search for: tmax

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 53 matches for "tmax".

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2008 Jul 28
Help with a loop
...t more automatic. The problem is that the output from ts1, ts2, and so on is a vector with more than one value, so I do not know how to solve this. Thanks Prenewbie The code is the following: duration<-c(750, 8940,17180, 8693,10100, 7990,24820, 6770, 7390,8450,18400,16252,6080,11030) tmax<-0 dt<-0 for (m in 1:14) { tmax[m]<-duration[m] dtmin<-969 dtmax<-9884 i<-1 dt[m]<-round(runif(1,dtmin,(tmax[m]-1)))} ts<-c(1) ts1<-ts ts2<-ts1 ts3<-ts1 ts4<-ts1 ts5<-ts1 ts6<-ts1 ts7<-ts1...
2011 Jun 17
Inconsistent results from in RNetCDF = "latitude" ; lat:units = "degrees_north" ; float lon(lon) ; lon:long_name = "longitude" ; lon:standard_name = "longitude" ; lon:units = "degrees_east" ; short tmax(lon, lat, month) ; tmax:missing_value = -9999 ; tmax:_FillValue = -9999 ; tmax:units = "degree_celsius" ; tmax:scale_factor = 0.01 ; tmax:valid_min = -5000 ; tmax:valid_max = 6000 ; ----- I am getting beh...
2005 Jan 17
[basic ?] Merging result of by processing with a data fra me
> From: Jean-Louis Abitbol > > Dear All, > > I would like to merge a data frame such as: > > > basetab > subject dose cmax > 1 1031 50 21.8 > .... > > with the result of a by processing such as: > > > tmax<-by(pkga,subject,f.tmax) > > tmax > subject: 1031 > [1] 6 > -------------------------------------------------- > > f.tmax being a function written by H. Nguyen (in applied statistics in > the pharmaceutical industry). pkga is a data frame with subject conc > time vari...
2011 Aug 08
Re: Tmax Window(a propietary OS) using Wine?
Forgive my poor English. There is Tmax Window, the 1st windows XP compatible proprietary OS from Korea. Tmax company showed screenshot of Tmax Windows. But it is known as they mixed images with real XP and OpenOffice suite screenshots. Tmax Window is doubtful about stolen ReactO...
2012 Sep 20
Line over Boxplot
...and running off the screen. I tried modifying the text file so that the data repeated it self 30 times to make the total number of lines in the file identical, but that did not help! Here are my two datasets..... <> <> And here is my script.... R --save --no-save --vanilla << EOF pdf(file="boxplot_tmax_$YYYY$MM$DD${HH}.pdf", height=10, width=12) soton.df = read.table ("", header=TRUE)...
2005 Jan 31
coercing a list to a data frame, lists in foreloops
...NA NA NA NA NA 13 195501 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 14 195502 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 15 195503 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA tmin.mean tmax.max tmax.mean tmean.mean 10 NA NA NA NA 11 NA NA NA NA 12 NA NA NA NA 13 NA NA NA NA 14 NA NA NA NA 15 NA NA NA NA > from this...
2010 Jul 26
Concatenate a mix of numbers and letters to create a vector name
Dear all, I am trying to create a vector name, for example tmax.195012 from tmax., 1950 and 12. Obviously I don't wish to simply type it because the 3 name components are changing in each iteration within a loop. Is there any way of concatenating those 3 components (which are a mixture of numbers and letters)? Thanks for reading, Panos --------------...
2007 Oct 25
Error message from nlmer
Hi, I have R 2.6.0 with updated lme4 and Matrix packages, and I am trying to fit a nonlinear multilevel model. I get the following error message: Error in nlmer(f ~ grModel(x, w, Tmin, Tmax, Topt, kopt, m) ~ kopt | flat, : gradient attribute of evaluated model must be a numeric matrix and I wonder what this may indicate. The nonlinear model I try to fit is as follows: > grModel function(x,w,Tmin,Tmax,Topt,kopt,m)((x-Tmin)*(x-Tmax))/((x-Tmin)*(x-Tmax)-(x-Topt)^2)*kopt*w^m an...
2010 Jul 12
Custom nonlinear self starting function w/ 2 covariates
Hello, I'm trying to adjust a non linear model in which the biological response variable (ratio of germinated fungus spores) is dependent on 2 covariates (temperature and time). The response to temperature is modeled by a kind of beta function with 2 parameters (optimal and maximum temperatures) and the time function is a 2-parameter Weibull. Adjustments with nls or gnls work, but I need to
2013 Apr 24
Understanding how nls() works
I'm trying to understand what goes on in the process that nls() uses. This converges without much drama: > rate.nls <- nls(Dev ~ exp(rho * (T)) - exp(rho*Tmax - (Tmax - T)/del)+ + lam , data = xx, trace = TRUE, + start = c(rho = 0.15, del = 7, lam = .02, Tmax = 30)) 599.7841 : 0.15 7.00 0.02 30.00 4.69849 : 0.14673457 6.83443060 -0.01417782 29.94392535 0.06971343 : 0.14787121 6.75095966 -0.01281743 28.88851217...
2012 Mar 19
Issue with asin()
...n in applied agronomy, that aims to determine the degree-days necessary for a given individual to reach a given growth stade. The algorithm (and context) is explained here: , and so I implemented my function in R as follows: DD <- function(Tmin, Tmax, Tseuil, meanT, method = "DDsin") ### function that calculates the degree-days based on ### minimum and maximum recorded temperatures and the ### minimal threshold temperature (lower growth temperature) { ### method arcsin if(method == "DDsin"){ cond1 <- (Tmax <= Tseu...
2004 Sep 06
A naive lsoda question....
Hello, I am an R newbie, trying to use lsoda to solve standard Lotka-Volterra competition equations. My question is: how do I pass a parameter that varies with time, like say, phix <- 0.7 + runif(tmax) in the example below. # defining function lotvol <- function(t,n,p){ x <- n[1]; y <- n[2] rx <- p["rx"]; ry <- p["ry"] Kx <- p["Kx"]; Ky <- p["Ky"] phix <- p["phix"]; phiy <- p["phiy"] dx.dt...
2016 Apr 20
Use multiple cores on Linux
...ackages such as Rmpi/snow/doParallel? Thank you! ##################### library(data.table) library(mgcv) library(reshape2) library(dplyr) library(tidyr) library(lubridate) library(DataCombine) # gam_max_count_wk <- gam(count_pop ~ factor(citycode) + factor(year) + factor(week) + s(lnincome) + s(tmax) + s(hmax),data=cont,na.action="na.omit", method="ML") # # Historic temp_hist <- read.csv("/work/sd00815/giss_historic/giss_temp_hist.csv") humid_hist <- read.csv("/work/sd00815/giss_historic/giss_hum_hist.csv") # temp_hist <-
2015 Sep 04
getting a vector of unown size
...e unnecessarily. The C code #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> double min(double a, double b) { if(a>b) return b; else return a; } double unirand() { return (rand()+1.0)/(RAND_MAX+1.0); } void RndSBDdemography(double *b, double *d, double *a, double *c, double *No, double *tmax, double *tiempo, double *Nind) { double tb, td, n; int bc=0; tiempo[0]=1.0; Nind[0] = *No; // This loop generates output of variable and a priori unknown size while (Nind[bc] >= 2 && tiempo[bc] <= *tmax) { bc = bc + 1; tb = -(1 / (*b - *a * Nind[bc-1])) * log(unirand()); td = -(1 /...
2009 Nov 17
How to plot an image in R
Dear all Im new in R I have a necdf data set that I want to plot : this is my data set [1] "file has 4 dimensions:" [1] "longitude Size: 127" [1] "latitude Size: 110" [1] "ht Size: 1" [1] "t Size: 1680" [1] "------------------------" [1] "file has 1 variables:&...
2007 Oct 23
API for optimization with Simulated annealing
Dear list, I was trying to use the R API for optimization method "Simulated annealing" void samin(int n, double *x, double *Fmin, optimfn fn, int maxit, int tmax, double temp, int trace, void *ex); but I encountered the following problem: The implementation of the function samin (as seen in src/main/optim.c) passes its void * argument "ex" into the function genptry (implemented in the same source file) and the function genptry expects that the vo...
2009 Jul 07
Tmax Window(a propietary OS) using Wine?
...e open source code,but the little im able to read seems they arent going to release any source code. I know that is quite difficult to replicate Windows APIs, so i?m asking myself if this OS is using Wine code to replicate the APIs. If they are using, they could be violating GPL rules. If you want to have more Info, i point you to the ReactOS Forum,where a thread about this Company can be found. TMax wanted to support MS Windows drivers "using ReactOS as reference(sic)" t...
2017 Aug 19
My very first loop!! I failed. May I have some start-up aid?
...") mysamplexy <- project (cbind (mysample$Longitude, mysample$Latitude), "+proj=utm +zone=32 +ellps=WGS84") colnames(mysamplexy) <- c ("xCord", "yCord") ID <- mysample$ID datltraj <- as.ltraj(mysamplexy, mysampletime, id=ID) Ddat <- BRB.D(datltraj, Tmax=21600, Lmin=36) BRBdat <- BRB(datltraj, D= Ddat,type=c("UD"),Tmax=21600,Lmin=36, hmin=100) kernel.area(BRBdat, unout=c("km2")) # unfortunately my data are not a very good example. Sorry about that. But I guess you know what I mean. # Because I wish to run the functions thr...
2010 May 26
Re: Tmax Window(a propietary OS) using Wine?
Thanks FatButtLarry for sharing this beautiful information
2018 Jun 19
Paquete dismo, cálculo coeficiente de variación
Estimados erreros, Estoy intentando entender como calcula el paquete dismo ( un coeficiente de variación. Os pongo un ejemplo: tmin <- c(10,12,14,16,18,20,22,21,19,17,15,12) # temperatura mínima media mensual de un año tmax <- tmin + 5 # temperatura máxima media mensual de un año prec <- c(0,2,10,30,80,160,80,20,40,60,20,0) #precipitación media mensual de un año biovars(prec, tmin, tmax) #este comando calcula una serie de variables relevantes para la distribución de especies. #El resultado es: bio1 bio2...