Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "thread_real_loop".
2020 May 18
Parallel transfers with sftp (call for testing / advice)
...e proposed implementation (specifically,
> threads combined with child processes especially requires carefully dealing
> with signals in all threads, which the change doesn't seem to do, and the
> thread_loop() logic is not clear - the function will never return).
The thread exists in thread_real_loop(), but yeah, it may not be clear enough.
Anyways, if the we have to avoid using threads, we'll have to rework all this?
> * Established behavior is changed, an error condition arbitrarily introduced
> The proposed change refuses file transfer if the local and remote files
> have...
2020 May 05
Parallel transfers with sftp (call for testing / advice)
Peter Stuge wrote:
> Matthieu Hautreux wrote:
>> The change proposed by Cyril in sftp is a very pragmatic approach to
>> deal with parallelism at the file transfer level. It leverages the
>> already existing sftp protocol and its capability to write/read file
>> content at specified offsets. This enables to speed up sftp transfers
>> significantly by