search for: theta

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 893 matches for "theta".

2012 Feb 09
Constraint on one of parameters.
...o optimize for a set of parameters and want to set a constraint on only one parameter. Here is my function. What I want to do is estimate the parameters of a bivariate normal distribution where the correlation has to be between -1 and 1. Would you please advise how to revise it? ex=function(s,prob,theta1,theta,xa,xb,xc,xd,t,delta) { expo1= exp(s[3]*xa+s[4]*xb+s[5]*xc+s[6]*xd) expo2= exp(s[9]*xa+s[10]*xb+s[11]*xc+s[12]*xd) expo3= exp(s[15]*xa+s[16]*xb+s[17]*xc+s[18]*xd) expo4= exp(s[21]*xa+s[22]*xb+s[23]*xc+s[24]*xd) expo5= exp(s[27]*xa+s[28]*xb+s[29]*xc+s[30]*xd) nume1=prob[1]*(s[2]^-s[1]*s[1]*t...
2011 Sep 28
Problems using the 'HPloglik' function in the SDE package
...(-1) - 1 + x - x^2) s <- expression(x^1.3) s.x <- expression(1.3*(x^0.3)) # simulate process using the Milstein approximation X <- sde.sim(t0=0,T=100,X0=1,N=1000,drift=d,sigma=s,sigma.x=s.x,method="milstein") ## define the Lamperti transform function Transform <- function(t,x,theta) (1/(theta[5]*(theta[6]-1)))*(x^(1-theta[6])) ## define the diffusion function S <- function(t,x,theta) theta[5]*(x^theta[6]) ## define the transformed drift function and it's first six derivatives m0 <- function(t,x,theta) { b <- theta[5]*(theta[6]-1) p1 <- (theta[6]+1)/(theta[6]...
2009 Aug 17
Newbie that don't understand R code
I got some R code that I don't understand. Question as comment in code //where is t comming from, what is phi inverse rAC <- function(name, n, d, theta){ #generic function for Archimedean copula simulation illegalpar <- switch(name, clayton = (theta < 0), gumbel = (theta < 1), frank = (theta < 0), BB9 = ((theta[1] < 1) | (theta[2] < 0)), GIG = ((theta[2] < 0) | (theta[3] < 0) | ((theta[1]>0) & (theta[3]==0)) | ((thet...
2006 Jul 25
greek letters, text, and values in labels
Hello, I want to have a title that will look something like: "Results for \theta=2.1", given that I have a variable theta=2.1, and \theta should show on the screen like the greek letter. I've tried a lot of things: theta <- 2.1 plot(1:10, main=expression(paste("Results for", theta, "=", eval(theta)))) or using bquote plot(1:10, main=paste(&quot...
2009 May 19
what is wrong with this code?
dlogl <- -(n/theta)-sum((y/(theta)^2)*((1-exp(y/theta))/(1+exp(y/theta))) d2logl <- (n/theta^2) - sum((-2y/theta^3)*(1-exp(y/theta))/(1+exp(y/theta))) - sum(((2*y/theta^4)*exp(y/theta))/((1+exp(y/theta))^2)) returns the error message: Error: unexpected symbol in: "dlogl <- -(n/theta)-sum((y/(theta)^2)*((...
2008 Apr 22
optimization setup
Hi, here comes my problem, say I have the following functions (example case) #------------------------------------------------------------ function1 <- function (x, theta) {a <- theta[1] ( 1 - exp(-theta[2]) ) * theta[3] ) b <- x * theta[1] / theta[3]^2 return( list( a = a, b = b )) } #----------------------------------------------------------- function2<-function (x, theta) {P <- function1(x, theta) c <- P$a * x * exp(-theta[2]) d <- P$b *...
2003 Jul 22
greek in main title
Hello, I have written a function that demonstrates the CLT by generating samples following the exponential distribution, calculating the means, plotting the histogram, and drawing the limiting normal curve as an overlay. I have the title of each histogram state the sample size and rate (1/theta) for the exponential (the output is actually 4 histograms), but I can't get the greek letter theta to appear in the heading. Is this possible? I can get nontext for the xlab and ylab pretty easily. Thanks, Jason Below is my code. Currently it just writes out "theta." function (...
2008 Mar 19
problem with optim and integrate
...te(numint, lower = -Inf, upper = Inf) : non-finite function value." My questions are How could I fix it? I tried to divide into several intervals and sum up, but I got same message. My code is ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- alpha=1.3; theta0=c(0.5,0,sqrt(10),0.25,-.3,sqrt(0.05),.3,sqrt(0.05)) fc = function(theta){ numint = function(z) { (theta[1]*dnorm(z,mean=theta[2],sd=theta[3])+theta[4]*dnorm(z,mean=theta[5],sd=theta[6]) +(1-(theta[1]+theta[4]))*dnorm(z,mean=theta[7],sd=theta[8]))^alpha } inte = inte...
2005 Mar 16
Code to replace nested for loops
...e efficient code? # Begin script__________________________________________________ # Dichotomous scores for 100 respondents on 3 items with # probabilities of a correct response = .6, .4, and .7, # respectively x1 <- rbinom(100,1,.6) x2 <- rbinom(100,1,.4) x3 <- rbinom(100,1,.7) # 'theta.vec' is a vector holding 31 possible levels of theta # ranging from -3 to +3 in intervals of .2. theta.vec <- seq(-3,3,.2) theta <- sample(rep(theta.vec,5),100) x.mat <- (cbind(x1,x2,x3,theta)) rm(x1,x2,x3,theta) nc <- ncol(x.mat) ni <- nc - 1 nr <- nrow(x.mat) ntheta <-...
2009 Nov 08
MCMC gradually slows down
Hello, I have written a simple Metropolis-Hastings MCMC algorithm for a binomial parameter: MHastings = function(n,p0,d){ theta = c() theta[1] = p0 t =1 while(t<=n){ phi = log(theta[t]/(1-theta[t])) phisim = phi + rnorm(1,0,d) thetasim = exp(phisim)/(1+exp(phisim)) r = (thetasim)^4*(1-thetasim)^8/(theta[t]^4*(1-theta[t])^8) if(runif(1,0,1)<r){ theta[t+1] = thetasim } else { theta[t+1] = theta[t]...
2009 Aug 17
unnecessary braces?
...unnecessary braces, but I can't find any. False positive or am I missing something? If a false positive, is there any way to work around the warning? * checking Rd files against version 2 parser ... WARNING Warning: ./man/dbetabinom.Rd:32-34: Unnecessary braces at ?{p(x) = % (C(N,x)*Beta(N-x+theta*(1-p),x+theta*p))/% Beta(theta*(1-p),theta*p)}? ============= \details{ The beta-binomial distribution is the result of compounding a beta distribution of probabilities with a binomial sampling process. The density function is \deqn{p(x) = % \frac{C(N,x) \mbox{Beta}(N-x+\theta(1-p),x+\theta p)...
2010 Jun 02
Draw text with a box surround in plot.
text() can draw text on a plot. Do we have a way/function to draw text with a box surround it? Thanks, -james
2006 Jul 19
Wrap a loop inside a function
I need to wrap a loop inside a function and am having a small bit of difficulty getting the results I need. Below is a replicable example. # define functions pcm <- function(theta,d,score){ exp(rowSums(outer(theta,d[1:score],'-')))/ apply(exp(apply(outer(theta,d, '-'), 1, cumsum)), 2, sum) } foo <- function(theta,items, score){ like.mat <- matrix(numeric(length(items) * length(theta)), ncol = length(theta)) for(i in 1:length(item...
2006 Jul 20
Timing benefits of mapply() vs. for loop was: Wrap a loop inside a function seems the mapply function in this case is slower (in terms of CPU speed) than the for loop. Here is an example. # data needed for example items <- list(item1 = c(0,1,2), item2 = c(0,1), item3 = c(0,1,2,3,4), item4 = c(0,1), item5=c(0,1,2,3,4), item6=c(0,1,2,3)) score <- c(2,1,3,1,3,2) theta <- c(-1,-.5,0,.5,1) # My old function using the for loop like.mat <- function(score, items, theta){ like.mat <- matrix(numeric(length(items) * length(theta)), ncol = length(theta)) for(i in 1:length(items)) like.mat[i, ] <- pcm(theta, items[[i]], score[[i]]) like.mat...
2006 Sep 19
How to interpret these results from a simple gamma-frailty model
...(I'm running R 2.3.1, running takes ~1 min). library(survival); set.seed(10000) lambda <- 0.01 # Exp. hazard rate # Beta coefficients for Age,TC,HDLC,SBP,Diab,Smok beta <- c(0.0483,0.0064,-0.0270,0.0037,0.4284,0.5234) n <- 1000; Ngrp <- 2; # Nr patients, Nr frailty groups # Thetas for gamma-frailty thetaset <- c(1,2,10,100); Ntheta <- length(thetaset); # Define the simulated population age <-rnorm(n,48.6,11.7);tc<-rnorm(n,200,30) hdlc<-rnorm(n,47,6);sbp<-rnorm(n,135,6) rtmp <- runif(0,1,n=n); diab <- rep(0, n); diab[rtmp < 0.05223] <...
2006 Apr 19
Function to approximate complex integral
...ncing one small, albeit important problem. Here is part of my function below. This is a psychometric problem for dichotomously scored test items where x is a vector of 1s or 0s denoting whether the respondent answered the item correctly (1) or otherwise (0), b is a vector of item difficulties, and theta is an ability estimate for the individual. rasch <- function(b,theta){ 1 / ( 1 + exp(b - theta)) } The function rasch gives the probability of a correct response to item i conditional on theta, the individuals ability estimate myfun <- function(x, b, theta){ sum(rasch(b, theta)^x...
2010 Feb 14
Estimated Standard Error for Theta in zeroinfl()
Dear R Users, When using zeroinfl() function to fit a Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial (ZINB) model to a dataset, the summary() gives an estimate of log(theta) and its standard error, z-value and Pr(>|z|) for the count component. Additionally, it also provided an estimate of Theta, which I believe is the exp(estimate of log(theta)). However, if I would like to have an standard error of Theta itself (not the SE.logtheta), how would I obtain or calcula...
2013 Oct 20
nlminb() - how do I constrain the parameter vector properly?
...1]<-NA sample.deleted[delete.two,2]<-NA missing<-c(,delete.two) complete<-sample.deleted[!([,1]) |[,2])),] deleted<-sample.deleted[missing,] Try to estimate the parameters of the data set less the deleted values: exact<-function(theta,complete,deleted){ one.only<-deleted[!([,1])),1] two.only<-deleted[!([,2])),2] u<-c(theta[1],theta[2]) sigma<-c(theta[3],theta[5],theta[5],theta[4]) dim(sigma)<-c(2,2) -sum(log(dmvnorm(x=complete,mean=u,sigma=sigma)))- sum(log...
2008 Dec 27
indexed expression
Hello expeRts, I need generate symbolize the autocovariances matrix of a Gaussian ARMA(1,1), for derivate it and evaluate. I try this codes, but whitout sucess vacv<-NULL vacv[1]<-1-2*phi*theta-theta^2 vacv[2]<-(1-phi*theta)*(phi-theta) vacv[3:n]<-acv[2]*(phi^(1:(n-2))) facv<-list() for(i in 1:2) facv[[i]]<-deriv(y~vacv[i],c("phi","theta"),function(phi,theta){}) Erro en deriv.formula(y ~ vacv[i], c("phi", "theta"), function(phi, theta...
2005 May 31
Solved: linear regression example using MLE using optim()
...found it useful for learning optim(), and you might find it similarly useful. I will be most grateful if you can guide me on how to do this better. Should one be using optim() or stats4::mle? set.seed(101) # For replicability # Setup problem X <- cbind(1, runif(100)) theta.true <- c(2,3,1) y <- X %*% theta.true[1:2] + rnorm(100) # OLS -- d <- summary(lm(y ~ X[,2])) theta.ols <- c(d$coefficients[,1], d$sigma) # Switch to log sigma as the free parameter theta.true[3] <- log(theta.true[3]) theta.ols[3] <- log(theta.ols[3]) # OLS likelihood function...