search for: tems

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 428 matches for "tems".

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2005 Oct 14
Help with lattice, regressions and respective lines
# Dear R list, # # I'm needing help with lattice, regression and respective lines. # My data is below: bra = gl(2, 24, label = c('c', 's')) em = rep(gl(3, 8, label = c('po', 'pov', 'ce')), 2) tem = rep(c(0, 0, 30, 30, 60, 60, 90, 90), 6) tem2 = tem^2 r = rep(1:2, 24) y = c(40.58, 44.85, 32.55, 35.68, 64.86, 51.95, 42.52, 52.21,
2019 Dec 05
Coeficientes GLM binomial
Un ejemplo con un modelo más simple: He especificado este modelo: >formula(m2.pile) ger ~ tem + pot + time Si hago predict me da: >predict(m2.pile,newdata=data.frame(tem=25,pot=0,time=3),type="response") 0.08243262 Extraigo los coeficientes: > coef(m2.pile) (Intercept) tem pot time -1.89521331 -0.02303313 4.74499714 0.02043222 Ahora calculo la
2016 Sep 27
Error al buscar datos saltados
Hola, El problema que tienes es en esta sentencia: ymd_hms(TEM$TIMESTAMP) No la estás asignando a nada. Lo suyo es que hagas algo así: TEM$myTimeStamp <- ymd_hms(TEM$TIMESTAMP) Y crees el intervalo (seq...) on esta nueva variable. El error que obtienes es que "TEM$TIMESTAMP" al leerla del fichero es un string, pero en la lectura automáticamente (salvo que le digas que no lo
2019 Nov 28
Coeficientes GLM binomial
Estimad en s errer en s He hecho este modelo glm m1.pile<-glm(ger~tem+pot+time+I(tem^2)+I(tem^2):pot ,family="binomial" ,data=long.PILE ) Que nos da la probabilidad de germinación de una semilla en función de tem (Temperatura), pot (Humedad del suelo) y time (Tiempo que la semilla pasa en esas condiciones). Ahora quiero, para diferentes tem, pot
2001 Nov 16
case conversion and/or string comparison
This is no doubt trivial but after searching the help files and the web, I cannot seem to find it. 1) How do I convert 'hgt' into 'HGT' in R? 2) How should I have used the help facilities to find this? At the end of the day, all I want to do is case insensitive string matching... i.e. 'if ("HGT" == 'hgt') print('this should be true')' I tried
2012 Mar 14
climate data, Netcdf
As you can see: time is from 1 to 1460, 1 means they the measure Tem for the globe at the first 6 hours , 2=after 12 hours .....; and so on 1460 *6 = 8760 hours which equals 1 year first of all I want to convert all data from kelvin to degree second I want to convert from 6 hourly to daily and make it like this raw data what i want to make time
2008 Jun 05
warning message for lmer model with poisson family
Hello, I'm trying to run an lmer model with family poisson but receive the following warning message: model<-lmer(count~tem+dat+alt+year+tem:dat+tem:alt+tem:year+dat:alt+dat:year+alt:year+(1|id),family=poisson) Error in objective(.par, ...) : Leading minor of order 2 in downdated X'X is not positive definite I'm using the newest version of R and recently installed the
2011 Nov 29
Puppet Setup Difficulty With SuSE
Oh where to begin? I work for a company that has not taken our Linux or Unix server configuration management very seriously. We are primarily a Windows shop but long story short upper-management has taken the advice of our Windows Server admins and purchased BigFix which is now IBM Tivoli Endpoint Management (TEM). I have tried for over a month to get one of my SuSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES)
2010 Mar 23
usuários não consegues acessar pastar compartilhadas após upgrade do samba
Oi F?bio. Pelo IP tamb?m n?o acessa. A minha suspeita de que era um problema ligado a interface est? errada. Aleat?riamente usu?rios nas duas interfaces perdem o acesso. Ainda assim, somente usu?rios com Windows XP tem esse problema. Vou testar suas indica??es. F?bio Rabelo wrote: > > > 2010/3/23 Leonardo Carneiro - Veltrac <lscarneiro at > <mailto:lscarneiro
2012 Sep 28
Annotate a segmented linear regression plot
Hello, I have produced some segmented regressions with the segmented package by Viggo Mutteo. I have some example data and code below. I want to annotate the individual segments with the slope parameter (actually it would be nicer to annotate with 1000*slope and add some small amount of text as well). How can I do it? Reading the docs for segmented I can access all of the slope parameters via a
2000 May 16
AW: Patch: OpenSSH 2.1.0 under Solaris 8, Solaris 7 and other sys tems, too
This replaces Norbert's patch. > does this replace, or work over top of, Norbert's patch? >
2013 Feb 01
RJ11 x RJ45
Sauda??es. Como que se faz um conector RJ45 em uma ponta e RJ11 e outra. Pretendo conectar a linha de um ATA em uma placa Khomp KFXO IP. A ponta que tem o conector RJ45 est? crimpada com a sequencia 568B e vai ser conectada na placa Khomp, mas a ponta RJ11 eu n?o sei como deve ficar. Li alguns manuais na internet mas n?o entendi ao certo como tem que ser feito. -- Att.* *** Luis H. Forchesatto
2008 Apr 07
Anova function and glm.nb
Hi All, I am using the glm.nb function from the MASS package (current version) to fit and compare GLMs with negative binomial error distributions. My question is: what is the appropriate method to use in the anova function to compare models? If only one fitted object like m<-glm.nb(number<-p+sal+temp,data=data) is specified in the anova function (anova(m)), a fixed theta is used to
2015 Mar 04
Senhores, bom dia! Tem como instalar o Samba 4 com o antivirus ClamAV? Achei v?rios artigos, mas n?o consegui fazer funcionar o ClamAV. Desde, j? agrade?o a aten??o de todos. Atenciosamente, Marcio Fiorette
2013 Jun 26
SAVON - Call
** I have this method on a web service I''m consuming, using SAVON 3 on Rails 3 and Ruby 1.9.7 web app <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:tem="" xmlns:gpa=""> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body>
2019 Jun 11
Samba + AD Authentication: Restricting access to shares
Because most of our servers are restricted to specific user groups and the AD domain covers the entire university, I need to find a way to limit access to samba shares, preferably using AD security groups; i.e. I want to do something like: [EMdata] comment = TEM Data path = /EMdata valid users = @cns-cryo-emusers guest ok = no writeable = yes where cns-cryo-emusers is an
2000 Jul 24
How to use groupedData() within a function?
Dear Group: I have been trying to write an R function within which the function groupedData() would be used. The following is a sample program: ####################### sid<-rep(1:6,times=2) time<-c(1:12) trt<-rep(letters[1:3],times=4) tem<-data.frame(sid,time,trt)<- function(dat=dat) { groupedData(time ~ trt|sid, data=dat) }
2000 May 12
Patch: OpenSSH 2.1.0 under Solaris 8, Solaris 7 and other sys tems, too
...e.lucas at] > Gesendet am: Freitag, 12. Mai 2000 16:37 > An: Bladt Norbert > Cc: 'Karsten Thygesen'; 'openssh-unix-dev at'; > 'carl at' > Betreff: Re: Patch: OpenSSH 2.1.0 under Solaris 8, Solaris 7 and > other systems, too > > Well spotted. Doh. No problem. I had to use the debug mode to find out why the X11 forwarding didn't work. Finally, the problem was in the client, though. > I think an even better way to fix this would be to save the string as > parsed from ssh_prng_cmds in the command...
2008 Oct 28
Keep the email on the server
Hello, I migrate my server POP3/IMAP recently the Courier-IMAP for Dovecot and am having problems when the user configures your e-mail client to leave a copy of mail on the server. All mail in the inbox, are brought all the time that you check your mailbox input via POP3, causing a large traffic of unnecessary data every time. In my opinion you should bring only the new mail, unread. Can you
2015 Dec 29
[CISTI'2016]: 11ª Conferencia Ibérica de Sistemas y Tecnologías de Información discusi?n. TEM?TICAS Los art?culos enviados deber?n encuadrarse en las grandes tem?ticas propuestas (los t?picos propuestos para cada tem?tica son meramente indicativos con el fin de encuadrar los trabajos, sin pretender ser restrictivos): A) OMIS - Organizational Models and Information Systems (Modelos Organizacionales y Sistemas de Informaci?n) B) KMDSS - Knowledge Management and Decision Support Systems (Gesti?n de Conocimiento y Sistemas de Apoyo a la Decisi?n) C) SSAAT - Software Systems, Architectures, Applications and Tools (Sistemas, Arquitecturas, Aplicaciones y Herramientas d...