search for: terms_controller_spec

Displaying 3 results from an estimated 3 matches for "terms_controller_spec".

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2007 Mar 27
mocking/stubbing newbie questions
...licationController def index User.find(1) end end the spec results: 1) Spec::Mocks::MockExpectationError in ''GET /users/1/terms should find all terms associated with the user'' User expected :find with ("1") once, but received it 0 times ./spec/controllers/terms_controller_spec.rb:43: ./script/rails_spec_server:21:in `run'' ./script/rails_spec_server:42: Thanks for any help in advance, Scott
2007 Apr 09
RCov results seem to include the spec files
I saw the RCov page at and decided to add it to my project. My rakefile looks like this: require "rake" require "spec/rake/spectask" desc "Run all specs with RCov""spec:rcov") do |t| t.spec_files = FileList["spec/**/*_spec.rb"] t.rcov = true end When I run rake spec:rcov,
2007 Mar 28
Is anyone using rspec with autotest? Scott