search for: tobeedited

Displaying 3 results from an estimated 3 matches for "tobeedited".

2006 Jan 09
inPlace Editor
HI, I am a new to the group. I have run into the following issue. The following works fine <h1 id="tobeedited">To be edited</h1> <script> new Ajax.InPlaceEditor($(''tobeedited''), ''_ajax_inplaceeditor_result.html'', { ajaxOptions: {method: ''get''} }); </script> But I want to pass some more parameters. So I did...
2006 Jan 18
using InPlaceEditor - with divx
Hi all! i want to use InPlaceEditor in div container like that: <div id="container"> <div id="tobeEdited"> <div id="tobeEdited2"> <div> <div> </div> the css style for container is like this: margin: 0px auto; height: 21px; width: 98%; border-bottom: 0px solid #337bcd; The problem is that that I have a row contains div and when i click...
2008 Feb 13
comparing ajax.updater div in js
This is really bugging me no matter what I''m trying. In javascript, I''m using the ajax.updater, and it (obviously) writes back out to a div. I want to then compare what was echoed out into this div (which came from the php file I listed in ajax.updater) with a string. test should equal "SomeString" because that is what is being echoed out to