search for: tempc

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2008 Mar 23
...mapply does things element by element and it is doing more complex recycling ? I guess I don't really understand mapply that well but I did read the help of it. Thanks so much for any enlightenment from anyone besides Gabor. I bother him enough already and he does more than enough. tempc <- data.frame(mapply("/", rawdata, sens)) print(tempc) Mark [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Oct 22
A matrix automation problem
[I am really sorry if it is double posted, I doubt me previous post could not reach forum due to some problem with net] Suppose I have a matrix : a = matrix(1:9, 3) >From this matrix, I construct 9 additional matrices : i = 1:9 bi = a * i Now combining all those 9 new matrices, I construct a final metrix as : c = b1 b4 b7 b2 b5 b8 b3 b6 b8 I want to automate this procedure for any
2012 May 30
caret() train based on cross validation - split dataset to keep sites together?
...SCRIPT FOR MODEL FITTING fitControl <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", number=10, repeats=3) tuning <- read.table("temptunegrid.txt",head=T,sep=",") tuning # # Model with 100 iterations registerDoMC(4) tempmod100its <- train(watmntemp~tempa + tempb + tempc + tempd + tempe + netarea + netbuffor + strmslope + netsoilprm + netslope + gwndx + mnaspect + urb + ag + forest + buffor + tempa7day + tempb7day + tempc7day + tempd7day + tempe7day + tempa30day + tempb30day + tempc30day + tempd30day + tempe30day, data = temp.train, method = "nnet",...
2010 Mar 02
plotting fitted lme values as a smooth line
...s the code I used: lme.1<-lme(fixed=LnFlux~Temp, random=~1|Plt, data=resp) fit.1<-exp(fitted(lme.1)) plot(Flux$Temp, Flux$Flux, xlab="Temperature", ylab=expression("CO"[2]*"Flux"), xlim=c(-10, 25), ylim=c(0,250), pch=16) ord1<-order(CFlux$Temp) lines(CFlux$TempC[ord1], fit.1[ord1], lty=1, lwd=2) This does not produce a straight line, but a jagged one that moves up and down between points. If I use fitted values from a simple linear model (lm), I don't have this problem, and the line is smooth: lm.1<-lm(LnFlux~Temp, data=resp) fit.2<-exp(f...