search for: todd_dsm

Displaying 7 results from an estimated 7 matches for "todd_dsm".

2010 Apr 03
chgrp work-around thingy
I have 2 user groups accessing documents in /export/docs: staff and exec. I need to give users in the group 'staff' the ability to create folders and documents in /export/docs. On creation of (either) folders or documents in /export/docs, all items should be owned by their respective creators AND users in the 'exec' group; thus: # ll /export/docs/ -rwxrwxr-- user1 exec
2009 May 01
Automating the Samba Install
Hey all, I'm coloring outside the lines a little bit here but I would like to automate the install of a samba pdc. Within that script to install I would like to assign rights to a group. Here is an example of a few steps: # Create Unix group: groupadd domadmins # Map unix group to samba groups: net groupmap add ntgroup="Domain Admins" unixgroup=domadmins rid=512 type=d # Assign
2009 Mar 27
When I run this command I am not prompted for a password, I just get the below error. # smbclient -U root //zmail/homes Error connecting to (Connection refused) Connection to zmail failed (Error NT_STATUS_CONNECTION_REFUSED) --- Now for the back story: CentOS v5.2 with Samba v3.0.28-1.el5_2.1 and Zimbra 5.0.11_GA on x86_64 hardware. I'm attempting to connect samba (PDC) with
2009 Apr 26
Netlogon Service Privileged Account
Hey all, Let me first start by saying everything is working as expected so far! This is about my login script being shared from the netlogon directory. My XP client sees and executes the 99% of the script. The last little bit is permissions-related. In my logon.vbs script I am attempting to set the registry key to disable offline folder syncs. A "Domain User" cannot uncheck this
2009 Sep 18
Verification on HOW adding a machines works
I'm straddling the half-way point between samba and ldap. When adding a machine to the domain, functionally, it works like you would expect. You enter in the domain, enter your credentials, and reboot. The computer is able to function as a machine on the domain. I'm using the smbldap-tools as suggested in the wiki. Here's the script: add machine script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-useradd
2009 May 31
My Documents: Music shows, Pictures not so much
Hey all, I have a functioning Samba server in my test lab. All of my must-haves are met. My problem really boils down to a minor nuisance. Basically, when I log the test users in and open My Documents I only see one folder: My Music. Not that I really care but curiosity is killing me here and I can't figure out why the My Pictures folder is not present also. On top of that users love
2010 Nov 14
A device attached to the system is not functioning (smbd -V 3.5.x)
Howdy, I'm having one last problem with my Samba PDC with an ldap backend. When I add a machine to the domain I get the error, on my Win7 test client, that says: The following error occurred attempting to join the domain "office": A device attached to the system is not functioning. Here are some particulars: # smbd -V Version 3.5.6 (configured sernet repo to install latest