search for: tkscript

Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "tkscript".

2002 Jul 23
Aggregate: assembling the "by" part on the fly
Dear R users, I'm having trouble using aggregate() and would greatly appreciate your advice. I am using R 1.5.1 on Windows 2000. I want to call my function in the following way[, "Age", "Year"]) where uses aggregate() to count the number of cases for each combination of "Age" and "Year". I've defined
2003 Apr 24
R TclTk Examples
Hi, I've been learning how to use R TclTk in Windows over the last few months. I have recently put together a collection of examples of some common widgets and their corresponding R code, at I would be interested in any feedback - Is it useful? Does it contain any significant errors or bad coding style? Does anyone else want to