search for: to_sym

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 137 matches for "to_sym".

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2011 Jul 11
Can't get this Rspec test to pass
...anager_for_(.*)/ return honors_scope_of($1, args) if name.to_s =~ /^honors_scope_of_(.*)/ return current_scope_for($1) if name.to_s =~ /^current_scope_for_(.*)/ super end def current_scope_for(scope) Thread.current[scope.to_sym] end def acts_as_scope_manager(scope, *args) options = args[0].extract_options! if args send :include, InstanceMethods set_global_scope(scope,options[:with_global_scope]) if options[:with_global_scope] send :before_filter, "set_scope_for_#{sco...
2006 Feb 01
Getting database config info
Hi folks. I have a very small problem which is probably very simple. But I''ve scoured the api and the rails book with no luck. I''m trying to get information about the database definition out of active record. When I go into console and say ActiveRecord::Base.connection I get a MysqlAdapter object, with an instance variable called @config that''s a hash containing all
2010 Jun 07
undefined method 'to_sym' for ["<var>", "<var">]:Array
I am running into a problem with my LDAP puppet setup with this error message: PuppetClient: err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Could not parse for environment DR: undefined method `to_sym'' for ["ENV1", "ENV2"]:Array PuppetMaster: err: Could not parse for environment DR: undefined method `to_sym'' for ["ENV1", "ENV2"]:Array The "environment" variable is part of the LDAP node definition and in this case, the node in...
2006 Dec 20
undefined method `to_sym' for #<YAML::Syck::MergeKey...
...cript/generate, rake migrate or script/console and probably others. 0 wicked www/sharkwatch % ./script/console Loading development environment. /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-1.3.1/lib/active_support/core_ext/hash/keys.rb:27:in `symbolize_keys'':NoMethodError: undefined method `to_sym'' for #<YAML::Syck::MergeKey:0xb71dfa6c> to_sym is indeed *not* defined in /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/yaml.rb or /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/yaml/* What''s going on here? Thanks, --Dean --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscrib...
2010 Apr 17
Nil.to_sym Problem
HI everyone, require some help! cannot figure out this error and how to fix it! Showing user/index.html.erb where line #59 raised: You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! The error occurred while evaluating nil.to_sym Extracted source (around line #59): 56: <% end %> 57: </ol> 58: 59: <div id="hub">Blog: <%= link_to "(manage)", posts_path(@blog) %></ div> 60: <div id="hubtwo"><%= render :partial => "user/blog" %></div> 6...
2010 Nov 27
Something weird about draggable_element_js
Hi, Because I want to create several draggable elements in a list, I''d like to do the following: <script type="text/javascript"> <%- elements.each do |element| -%> <%= draggable_element_js("element_#{}".to_sym, :revert => true) %> <%- end -%> </script> However, if you''d try this in your app, you''ll see that this won''t work, because the quotes around the ID in the generated javascript are converted to the HTML-equivalent (&quot;). Is this a bug or am I...
2008 Oct 25
Update action | NoMethodError | nil.to_sym
...</tr> ROUTES: map.resources :employees All pretty standard stuff - what''s going on? ERROR: NoMethodError in Employees#edit Showing employees/edit.html.erb where line #5 raised: You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! The error occurred while evaluating nil.to_sym Extracted source (around line #5): 2: <div id="main-sub"> 3: <%= error_messages_for :employees %> 4: 5: <% form_for(@employee) do |f| %> 6: <table width="600" border="0"> 7: <tr> 8: <td class="label">Email: T...
2009 Apr 16
Cucumber - step negating another expecting step
.../^I should not see the people search form$/ do > people_search_form_exists "not" > end > > and then the method: > > def people_search_form_exists negation = "" > neg = "_not" unless negation.blank? > response.send "should#{neg}".to_sym, have_tag(''form#frmSearch'') > end > > this is a simple case, but what do you think about this? any blog > post or so Yeah this is an annoying one isn''t it. I sometimes get around it by going old-skool and pulling out the Test::Unit assertion methods ins...
2006 Mar 03
Meta Programming Help
I have the following two methods: def ProductFile::find_images(mode, prod_id) # convert to symbol in case it is not (most commonly it may be a String) mode = mode.to_sym case mode when :all, :first ProductFile::find(mode, :conditions => ["product_id = ? AND file_type LIKE ?", prod_id, "image%"]) end end def ProductFile::find_documents(mode, prod_id) mode = mode.to_sym case mode when :all, :first Product...
2007 Dec 13
please explain find_with_ferret, retrieve_records, :include and :conditions
...@query, { :multi => [ Artist], :page => params[ :page ], :per_page => 10 }, { :include => {:media_files => {}}, :conditions => [ "media_files.file and inventories.status = ''donated''" ] } ) # Resulting Error undefined method `to_sym'' for [:media_files, {}]:Array # Second try. I put the :include params in [] array brackets to see if that would help the to_sym error. That fixes the to_sym error. But now the association isn''t getting found? @results = Inventory.find_with_ferret( @query,...
2007 Sep 25
putting away HashWithIndifferentAccess we need a replacement. I''m not too hot on [symbol] and [string] equivalence. But I do like to call the query string vars like methods. What do you think about using OpenStruct instead? I''ve been testing with this: class H < OpenStruct def u h;for k,v in h;@table[k.to_sym]=v;new_ostruct_member(k);end def self.[] *a;new *a;end en Or, you know, just Hash is okay, right folks? _why
2008 Jan 24
NoMethodError (undefined method `to_sym' for {"6"=>"1"}:Hash
...rch"=>{"form"=>"advancedsearch", "keyword"=>"oil"}, "x"=>"17", "y"=>"13", "action"=>"results", "controller"=>"search"} NoMethodError (undefined method `to_sym'' for {"6"=>"1"}:HashWithIndifferentAccess): /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-2.0.2/lib/action_view/base.rb:420:in `template_format'' /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-2.0.2/lib/action_view/base.rb:396:in `pick_template_extension'...
2006 Jan 13
association callbacks
...s def append_habtm_callbacks reflect_on_all_associations.each{ |association| if association.macro == :has_and_belongs_to_many #add_callback add_callback = "before_add_for_#{}" class_inheritable_reader(add_callback.to_sym) write_inheritable_array(add_callback.to_sym, [:log_add]) #remove_callback remove_callback = "before_remove_for_#{}" class_inheritable_reader(remove_callback.to_sym) write_inheritable_array(remove_callback.to_sym,...
2012 Sep 18
undefined method `to_sym' for nil:NilClass
Hi all, I am trying to upgrade my rails 2 app to 3 and am getting this error when trying to login: NoMethodError in AuthenticateController#authenticate undefined method `to_sym'' for nil:NilClass The stack trace is: activerecord (3.2.2) lib/active_record/validations/uniqueness.rb:26:in `validate_each'' activemodel (3.2.2) lib/active_model/validator.rb:153:in `validate'' activemodel (3.2.2) lib/active_model/validator.rb:150:in `each'' acti...
2010 Aug 17
Rails 3 flash message problems either eats the flash message or escapes it and does not display properly: # Outputs the corresponding flash message if any are set def flash_messages messages = [] %w(notice warning error).each do |msg| messages << content_tag(:div, content_tag(:p, html_escape(flash[msg.to_sym])), :class => "message #{msg}") unless flash[msg.to_sym].blank? end messages end I am not sure how to make it html_safe so that Rails 3 renders it properly. No problems with Rails 2.3.8, but I had to mark the entire method "safe_method" using rails_xss plugin. I...
2007 Oct 24
Stubbing Kernel.` (backquote)
...temp_file_path}` end ... end And this is my (newbish) attempt at the spec: describe "Calling @barcode.raw_barcodes" do before(:each) do File.stub!(:exist?).and_return(true) @barcode =''path/to/valid.pdf'') Kernel.stub!(''`''.to_sym) end it "should make a copy of the file" do @barcode.should_receive(:make_temporary_copy) @barcode.raw_barcodes end it "should make a system call to OcrBarcode" it "should make the system call to OcrBarcode passing in the temporary copy of the file"...
2006 Jun 15
rails saves it to the database and I don''t want to
Hello: I am developing a web application to book machines for an event. so I have an event model class Event < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :datetimes ... end and a datetime model class Datetime < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :event ... end I have developed a view with the event information and information for the datetimes. and in the event_controller when I capture a datetime I
2006 Sep 26
Some documents not found
...ids of every product for caching purposes... ids = products.collect {|p|} # pre-cache all the keywords for the products kwcache = {} Vandelay::Keyword.find_by_sql(["select productId, term from product_keywords where productId in (?)", ids]).each {|kw| sym = kw.productId.to_sym kwcache[sym] = [] if !kwcache[sym] kwcache[sym] << kw.term } # pre-cache all the attribute values for the products attr_cache = {} Vandelay::ProductStringAttribute.find_by_sql(["select productId, name, value from product_stringattribute where productId in (?)", ids...
2007 Feb 16
some fun functionality for all your specs
...'' route. assigns[:cart] = @cart = mock("cart") @cart.stub!(:attr_name).and_return(''cart'') @cart.stub!(:to_param).and_return(''99'') @cart.stub!(:class).and_return(Cart) Cart.content_columns.each { |c| @cart.stub!( } Cart.reflect_on_all_associations.each do |assoc| @cart.stub!([]) end @cart.stub!(:name).and_return(''cart'') As you can see it rapidly spirals out of control, but this snippet sets up all the associations and field names as stu...
2005 Dec 22
[NEWB] How to access database.yml parameters in a controller
Hi, Are the active database.yaml attributes for the current environment (dev, prod, test) available inside a controler ? adapter, host, db, socks, etc. AFIK Class#connection don''t give back theses infos. Thanks