search for: tkframe

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 25 matches for "tkframe".

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2007 May 24
GUI component Margin on tkcanvas, tkframe or tktoplevel
Dear gurus: I have a question on how to configure the margin layout on tcl/tk GUI objects like tkcanvas, tkframe or tktoplevel. For example, if I want to leave a larger margin on the left side of the GUI container, which one should I configure, the toplevel or tkcanvas or tkframe? top<-tktoplevel() canvas<-tkcanvas(top, relief=, borderwidth=...) I also find the documentation for all the possible arg...
2007 Aug 14
Question about unicode characters in tcltk
...and subscripts into a tcltk menu. The code creates all the mu's, and the 1 and 2 subscripts, but it won't create the 0. Is there a certain set of characters that R won't recognize the unicode for? Or am I input the \u2080 incorrectly? library(tcltk) m <-tktoplevel() frame1 <- tkframe(m) frame2 <- tkframe(m) frame3 <- tkframe(m) entry1 <- tkentry(frame1,width=5,bg='white') entry2 <- tkentry(frame2,width=5,bg='white') entry3 <- tkentry(frame3,width=5,bg='white') tkpack(tklabel(frame1,text='\u03bc\u2080'),side='left') tkpack(...
2006 Jun 21
Some R-Tcl/Tk-BWidget newbie questions.
...NoteBook") tkgrid(tn, sticky="news") ### --> I guess there is a simpler way to do this ... tbn <- tclvalue(tkinsert(tn, "end", "Algemeen", "-text", "Algemeen")) tkpack(tbw.algemeen <- .Tk.newwin(tbn)) tkpack(tab.algemeen <- tkframe(tbw.algemeen)) tbn <- tclvalue(tkinsert(tn, "end", "Relaties", "-text", "Relaties")) tkpack(tbw.relaties <- .Tk.newwin(tbn)) tkpack(tab.relaties <- tkframe(tbw.relaties)) tbn <- tclvalue(tkinsert(tn, "end", "Posten", &q...
2009 Oct 19
Problem with geometry manager in TclTK
...(tcltk) ask.format <- function() { ask.form <- tktoplevel() tkgrab.set(ask.form) tkfocus(ask.form) tkwm.title(ask.form,"Input Format") tkwm.resizable(ask.form, 0, 0) file.format <- tclVar("1") ReturnFormat <- "ID_CANCEL" Title.frame <- tkframe(ask.form, relief="groove") tkgrid(tklabel(Title.frame,text="Input File Format", font="Times 15", foreground="dark red")) tkgrid(Title.frame) Choose.frame <- tkframe(ask.form, relief="groove", borderwidth=2) file.format1 <- tkradiobutt...
2008 Nov 03
possible tcltk event loop problem
...whatever the source of the problem, it doesn't always manifest itself. Some detail, and a kludgy solution appear below. What's odd is that the Rcmdr has three similar windows -- Script, Output, and Messages, created by the following code: For the messages window: messagesFrame <- tkframe(.commander) putRcmdr("messagesWindow", tktext(messagesFrame, bg="lightgray", font=getRcmdr("logFont"), height=3, width=log.width, wrap="none")) .messages <- MessagesWindow() messagesXscroll <- ttkscrollbar(messagesFrame, orient=&quot...
2005 Sep 05
tcltk, X11 protocol error: Bug?
...[i]) #xl <- xl+inc } } save.ramp <- function(){ cr<<-colorRampPalette(c(b.color,e.color),space="Lab",interpolate="spline") tkdestroy(tt) ##invisible(cr) } tt <- tktoplevel() tkwm.title(tt,"Color Ramp Tool") frame <- tkframe(tt) bframe <- tkframe(frame,relief="groove",borderwidth=1) if(is.null(b.color)) b.color <- "blue" if(is.null(e.color)) e.color <- "yellow" if(missing(n.col)) n.col <- 100 canvas.b <- tkcanvas(bframe,width="50",height="25",...
2010 Mar 01
Multicolumn Listbox selectcommand trouble
...command is supposed to go in the tk2mclistbox() totalcols = 5 totalrows = 100 idb <- matrix(NA, nrow = totalrows, ncol = totalcols, dimnames = list(c(),c("Date","URL", "Title", "List Price", "Category"))) base <- tktoplevel() listings <- tkframe(parent = base) editor <- tkframe(parent = base) tkwm.title(base, "my super program") #changeeditor function(){ # } mlb <- tk2mclistbox(listings, height = 20, width = 95, resizablecolumns = TRUE, yscrollcommand = function(...)tkset(scr1,...)) #?tk2mclistbox # Define the columns t...
2007 Jan 07
Scoping issues
Hi everyone, I'm trying to split up a large R file that implements a tcl/tk gui into several smaller ones. The problem is that the main GUI creation function defines many tclVars and tkframes that need to be accessible to functions that are currently defined in main function, but which I'd like to move to different source files. These files make up a package, so it seems that using source() is a bad idea. I could try argument passing, but there are a lot of arguments to pass in s...
2008 Dec 22
newbie question on tcltk
...s, i want it somehow separated from these two buttons, but i don't know how. I searched the web for some examples but my results were unsatisfactory. Thank you and have a great day ahead. #my code library(tcltk) rm(list=ls()) top <- tktoplevel(padx=70, pady=70) frameOverall <- tkframe(top) frameUpper <- tkframe(frameOverall,relief="groove",borderwidth=2) back_but <- tkbutton (frameUpper, text = "BACK", width=20, height=1, default="active", overrelief="flat",anchor="w", borderwidth=4 ) tkgrid(frameUpper) tkgrid(frameOver...
2010 Aug 05
Error in as.environment(pos): using 'as.environment(NULL)' is defunct
...clVar(test2(as.numeric(tclObj(VKG)),as.numeric(tclObj(HZ)) ,as.numeric(tclObj(VZ)),as.numeric(tclObj(Aktivit?t)),as.numeric(tclObj( tclArray1))))) } test2 <- local({source("C:/Berechnung_Funktion.R", local = TRUE) environment(Berechnung) <- .GlobalEnv Berechnung }) and: Button<-tkframe(InputOutputfenster) tkpack(Button, side='top') tkpack(tkbutton(Button, text='compute optimal solution',command=handler.Berechnung)) and the function in the other R-file: Berechnung<-function(a,b,c,d,e) { } Thanks!
2010 Jun 11
Windows, OSX and Linux: updating a graphic device and double buffering
...nually? If not, is it possible to force update my graphic device. E.g. with a command like dev.flush()? How can I run my code on all operating systems without any "jumps"? Regards, Adrian Waddell Here is a minimal example code: library(tcltk) tt <- tktoplevel() tkpack(top <- tkframe(tt), side = "top") SliderValue <- tclVar("50") SliderValueLabel <- tklabel(top,text=as.character(tclvalue(SliderValue))) tkpack(tklabel(top,text="Slider Value : "),SliderValueLabel, side = "left") tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel,textvariable=SliderValue) s...
2008 Oct 30
using yscrollcommand in tkcanvas crashes R (PR#13231)
Full_Name: Sundar Dorai-Raj Version: 2.8.0 OS: Windows Submission from: (NULL) ( The following code crashes R: library(tcltk) tt <- tktoplevel() tc <- tkcanvas(tt, yscrollcommand = function(...) tkset(ts, ...)) > sessionInfo() R version 2.8.0 (2008-10-20) i386-pc-mingw32 locale: LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252;LC_CTYPE=English_United
2004 Mar 19
loop through files in a dir
Hello I have data in many files in a directory, how can I loop through the files in a given dir in-order-to build a data.frame? thanks
2009 Sep 28
re trieve user input from an tcl/tk interface
Hello everyone, this is my first post here and I hope I signed up correctly and someone will take me by the hand and help me out. I am new to R and cannot figure out what to do here... ... I want to have an User Interface that requests input. I want to save this input to a variable to use it later on. I was able to do this with a modalDiaglog (
2003 Jun 06
stuck tcltk scrollbars under Windows XP
...o reproduce the problem intermittently on an XP system, and found that the problem appears to go away when I remove the calls to tkgrab() and tkgrab.release(). You can test for the problem with the following code: window1 <- tktoplevel() window2 <- tktoplevel() xFrame <- tkframe(window2) xScroll <- tkscrollbar(xFrame, repeatinterval=5, command=function(...) tkyview(xBox, ...)) xBox <- tklistbox(xFrame, height=4, selectmode="single", background="white", exportselection="FALSE", yscrollcommand=function(...) tks...
2003 Oct 01
curious error with tkcheckbutton the array b and they exist: > b [1] "::RTcl1" "::RTcl2" "::RTcl3" "::RTcl4" "::RTcl5" "::RTcl6" the script is(I'm use R 1.7.1 for win, the fail is in the first execution of the script): library(tcltk) tt<-tktoplevel() f<-tkframe(tt) tkpack(f) j<-6 nbre<-c("c1","c2","c3","c4","c5","c6") b<-c() i<-1 while (i<=j){ aux<-paste("b",i,sep="") aux<-tclVar(init=0) b<-c(b,as.character(aux)) tclvalue(b[i])<-0 i<-i+...
2003 Oct 09
curious mistake in tkradiobutton
...ariable. when six variables tcl has been created in the array b and they exist: > b [1] "::RTcl1" "::RTcl2" "::RTcl3" "::RTcl4" "::RTcl5" "::RTcl6" the script is(I'm use R 1.7.1 for win): library(tcltk) tt<-tktoplevel() f<-tkframe(tt) tkpack(f) j<-6 nbre<-c("c1","c2","c3","c4","c5","c6") b<-c() i<-1 while (i<=j){ aux<-paste("b",i,sep="") aux<-tclVar(init=0) b<-c(b,as.character(aux)) tclvalue(b[i])<-0 i<-i+...
2007 Jan 01
autofill for a tkentry field
...(f1) ind <- grep(entry, fruitList) if (length(ind)>0){f1 <- tclVar(fruitList[ind[1]])} } fruitList <<- c("Apple", "Banana", "Peach", "Pear", "Plum", "Mango") tkdestroy(tt) tt <- tktoplevel() pw <- tkframe(tt) ppw <- tk2labelframe(pw, text="Fruits:") f1 <<- tclVar("") entry1.f <- tkentry(ppw, width=30, textvariable=f1, validate="key", validatecommand=autofill) tkgrid(entry1.f) tkgrid(ppw) tkgrid(pw) I don't know how to...
2007 Oct 19
tcltk: help with tkmenubutton
...rlkurs/part4/tkperl.html ... to R's tcltk. But I don't know how to convert one line in this example: library(tcltk) # create a main window mw <- tktoplevel() # a menu consists of a horizontal menubar, # with associated submenus ##### first create the horizontal menubar mb <- tkframe(mw, relief = 'raised', bd = 2) # now put in the menubar some menubuttons m_file <- tkmenubutton(mb, text = "File", underline = 0) # pack everything from the menubar tkpack(mb, side = "top", fill = "x") tkpack(m_file, side = "left") #### now cr...
2006 Oct 21
tcltk: multiple listboxes, selection
...nts, the current selection in the *other* listboxes is cleared! Anybody knows how I can prevent this? Here's my code (sorry not complete): (E.g. If I select an X value, I'd lose the Y value I selected before) <- function(tt) { # Network topology frame.1 <- tkframe(tt) combo_topology <- tkwidget(frame.1, "ComboBox", values = infras, editable = FALSE) tcl(combo_topology, "setvalue", "first") tkgrid(tklabel(frame.1, text="Network topology"), combo_topology) tkgrid(frame.1, sticky = "w") # X valu...