search for: testdf

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 39 matches for "testdf".

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2009 Sep 16
apply function across two variables by mult factors
...using by(X, list(factor1, factor2), function), however I haven't found a simple way to extract the list output into an organized vector form. I can do this using nested loops but it isn't exactly an optimal approach. Thank you for any and all suggestions. Jon # example data frame testDF<-data.frame( x=rnorm(12), y=rnorm(12), f1=gl(3,4), f2=gl(2,2,12)) # example function [trivial] testFun<-function(x){ X<-abs(x[,1]); Y<-abs(x[,2]); as.numeric( paste(round(X), round(Y), sep='.')) } # apply by factor levels but hard to extract values by(testDF[,1:2], lis...
2009 Mar 20
how to make aggregation in R ?
Hi, I am trying to aggregate the sum of my test data.frame as follow: testDF <- data.frame(v1 = c("a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "b", "b", "b", "b", "b", "c", "c", "c", "c", "c", "d", "d", "d", &quot...
2011 Mar 09
SQLDF - Submitting Queries with R Objects as Columns
...SQLDF needs to understand that when I reference "var1", it should look for "X" in the dataframe. This is necessary because my SQLDF is part of a larger function that I call that repeatedly with different column names. Code below... thank you in advance! Mike library(sqldf) testdf<-data.frame(c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10),c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,3)) names(testdf)<-c("X","Y") # Works as intended sqldf("select sum(X) as XSUM, Y as Y from testdf group by Y") # Now... can I reference var1 in the code? var1<-"X&...
2010 Sep 18
Saving long character variable to database saves timestamp instead, to a text field in PostgreSQL, using RODBC on Windows XP, I get a timestamp saved to the database instead. Is there any way to extend the number of characters that a text variable can receive? Here are the details of my case (simplified): I'm using PostgreSQL to create a table CREATE TABLE testdf ( numchar bigint NOT NULL, chars text, CONSTRAINT pktestdf PRIMARY KEY (numchar) ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); ALTER TABLE testdf OWNER TO postgres; Then in R I create a table with long character variables: > testdf <- data.frame(matrix(NA, 2, 2)) > names(testdf) <- c("numchar&qu...
2008 Feb 26
wrapper for save function
...Here is the wrapper for the save function ################################################## wrapsave <- function(mydata, ...) { save(mydata, ...) } ################################################## ## Create a test data.frame and save it ################################################## testdf <- data.frame(a = rnorm(10), b = rnorm(10)) wrapsave(testdf, file = "~/test.Rdata") ################################################## ## remove test data.frame and try to load it ################################################## rm(testdf) load(file = "~/test.Rdata") ##...
2007 Nov 09
wrapper for coxph with a subset argument
...sions. I can already achieve my goal, I just would like to know more details about how others do things like this. I've simplified my code below to focus on where I feel I'm confused. Here is some code along with comments: #### BEGIN R SAMPLE CODE #Function for producing test data makeTestDF <- function(n) { times <- sample(1:200, n, replace = TRUE) event <- rbinom(n, 1, prob = .1) trt <- rep(c("A","B"), each = n/2) sex <- factor(c("M","F")) sex <- rep(sex, times = n/2) testdf <- data.frame(times,...
2009 Jun 22
Problem with storing a sequence of lmer() model fit into a list
...loop #trouble making line below fit.list[[tmp_i]] <- fit_i I tried the following example which stores glm() model fit without a problem. #the following code can store glm() model fit into a list --------------------------------------------------- x1<-runif(200) x2<-rnorm(200) y<-x1+x2 testdf<-data.frame(y=y, x1=x1, x2=x2) indepvec<-c("x1","x2") fit.list<-NULL fit_1<-glm(y~x1,data=testdf) fit_2<-glm(y~x2,data=testdf) fit.list[[paste('fit_',indepvec[1],sep='')]]<-fit_1 fit.list[[paste('fit_',indepvec[12],sep='')]]<-...
2011 Jan 01
Retrieving Factors with Levels Ordered
...S" "Bus" "Some" "Col" "Post" table(feducord) feducord Elem Mid HS Bus Some Col Post 30 90 303 108 236 144 89 # The above is what I want. The frequencies agree with # the codebook # Make a data frame and save it. (I want a text file.) testdf <- data.frame(feducord) str(testdf) 'data.frame': 1001 obs. of 1 variable: $ feducord: Ord.factor w/ 7 levels "Elem"<"Mid"<"HS"<..: 5 6 5 7 3 4 3 3 3 5 ... write.table(testdf, file = 'Junkarea/test.txt') # So far, so good. rm(test...
2009 Feb 20
Grouped bwplots?
Dear list, I am sorry for asking you this, but I am trying to do again what I thought I have done before, although this time it does not work. So, given the data set: > testdf <- data.frame(grfak=sample(c("One","Two"),size=100,replace=TRUE), panfak= sample(c("Yes","No"),size=100,replace=TRUE), xfak= sample(c("Yep","Nope"),size=100,replace=TRUE), d=rnorm(100)) I would like to do: > bwplot(d ~ xfak | panf...
2012 Nov 13
GAM model to reduce PACF of a model
...I am fitting a gam mode in the mgcv package to study associations of environmental pollutants and mortality. The aim is to choose a model with lowest mgcv and also to reduce the PACF to less than < |0.1|. library(gamair) library(mgcv) data(chicago) y<-matrix(0,12,5) for (i in 1:12) { testdf<-gam(death ~ pm10median + o3median + s(time,k=i*14,fx=T) + s(tmpd,bs="cr"), data=chicago,family=poisson) y[i,1]<-i y[i,2]<-summary(testdf)$p.coeff[2] ll<-summary(testdf)$p.coeff[2]-1.96*summary(testdf)$se[2] ul<-summary(testdf)$p.coeff[2]+1.96*summary...
2007 Dec 19
Different labels by panel in barchart
...9;m using lattice to create a plot with each question in a category on it. The problem is that the response set for different questions within the same category varies. I want to be able to draw only the relevant bars, without spaces for nonrelevant reposnes. An example may make it clearer: testdf = data.frame(y=c(23,34,45, 56), x=factor(c("a", "a", "b", "c")), g=factor(c(1,2,1,2))) barchart(y~x|g, data=testdf) #In the first panel I would like two columns "a" and "b", positioned at 1 and 2 respectively; in the second I would agai...
2011 May 17
Dealing with null values Aggregate function
...ld like to calculate aggregate values for groups. I am just no sure how to deal with the "" I would ideally like them to ignored ie if there is only 1 value over several columns than that value would be the summary statistic. I have put the following example together to show my problem. testDF <- data.frame(v1 = c(1,3,5,7,8,3,5,NA,4,5,7,9), v2 = c(11,33,55,77,88,33,55,NA,44,55,77,99), v3=c("red","red","red","red","red","red","blue","blue","blue","blue","bl ue...
2007 Feb 20
Difficulties with dataframe filter using elements from an array created using a for loop or seq()
...nt(handmadevector) print(loopvector) print(seqvector) ## As a simple testcase, I create a dataframe with two variables, a varA of dummy data, and bBins ## which is the column on which I was trying to filter. a <- c(0,1,2,0,1,3,4,5,3,5) b <- c(0.05,0.15,0.25,0.35,0.45,0.55,0.65,0.75,0.85,0.95) testdf <- data.frame(varA = a, bBins = b) attach(testdf) ## Loop through each of the vectors, create a filter on the dataframe based on equality with the current iteration, ## and print that number and the count of records in the dataframe that match that number. for (i in loopvector){ aqs_filt <- b...
2008 Apr 03
by "infelicity"
...iour of the by function. It occurs both under GNU/Linux R 2.6.2 and Windows R 2.7.0alpha. Respective sessionInfo()'s are given below. I hope I do not overlook anything. testFactor <- factor(sample(LETTERS[1:6], size = 42, replace = TRUE)) testMatrix <- matrix(rnorm(42 * 6), nrow = 42) testDf <- by(data = testDf, INDICES = testFactor, FUN = mean) # OK by(data = testDf, INDICES = testFactor, FUN = median) # error # Error in median.default(data[x, ], ...) : need numeric data Kind regards, Tobias ### GNU/Linux ### > sessionInfo() R version 2.6.2 (2008-02...
2006 Mar 29
calcualtign a trailing 12 column mean in a dataframe?
I have a dataframe of 25 columns and 100,000 rows called ?testdf?. I wish to build a new dataframe, with 14 columns and 100,000 rows. I wish the new dataframe to have the ?trailing 12 column? mean. That is, I want column 1 of the new dataframe to have soemthing like: ?( mean(testdf[,1:12],na.rm=T)? What is the best way to accomplish this?
2010 Jul 19
pcaMethods and Lattice help.
I've been using the pcaMethods to develop a scores matrix ======================================= data(iris) pcIr <- pca(iris[,1:4], method="nipals", nPcs=3, cv="q2") test <- scores(pcIr) ======================================== What I'm looking to do is to use lattice's barchart to plot the scores something like below, but expanded to all the scores
2013 Oct 07
Why read.table replacing space with "." in the header
...???? 3 A.K. Hello Guys Please look at the following code. I dont have "." in the input data frame. But why i am getting when i read the data.frame again. dd <- data.frame("Phylo Tree"= c(1:10), "Genesis Tree"= c(2:11)) ?write.table(dd, "D:\\Write_XML\\testdf.csv", sep=",") ?yy <- read.table("D:\\Write_XML\\testdf.csv", sep=",") ?names(yy) [1] "Phylo.Tree" ? "Genesis.Tree" Thanks Krishna
2011 Jul 01
Access only part of last dimension of table/matrix
...tabfn <- function (dfrm, facvec, YN ="event"){ return( Etbl <-, dfrm[ , c(facvec, "event") ]) ) # just want Etbl[,,,"TRUE"] or Etbl[,, "TRUE"] or Etbl[,"TRUE"] } tbl <- tabfn(testdf, c("x", "y") ) tbl # all value of event returned At the console it is easy for me to count the number of factors and use the right number of commas tbl[ , , "TRUE"] if I only want the slice with that value. How can I do this programmatically? Thnks. -- Dav...
2011 Jun 05
How to convert a factor column into a numeric one?
I have a data frame: > head(df) Time Temp Conc Repl Log10 1 0 -20 H 1 6.406547 2 2 -20 H 1 5.738683 3 7 -20 H 1 5.796394 4 14 -20 H 1 4.413691 5 0 4 H 1 6.406547 7 7 4 H 1 5.705433 > str(df) 'data.frame': 177 obs. of 5 variables: $ Time : Factor w/ 4 levels
2007 Dec 19
Aggregating by a grouping
Suppose I have: Book Value A 10 B 11 C 9 D 8 A 12 C 4 D 5 B 7 I want to summarize above not by Book but by groupings of Books as in (below) I have a list ... basic_map <- list(c("A",B"),c("C,D")) Big_names <- c("A1", "A2") Names(basic_map) <- big_names So I want to get : A1 40 A2 26 How do I use tapply AND the list to get my