search for: timehigh

Displaying 1 result from an estimated 1 matches for "timehigh".

2012 Dec 17
simplifying code
Dear All,   I was wondering if you could help me with the following: I have the code:   tin <-0.5 tau <-24 output0 <-10 TIMELOW <-tin TIMEHIGH <-1*tau TIME1 <-c(seq(TIMELOW,TIMEHIGH, by = sign(TIMEHIGH-TIMELOW)*(tau-tin)/3))   then I would like to calculate:   cp1 <-output0*exp(-0.3*TIME1[1]) cp2 <-output0*exp(-0.3*TIME1[2]) cp3 <-output0*exp(-0.3*TIME1[3]) cp4 <-output0*exp(-0.3*TIME1[4])   then plot(TIME1,c(cp1,cp2,cp...