search for: testdrivendevelopment

Displaying 4 results from an estimated 4 matches for "testdrivendevelopment".

2008 Jan 17
unusual challenges speccing external software
This is something I''ve come up against twice. First, I have an interactive editor which calls vi, emacs, or TextMate (etc.) via Unix, and then loads the file handed to the editor back into IRB after it''s edited and saved. I guess that makes it a special case of a more general question, which is how do you spec external processes, with a slightly more complicated version of the
2007 Jun 21
(no subject)
Hi, Not sure if this is the right place for general questions on BDD style, but here goes... I have a class which behaves almost like a big function - you always instantiate it with a bunch of args, and call one of a couple of methods to get the results back. BDD style seems to like a separate describe block for each instantiation of the class under test. In this case that would mean a
2008 Jan 11
Varying test data
This isn''t specific to RSpec, but is hopefully on-topic for this list. I like (especially when "ping pong pairing") to write a spec, then write the smallest amount of code I can to pass it (especially when "ping pong pairing"). Sometimes this means hard-coding a return value, which means another spec is needed to prove that the code is really behaving as it
2007 May 24
Mocking, changing method interfaces and integration tests
Suppose we have a method ''foo'' which internally uses another method ''bar''. Being good BDDers we mock out the ''bar'' method. After all, we only want to spec the ''foo'' method - actually running the ''bar'' method means slower, less maintainable and brittler specs. That''s why we <3 mocking,