search for: text_helpers

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20 matches for "text_helpers".

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2006 May 22
Bug in text_helper.rb
I think there''s a logical mistake in ActionViews text_helper.rb. The TextHelper modul defines the methods textilize and textilize_without_paragraph in a begin rescue block that calls require_library_or_gem "redcloth". The problem is, that this call will always fail and the methods will never be defined when you install RedCloth as a plugin under vendor/plugins. That is
2006 Aug 10
Want to use a view helper (TextHelper) in a model class
I have a model that deals with HTML and I want to use the text_helper.sanitize method to strip the HTML of Javascript. However, it doesn''t appear that I can get easy access to the text_helper methods from within a model. Anyone have any suggestions for how to do this? In general, I think that there are some ActionView helpers which are generic enough to want to use in a model class.
2006 Jul 11
better way to include helpers into application controller/test_helper?
Right now, I have the following in my application controller - and a simliar version is duplicated in test_helper. There must be a better way to include common functionality like this that gets used across layers? Maybe at the very least a way to include it at the class level and instance level with one line? # provide access to text helper at class level def self.text_helper
2006 Sep 25
acts_as_ferret highlight
I am getting nil returned when doing the following: r.highlight(@condition, :field => ''body'') ''r'' is an instance of the a_a_f model. ''body'' is a tokenized saved field. I am running latest ferret and a_a_f trunk. Am I doing something wrong? -- Posted via
2006 Mar 30
How do I format text before saving it?
I tried to use a before_save and use simple_format, it returns and undefined method error. Can I even use these methods within a model? I tried to use auto_link and it failed too. What am I doing wrong? Furthermore, would it be recommended I format text before saving it to the database? Advantages or disadvantages? -- Posted via
2006 Mar 25
Textilize problems with line breaks
I''m having a problem formatting some text. I have a textarea that I input my text into, which will then be put into an e-mail and sent out. The problem I am having is when there is a single line break. Multiple line breaks work fine (hitting enter twice), but single line breaks don''t seem to work properly. Take the following input: Line1. Line2. Line3. Line4. Using
2009 Sep 29
rails 2.3.3 upgrade shows error
You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! You might have expected an instance of Array. The error occurred while evaluating nil.<< any ideas ? Application works fine with rails 2.1.0 Sandip -- Ruby on Rails Developer (Latest project released) --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~
2018 Nov 01
SAY command (mis)behaviour?
> > I boot my system with the attached extlinux.conf, which has some > entries to boot old kernels. When i'm booting the old versions i'd > like to have a reminder message recalling me that the most recent > kernel is not being used, so that i don't forget to switch back to it, > for example after many days of uptime. > > Now, is it normal that _every_ SAY
2006 Jun 24
superclass mismatch for class Tag (TypeError)
I am trying to write a ruby script which includes both the ''RubyfulSoup'' gem for HTML scouring, and the rails environment so I can access the database easily. I get the following error when trying to run this script. /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-1.12.1/lib/action_view/helpers/../../action_controller/vendor/html-scanner/html/node.rb:276: superclass mismatch for class
2006 May 11
Using action view helpers (strip_tags) in a rake task?
Hi all - I''ve got a rake task that migrates some old data (simple, loop through the old stuff, modify it a bit, and save it to the new system). That all works great. However, I''d like to use strip_tags() to remove all HTML from some of the fields I''m converting, but I can''t figure out how to include/use/require/load/etc the right stuff to make this work.
2006 Mar 10
textilize != ?
For me, textilize(stuff) produces nasty stuff - <br>''s instead of enclosing <p>''s and some closing <h*>''s are missing. works fine though. Isn''t textilize supposed to produce the same output? Or do I need to tweak something? Joe -- Posted via
2006 Apr 14
Tickets #4343, 4725 and 4744
...fect correction and one enhancement). Would it be possible to have feedback on them ? #4343 : allow to generate correct fixture for us people that use rails with a legacy database and different naming convention for the primary key #4725 : fixes layout of generated help in text_helpers #4744 : allows to add a default option to in_place_editor_field: if the method ''content'' of your model return nil, you perhaps will prefer to display ''no content'' in the span, and be able to edit it, than nothing and nowhere to cl...
2007 Dec 17
[CruiseControl] RubyOnRails build 8425 failed
The build failed. CHANGES ------- Revision 8422 committed by david on 2007-12-16 23:53:45 Add tests for html_escape, and remove an unneeded backslash (closes #10511) [fxn] M /trunk/actionpack/lib/action_view/template_handlers/erb.rb A /trunk/actionpack/test/template/erb_util_test.rb Revision 8423 committed by david on 2007-12-16 23:55:22 Fix doc (closes #10526) M
2009 Feb 03
Rails 2.3 problem...
When moving to Rails 2.3.0RC1 I get an error with concat!? I can''t figure it out. See the dump below: ActionView::TemplateError (You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! You might have expected an instance of Array. The error occurred while evaluating nil.<<) on line #158 of app/views/places/show.html.erb: 158: <div
2009 Jul 31
how to ignore case in highlight() function?
how to ignore case in highlight() function? -- Posted via
2006 Jan 30
i18n when?
Hi all, Just wondering... Are there any plans to include i18n support in Rails anytime soon? I guess this is about the only feature I''m realy missing in Rails. Any thoughts? Regards, Harm de Laat -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2007 Dec 07
strange error on mock proxy
I''m banging my head over this really strange error in a view test when I run "rake spec". The weird thing is that I don''t get the error when I run the spec file by itself. Here is the spec (I know, fixtures are the devil): describe "/units/new.html.erb here" do fixtures :units, :accounts, :groups it_should_behave_like
2018 Nov 01
SAY command (mis)behaviour?
Hi, I have a small issue with the SAY command and i hope you can clarify it out for me. I boot my system with the attached extlinux.conf, which has some entries to boot old kernels. When i'm booting the old versions i'd like to have a reminder message recalling me that the most recent kernel is not being used, so that i don't forget to switch back to it, for example after many days of
2005 Dec 21
textilize - redcloth
Hi, I''m using textilize with redcloth 3.0.4. Everything works best except that paragraphs are not translated as an HTML paragraph When I write something like: *first paragraph* second paragraph the output is without paragraph: *first paragraph* second paragraph Any help??? Thanks Jörg
2008 May 16
attachment_fu and/or rmagick on osx -- weird error
One of our developers is getting a weird error from attachment_fu and/or rmagick on OSX. And even weirder because he''s used attachment_fu and rmagick on other projects without difficulty. This all works fine on debian/ubuntu. See the stack trace below. Any suggestions? Btw, the code that''s blowing up is retrieving the attachment_fu info. The presence of image_science in