Displaying 5 results from an estimated 5 matches for "theta_i".
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2009 Nov 29
optim or nlminb for minimization, which to believe?
...$N$ indexes the total number of individuals, $K$ indexes the total number of items, $p(x|\theta,\beta)$ is the data likelihood and $f(\theta)$ is a population distribution. For the rasch model, the data likelihood is:
p(x|\theta,\beta) = \prod^N_{i=1}\prod^K_{j=1} \Pr(x_{ij} = 1 | \theta_i, \beta_j)^{x_{ij}} \left[1 - \Pr(X_{ij} = 1 | \theta_i, \beta_j)\right]^{(1-x_{ij})}
\Pr(x_{ij} = 1 | \theta_i, \beta_j) = \frac{1}{1 + e^{-(\theta_i-\beta_j)}} \quad i = (1, \ldots, K); j = (1, \ldots, N)
\noindent where $\theta_i$ is th...
2006 Mar 27
Clustering question \ dist(datmat)
Hello everybody. I am trying to cluster circular data (data points which are angles), thus i can not use the "dist" function in "mclust" to generate my distance matrix, I am using the function " Dij = 0.5*( 1 - cos(theta_i - theta_j)). The thing is "hclust" will not accept this distance matrix, i tried to put it in a data frame, but again i get an error message saying " Error in if (n < 2) stop("must have n >= 2 objects to cluster") : argument is of length zero". The distance matri...
2011 Nov 12
State space model
...a + exp(-hL)y_t+ eta_{t+h}.
The problem is that the distribution of the innovations of the transition
equation depend on the previous value of the state variable.
To be exact: y_t|y_{t-1} ~N(mu, Q_t) where Q is a diagonal matrix with
elements equal to
Q_{i,t} =
The fkf returns the filtered states variables so y_{t-1,i} is available. I
just can't figure out how to write my program in such a way that this
information is included and updated in the state space model for each
iteration in optim. Any suggestio...
2012 Nov 29
...... 0
. . . ... 0
. . . ... 0
. . . ... 0
0 0 0 ... 1
and c_i as (-1,0,...,0).
Then whatever value \beta_0 takes, the first value of u_i%*%theta_i is
always zero, which automatically is larger than -1. That is how I construct
u_i and c_i.
contrOptim returns the barrier.value. I am wondering whether the value
corresponds to -1*\mu*(\sum_{i=1}^p log(\hat{\beta_i}-0)+\log(1)).
I need to get the information matrix which also takes into accoun...
2007 Oct 17
Need help with function that includes 2 summation
I am relatively new to R, so this may be a much simpler question than it
seems to me. I am trying to create a function that includes two
summations, and can't figure out how. I am attaching the equation as a
pdf file. This function will then be optimized over a chosen range of
values, but right now I just need help with the function. Thank you.
Zack Darnell
Duke University