search for: tofan

Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "tofan".

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2010 Dec 14
source /etc/profile
Hello , There is a way to source /etc/profile inside puppet on demand? My problem is that I install Java, afterwards I set JAVA_HOME variable in /etc/profile. After Java is installed, a gem which depends on Java starts to install ... but as it needs JAVA_HOME environment to be set, it fails. I am not sure what can I do ... Thank you, Adrian -- You received this message because you are
2011 Feb 23
web app deployment on a Debian server
Hello, I would like to ask your advice for the simplest method to do deployment on a debian server. From my perspective the system should look something like this : # web server node node "" inherits webserver { webapp::project{app1: domain => "", package => "app1", version => ''1.1.2''