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2019 Mar 06
Problem while writing test cases for api_termgen
...test cases for api_termgen. I added a case for mixed CJK numbers to test_simple, as the example mentioned in #699: > { "", "2千3百", "2[1] 千[2] 3[3] 百[4]"} But it unexpectedly failed. Below are the input and output. I run test with command: > ./runtest ./apitest termgen1 And the test case output is: > Running test: termgen1... FAILED > Text: simple-example > Text: simple-example > Text: I.B.M. > Text: I.B.M > Text: I.B. > Text: I.B > Text: I. > Setting stemmer to: en > Text: I.B.M. > Text: I.B.M > Text: I.B. > Text: I.B >...