startBReP3O1T), max(endBReP3O1T)) y <- seq(ymin, ymax, length = 10) plot(x,y, type = 'n', xlab = 'Age', ylab = 'BReP3O1T', main = 'Age, decline and BReP3O1T') segments(x0 = startage, x1 = endage, y0 = startBReP3O1T, y1 = endBReP3O1T, col = decline) legend('topleft', legend = c('Stable', 'Decline'), lty = 1, col = c(1,2)) >>>>> I would like to make this into a function. The only thing that changes is BReP3O1T. The problem is that sometimes this occurs as text (e.g. in ylab and main) sometimes after a $ (e.g. in the first t...
2007 Oct 30
Sweave line length
...f text that Sweave generates is longer than the right margin in my dissertation. I have found no way to tell Sweave how to set the line length. I am using an iMac with tiger ver. 10.4.10, and R: ver. 2.5.1. Here is the R code that is longer than my right margin: input to Sweave: legend("topleft",c("obs", "theo","hi","lo"),lty = c(1,2,3,4),col=c(1,2,6,4,0), cex=1.5,pt.cex=c(3,6), bty='o',inset=.05) output from Sweave: > legend("topleft", c("obs", "theo", "hi", "lo"), lty = c(1, 2, 3...
2007 Jun 08
legend + expression
...h expression in the legend of a plot and I haven't found the way to get this to work, so any help will be appreciate. Basically I want to include in the plot is the R-squared and its numerical value, so I tried this: R2c<-0.82879 # R-squared of calibration model plot(1:10,1:10) legend("topleft", legend=c(expression(R[c]^2==format(R2c,nsmall=2)))) Thanks for any hint PM
2010 Feb 04
Legend symbol?
..., "High Z Outlier", "Default","Exponential (used)") } else { leg.txt <- c("Data", "Statistical Outlier", "Spatial Outlier", "High Z Outlier", "Default (used)","Exponential") } legend("topleft", legend=leg.txt, col=c("black","yellow","red","orange","blue","black"), pch = c(16,16,16,16,1,1), cex=0.85 ) Thanks, Doug -- --------------------------------- Douglas M. Hultstrand, MS Senior Hydrometeorologist Metstat, Inc. Win...
2011 Feb 04
Can an xyplot() plus legend be saved as an Enhanced Windows Metafile (EMF)?
...ormat. This fails when xyplot() is used rather than plot(). Here is a simple example: require(lattice) a <- c(1:10) b <- c(2,4,5,2,3,5,7,8,9,5) # Output can be saved (or copied to the clipboard) as a Windows EMF image file # from the Graphics Device output window. plot(a , b) legend("topleft", "Test", title="Legend") # Output cannot be saved (or copied) as an EMF xyplot(a ~ b) legend("topleft", "Test", title="Legend") I am using R version 2.12.0 (2010-10-15) on platform "i386-pc-mingw32" Thanks for any help...
2004 May 27
block diagonal matrix function
...tions: (1) Is there a better way to do this? (kronecker() isn't applicable here) (2) How do I generalize it to take an arbitrary number of matrices as inputs? TIV Robin "blockdiag" <- function (m1, m2, = 0, p.ll = 0) { ## and p.ll are padding values topleft <- m1 topright <- matrix(, nrow(m1), ncol(m2)) colnames(topright) <- colnames(m2) lowleft <- matrix(p.ll, nrow(m2), ncol(m1)) lowright <- m2 rbind(cbind(topleft, topright), cbind(lowleft, lowright)) } m1 <- structure(c(1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 4), .Dim =
2005 Oct 01
Multiple expressions, when using substitute()
expression() accepts multiple expressions as arguments, thus: plot(1:2, 1:2) legend("topleft", expression(y == a * x^b, "where "* paste(y=="wood; ", x=="dbh"))) Is there a way to do this when values are to be substituted for a and b? i.e., the first element of the legend argument to legend() becomes, e...
2011 Feb 10
Add different types of legend: line and points
...mean +/- SD") mn.t <- tapply(OrchardSprays$decrease, OrchardSprays$treatment, mean) xi <- seq(rb$n) points(xi, mn.t, col = "blue", pch = "*") h1 <- abline(h=110, col="red") h2 <- abline(h=0, col="red", lty="dotted") legend("topleft", c("110", "0", "mean"), lty = c("solid","dotted"), pch = c(" ", " ", "*"), col = c("red","red", "blue"),lwd = c(1,1)) (2) I then tried the following legend("t...
2010 Jul 24
Doubt about a population competition function
...20) n2<-k2-(beta*n10) if(t==0){plot(t, n10, type='b', xlim=range(c(1:t),c (1:t)), ylim=range(n10, n20), xlab='tempo', ylab='tamanho populacional') points(t, n20, type='b', col="red") points(t,n10,type="b", col="black") legend("topleft", c("Pop1","Pop2"), cex=0.8, col=c ("black","red"), pch=21:21, lty=1:1); } if(t>0){ for (i in 1:t){ n1[i==1]<-n1 n2[i==1]<-n2 n1[i+1]<-k1-alfa*n2[i] n2[i+1]<-k2-beta*n1[i] if(n1[i]==0){n1[i:t]==0} if(n2[i]==0){n2[i:t]==0} } plot(c(1:t)...
2004 Dec 02
Wishlist: simple legend options (PR#7400)
Full_Name: Elizabeth Purdom Version: 1.9.1 OS: Windows XP Submission from: (NULL) ( It would be nice if legend had the option of some default locations you could choose instead of entering specific coordinates, like "topleft", "topright","topcenter", etc. based on par("usr") coordinates. I know I've wanted it so often I've made my own simple non-robust wrap-around, so I don't have to remember or parse the xjust and yjust options necessary to make it work. Of course there s...
2009 Jan 21
Panning map to a point vs. setCenter
Several map providers have functions to pan to a location, as opposed to the direct setCenter call. Panning animates the move from one point to another. To implement this in mapstraction, I created a panCenter function. I don''t know how to go about committing the change to svn, or who decides whether my naming convention is worthy, but I thought I''d share the function
2005 Jun 28
Producing character "given" i.e. "| " with plotmath
...), type = "l") ## Not what I want legend(legend = c(expression(L(y:mu))), x = "topright") ## Strange, is this a bug? legend(legend = c(expression(L(y|mu))), x = "top") ## Group produces an error legend(legend = c(expression(group(L(y, "|", mu)))), x = "topleft") ## Paste keeps commas in expression legend(legend = c(expression(paste(L(y, "|", mu)))), x = "bottomleft") ## This one is OK, but braces are not as they should be legend(legend = c(expression(paste("L(y", "|", "mu)"))), x = "bottom&qu...