search for: tildeslash

Displaying 17 results from an estimated 17 matches for "tildeslash".

2007 Feb 15
Mongrel Monitoring...
I have a website that is running Mongrel that is CONSTANTLY going down. There seems to be no rhyme or reason... There must be something in the way the site was written. Is there a recommended Mongrel monitoring tool that will monitor our sites mongrel services and restart mongrel when the site goes down? The server is a UNIX machine... Thanks!! Roy -------------- next part
2006 Jun 16
Help with bash script
Hi all, Can someone pls help me on how to make this bash script? I want to monitor a process, and then when the process (for some reason) dies, the script will start the process again. Thank you, -- Fajar Priyanto | Reg'd Linux User #327841 | Linux tutorial 18:39:44 up 10:21, 2.6.16-1.2111_FC5 GNU/Linux Let's use OpenOffice.
2007 Oct 12
webrick 500 error
Hi, This is my second question on the poor performance of webrick (previously I had a problem with Ajax). I have a somewhat simple Rails application which works just fine, but when I come back to work the next day, the server responds with error 500. It looks like if it is running more than 12 hours, it''ll crap-out. I don''t use CVS (which I read on the web it is a common cause
2006 Oct 02
Mongrel cluster FreeBSD rc.d script
Hello all After installing Mongrel, Mongrel Cluster and all it''s dependencies via gems under FreeBSD. Next I have configured all config/mongrel_cluster.yml for each Rails app, then: % mkdir /usr/local/etc/mongrel_cluster and likend each railsapp.yml to it''s refering app/config/mongrel_cluster.yml My question is, after preparing all base configs now I need to add some rc.d
2006 Oct 18
Segmentation bug - file_column?
Hi there everybody, We''re having mongrel processes slowly die on us, with a segmentation fault. I''ve seen a few other people mention similar issues. Any info or suggestions would be nice: Error: /var/www/apps/heritage/current/config/../vendor/plugins/file_column/ lib/magick_file_column.rb:7: [BUG] Segmentation fault ruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-24) [i386-linux] Server:
2004 Dec 17
question about Webtraffic monitoring
Does anyone know a good open source and free webmonitoring software which I can use to monitor some websites and build simple uptime/downtine statistics for my customers (conform SLA's) ? Any help/hitns would be very apperciated :) -- Michiel
2007 May 09
Webbrick and/or Mongrels Dies Overnight
I have a SuSE 10.0 server that was first running Webbrick, and now Mongrel. In both cases, I can have them running and used all day. However, either one of them will go unresponsive in the middle of the night for seemingly no reason. Being that I only use Mongrel now, I check the mongrel.log, and nothing unusual there. I check /var/log/ messages, and nothing there. Still, a request to
2007 Apr 03
are memory limits on mongrel possible?
Is there any documentation I can look at that might talk about how to put memory limits on mongrel? For instants, I might want to limit mongrel to 100 megs of ram. I know that I can monitor mongrel with monit and restart it automatically if it becomes a ram piggy.
2008 Jan 10
centos command to monitor a process for exit
Is there a command that will monitor a process for exiting (crash or normal exit) and then execute another command based on the said process no longer being active? Or is there a "wrapper" command that runs a process and when that process exists due to crashing or just exiting normally) that another process can be run. Thanks, Jerry
2006 Nov 01
(simple) Server Monitoring Package like ServerStats
Hi, was wondering if there exists an RPM somewhere to a system monitoring package which I can use to install on a centos server. I'm using serverstats for my other gentoo boxes and it works great(and simple) I can't seem to locate RPMS for serverstats for Centos. Thanks
2003 Dec 24
Re:Routing for Squid
Hi asa, You can make a script to ping your internet gateway every 5 minutes and if it´s down it automatically switch the default route do gateway 2. You set a script to run x time with cron job. []´s Anderson > hi all, > > i''m using squid as a proxy server, and have 2 gateway f or internet access, > currently i''m using 1 gateway for the internet access, if
2007 Nov 07
What do you do to keep asterisk alive?
I've asterisk stop (presumably segfaulting) a couple of times, and I was just beginning to look at how to keep it running - what have others done? I was thinking of wrapping a script around asterisk like this: while 1 do asterisk -f done /Per Jessen, Z?rich -- - your spam is our business.
2005 Apr 24
A 'simple' problem?
Here's one for you if you have the time: I very stupidly killed the wrong process on a server on a remote site on Friday and now I cannot ssh login to it! It's not a major problem as it's main functions are as a file and print sharer (samba) and to run postfix/mailscanner, and I can have someone on site reboot the server when they start work on Monday, but I was wondering whether I
2007 Feb 27
mongrel_cluster and Monit
On one of my development servers mongrel dies when idle for any length of time. Since I''ve not been able to solve that problem I thought I''d route around it by using monit to kick things when necessary. My monitrc contains the following... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- check process mongrel_8310 with pidfile
2007 Apr 03
Mongrels dying on FreeBSD 5.5-STABLE......why why why?
Yo Zed and everyone else, I''m having a major problem I''m hoping someone can help with. I''ve been running mongrel clusters for a few months with no problems on a couple of my boxes. They both run Debian... I recently moved one of my older Rails apps on a FreeBSD 5.5 box to mongrel as well. Everything runs quickly and wonderfully - when it''s running! My problem
2006 Jul 28
mongrel_cluster rc.d script for FreeBSD
I wanted to be able to specify in my /etc/rc.conf file whether mongrel_cluster should be enabled and the mongrel_cluster_config file for the init script, so I wrote this simple rc.d style script. Just throw it in /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ and do a chmod +x /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ To enable the script, add mongrel_cluster_enable="YES" to /etc/rc.conf and optionally add
2005 Sep 22
Recommendation On Ping And Alert Tool
A bit off topic, but I keep looking for an answer to this question and coming up with nothing... so I thought I would go to the gurus. :-) Can anyone recommend a good package for pinging other devices and sending an email/alert when they go down? I'm aware of all kinds of more complex things with GUIs and a zillion other bells and whistles we aren't looking for, but we just want a simple