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2007 Feb 28
Datamining-package rattle() Errors
...HTML package descriptions
> help(rattle)
No documentation for 'rattle' in specified packages and libraries:
you could try 'help.search("rattle")'
> library(rattle)
Rattle, Graphical interface for data mining using R, Version 2.2.0.
Copyright (C) 2006 Graham.Williams@togaware.com, GPL
Type "rattle()" to shake, rattle, and roll your data.
Warning message:
package 'rattle' was built under R version 2.4.1
> rattle()
Error in rattle() : could not find function "gladeXMLNew"
In addition: Warning message:
there is no package called 'RGtk2...
2007 Jan 08
How to use Rattle for Data mining through R?
Dear Mr. Bengtsson,
Now i am able to work with R-Matlab interface comfortably. Thanks to you. Recently, I came to know that R can be used for data mining as well. I went through the following site for this :
As they have suggested, I have also installed the two packages:
> install.packages("RGtk2")
> install.packages("rattle")
Now, can you explain how to work on this?
Can this be used to implement the clustering algorithms? If yes, Kindly elaborate....
2009 Jan 04
Rattle 2.4.0 (Data Mining GUI using R)
Version 2.4.0 of Rattle has been released to CRAN.
The rattle package (http://rattle.togaware.com) is a multi platform
(GNU/Linux, Mac/OSX, MS/Windows) GTK based GUI for data mining (for
exploring data and building descriptive and predictive models). It has
undergone a lot of development over the past year. A companion book
introducing data mining using Rattle is under development, with a...
2009 Jan 04
Rattle 2.4.0 (Data Mining GUI using R)
Version 2.4.0 of Rattle has been released to CRAN.
The rattle package (http://rattle.togaware.com) is a multi platform
(GNU/Linux, Mac/OSX, MS/Windows) GTK based GUI for data mining (for
exploring data and building descriptive and predictive models). It has
undergone a lot of development over the past year. A companion book
introducing data mining using Rattle is under development, with a...
2008 Apr 05
Odd tcltk and Rattle interference on MS/Windows
...dler. So in this case tcltk is blocking
GTK+ from processing its events.
Perhaps these packages should "chain up" to an existing handler. I'll do
that for RGtk2, but I have no control over tcltk of course.
On Sat, Apr 5, 2008 at 3:57 AM, Graham Williams <
Graham.Williams@togaware.com> wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> I'm not sure if this is RGtk2 related yet, but just in case it rang
> any bells with you.... I'm using version 2.12.5 on R 2.6.2.
> On MS/Windows (not on GNU/Linux) if the tcltk package is loaded whilst
> Rattle is running, Rattle fr...
2008 Oct 27
Displaying number of Y/N affected by tree in rule form RE: R question/request on rules from rpart
...quot;f", digits = 2),
round(100*frm[i,]$n/ds.size), frm[i,]$yval2[,5]))
pth <- path.rpart(model, nodes=as.numeric(names[i]),
cat(sprintf(" %s\n", unlist(pth)[-1]), sep="")
Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Togaware Pty Ltd
-----Original Message-----
From: Graham Williams [mailto:Graham.Williams at togaware.com]
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2008 5:59 PM
To: Sharma, Dhruv
Subject: Re: R question/request on rules from rpart
Hi Dhruv,
I would think what you propose is possible, and probably even simple.
Would n...
2009 Jan 06
pmml 1.2.0 (predictive modelling markup language)
Version 1.2.0 of pmml has been released and is available from CRAN.
The pmml package (http://rattle.togaware.com/pmml.html) is part of the
Rattle data mining suite http://rattle.togaware.com. It generates
representations of analytic models built in R using the open standard
predictive modelling markup language (http://www.dmg.org/).
PMML represents analytic models in an application independent way so
2006 Sep 21
plot correlation matrix
Dear useRs,
While exploring new R packages, I have found the Rattle.
This screenshot http://rattle.togaware.com/rattle-correlation.png
is very interesting
(others are in http://rattle.togaware.com/rattle-screenshots.html ).
Which function was used to produce this plot?
Is such plotting of the correlation matrix a unique Rattle's feature?
Unfortunately I have some weird problems with RGtk2 package...
2009 Jan 06
pmml 1.2.0 (predictive modelling markup language)
Version 1.2.0 of pmml has been released and is available from CRAN.
The pmml package (http://rattle.togaware.com/pmml.html) is part of the
Rattle data mining suite http://rattle.togaware.com. It generates
representations of analytic models built in R using the open standard
predictive modelling markup language (http://www.dmg.org/).
PMML represents analytic models in an application independent way so
2011 Mar 09
No response after click the "show Rules" button on Tab "Associate".
I am using Rattle 2.6.4 with R 2.12.2 on win64, is this a bug ?
Following is the content after execute the associate analysis process:
Summary of the Apriori Association Rules:
Number of Rules: 23351
Summary of the Measures of Interestingness:
support confidence lift
Min. :0.1250 Min. :1 Min. :2.667
1st Qu.:0.1250 1st Qu.:1 1st Qu.:2.667
Median :0.1250
2013 Aug 30
Type annotations for R function parameters.
...construction of an R
program. Something like a LabView graphical composition of processing
They called this type of program composition a "workflow".
I looked at some of this programs, like:
* Orange http://orange.biolab.si/
* RedR http://www.red-r.org/
* Rattle http://rattle.togaware.com/
* Rpad https://code.google.com/p/rpad/
and all of them did type introspection (they made mapping between R
functions and their IDE's visual framework) by hand for each function of
supported packages which is time and resource consuming.
So, to reduce an amount of code to be written for...
2010 Nov 15
Problem in installing and starting Rattle
...ll and run Rattle on my Dell Laptop and I have Windows 7
The following three commands executed successfully :
Rattle: Graphical interface for data mining using R.
Version 2.5.47 Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Togaware Pty Ltd.
Type 'rattle()' to shake, rattle, and roll your data.
When I type the below command, I get an error message.
> rattle()
Error in inDL(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now), ...) :
unable to load shared object
2007 Feb 28
Package RGtk2, rattle, libatk-1.0.0.dll Errors
Dear Group,
I have followed the instructions from the link
However i couldn't fix the libatk01.0.0.dll application error
Here, i did uninstall R-Gui-2.4.0 then did the fresh installation and still
facing the same problem
I am using Windows- XP
*Please find the following*
R version 2.4.0 (2006-10-03)
Copyright (C) 2...
2011 Jun 06
Obtener las reglas de un árbol de decisión
Me gustaría obtener las reglas que genero con un árbol de decicisión
creado con party. Algo parecido a lo que realiza esta función con rpart
http://www.togaware.com/datamining/survivor/Convert_Tree.html la idea es
disponer de esas reglas en un fichero de texto.
En general si alguien sabe de algún paquete que permita obtener el código
que genera la puntuación, el "score" para un modelo porque me gustaría
crear un puente entre R y otras herramien...
2006 Jun 12
AMD64 + Debain + rails + Oracle ?
Hi folks,
Does anyone know how to install the OCI8 ruby interface on Debian64
without having to install Oracle?
My understanding, from experience with Debian i386, is that you need
Oracle (specifically the SQLPlus) installed to be able to compile
OCI8. Since my new dev machine is AMD64 running Debian, I''m stuck.
My rails applications need to connect to a remote Oracle 10g, but
2007 Feb 13
New version of rattle released
...r missing value handling for random forest
Use arules package for market basket analysis
Add more model visualisations
RPart PMML export completed.
PMML export has been separated out to its own package (pmml)
Complete change log available at
Rattle mailing list at
R-packages mailing list
R-packages at stat.math.ethz.ch
2007 Feb 13
New version of rattle released
...r missing value handling for random forest
Use arules package for market basket analysis
Add more model visualisations
RPart PMML export completed.
PMML export has been separated out to its own package (pmml)
Complete change log available at
Rattle mailing list at
R-packages mailing list
R-packages at stat.math.ethz.ch
2010 Feb 25
how to install rattle for data mining
Loading required package: pmml
Loading required package: XML
Error: package 'XML' could not be loaded
In addition: Warning message:
In library(pkg, character.only = TRUE, logical.return = TRUE, lib.loc =
lib.loc) :
there is no package called 'XML'
i have installed glade package
> install.packages("rattle")
2011 Apr 15
Launcher for Rattle?
How to make a launcher for Rattle?
Iurie Malai
Moldova Pedagogical State University
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Feb 28
package rattle() - libatk-1.0.0.dll Error
...o()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
Type 'q()' to quit R.
[Previously saved workspace restored
I've followed the below instructions for to install packages RGtk2 and then
by > install.packages("RGtk2")
> install.packages("rattle")
I came across the following errors..........
R version 2.4.0 (2006-10-03)
Copyright (C) 2006 The R Foundation for Sta...