search for: temp3

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 45 matches for "temp3".

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2012 Oct 31
Aggregate Table Data into Cell Frequencies
R-help - I have this set of aggregated tables (sample data below via dput()). And I would like to have delayValue as the column variables with the "temp" (temp1, temp2, temp3) values as the row variables. However I would like to have the temp variables *aggregated into single rows* so that I have the frequency ("Freq" | counts) of each time each "delayValue" occurs in the cells. I've tried this command without luck, it seems to be dropping a bu...
2011 Nov 21
Scatter plot - using colour to group points? All, I am very new to R - trying to teach myself it for some MSc coursework. I am plotting temperature data for two different sites over the same time period which I have downloaded from a university weather station data archive. I am using the following code to create the plot plot ( x = TEMP3[,"TIME"], y = TEMP3[,"TEMP"], type = "p", col = TEMP3[,"SITE"], pch = 3, main = "Temperature changes", xlab = "Date", ylab = "Temberature[C]") I managed to use col = TEMP3["SITE"] to plot the two different sites( BG1 a...
2012 Jan 30
Hi all :) Using lm_sensors, I can see few temperature indicator. M/B Temp: +39?C (low = +15?C, high = +40?C) sensor = thermistor CPU Temp: +33?C (low = +15?C, high = +45?C) sensor = thermistor Temp3: +53?C (low = +15?C, high = +45?C) sensor = diode What is that Temp3? It's the hottest. Which one is the best to use if I want to use lm_sensor as a general indicator of my server room temperature? (my request to buy a Mini Goose temperature monitor is still pending). Thank you....
2010 Oct 17
how to convert string to object?
temp = "~aparch(" temp1 = paste(temp,1, sep = "") temp2 = paste(temp1,1, sep = ",") temp3 = paste(temp2, ")",sep = "") temp 3 is a character but I want to convert to formula object. How do I do this? -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabb...
2009 Nov 28
Plot-region not complete
...used ylab=expression(paste("log(",mu,"/",cm^2,"/VS)")) to have greek symbols and to change cm^2 to cm?. Also cm^-3 I have in another plot, but it cuts my ^2 to _ in the y-axis. here is the code and I attach the plot: jpeg(file="Tabh2.jpg",quality=100) plot(Temp3,bew2log,xlab="log(T/K)",ylab=expression(paste("log(",mu,"/cm^2/VS)")),xlim=range(c(Temp3)),cex.axis=1.5,cex.lab=1.5) abline(reg=fitbew,lty=1) lines(Temp3,bewt2,lty=2) legend(1.932,2.9,c("Experiment"),pch=1,bty="n") legend(1.9,2.88,c("Regression...
2010 Nov 19
Sweave Dynamic Graph Question
...nge(time(IBM.Close)) Syr <- as.numeric(format(rng[1],"%Y")) Eyr <- as.numeric(format(rng[2],"%Y")) Smth <- as.numeric(format(rng[1],"%m")) for( yr in Syr:Eyr){ par(mfrow=c(4,3)) Temp1 <- IBM.Close[which(format(time(IBM.Close),"%Y")==yr),] Temp3 <- tapply(Temp1[,1],as.yearmon(time(Temp1)),FUN=mean) for(i in Smth:length(Temp3)){ i <- ifelse(i < 10, paste(0,i,sep=""),i) Date <- paste(i,yr,sep="-") Temp2 <- IBM.Close[which(format(time(IBM.Close),"%m-%Y")==Date),] plot(time(Temp2),T...
2005 Dec 29
Problems with calloc function.
Hi all, I have a C code in Linux, it has 7 pointers and compile e run OK, but when I run in R happens problems with calloc function, it returns NULL. ############################################### > int *temp1,*temp2,*temp3,*temp4; temp1 = (int *)calloc(col,sizeof(int)); if(temp1 == NULL){ printf("\n\n No Memory1!"); exit(1); } temp2 = (int *)calloc(col,sizeof(int)); if(temp2 == NULL){ >printf("\n\n No Memory2!"); >exit(1); } temp3 = (int *)calloc(col...
2010 Feb 04
random slope models with lme --> failured to converge
...33 78 2 27.71468 For this data, I want to construct a model with a random intercept and slope to compare with a model containing only the random intercept to check whether or not different individuals respond differently to treatment. > temp2.lme<-lme(eggtemp~treat,random=~treat|id,data=temp3.df) However, I get the below error, which I suspect might be because individuals are not replicated within treatments. > nlminb problem, convergence error code = 1 message = iteration limit reached without convergence (9) If I specify treatment as a factor (which it really is not, just dif...
2013 Mar 29
multiple plots and looping assistance requested (single plot)
...quot;, ":Atlantacitydata", ":Baltimorecitydata")) temp1<-lapply(temp,function(x) {x1<-x[,colSums(!=nrow(x)]; if( x1[complete.cases(x1),] else x1[complete.cases(x1)] }) # temp1<-lapply(temp1,function(x) x[]) #3 columns subset temp3<-temp1[lapply(temp1,length)==3] temp3New<-temp3[sapply(temp3,] pdf("Irucka.pdf") lapply(names(temp3New),function(i) {x<-temp3New[[i]]; matplot(x[,1],x[,-1],type="n",lty=1,sub=i,main="Seasonal Flux Sum", xlab="Calendar Year Timesteps",...
2004 May 18
dir.create bug (PR#6892)
...t; result [1] TRUE # Now try to create a directory that DOES already exist: > result <- dir.create("C:\\TEMP") Warning message: 'C:\TEMP' already exists > result [1] FALSE # Finally, try to create a directory that does NOT exist: > result <- dir.create("C:\\TEMP3") Warning message: 'C:\TEMP3' already exists > result [1] TRUE Notice that in the last case, result == TRUE as expected; however, the warning message should not be reported.
2012 Mar 29
Error, Variable is Missing
...a*beta*exp(-sigma*s^2/2) temp2 = (alpha-cplex*s)*(beta+cplex*s) out = (temp1/temp2)^rho out } temp.fn = function(s){ (Mod(cf.fn(s)))*cos(Arg(cf.fn(s))-s*y) } int.fn = function(t){sapply(t,FUN=temp.fn)} te = integrate(int.fn,lower=0,upper=Inf,rel.tol=1e-10,subdivisions=1000000) temp3 = ifelse(te$message == "OK",te$value/pi,NA) temp3 } GNL.pdf.fn(x[100],mu,sigma,alpha,beta,rho) L = rep(0,length(x)) pdf = function(x,mu,sigma,alpha,beta,rho) { for(i in 1:length(x)) { L[i] = GNL.pdf.fn(x,mu,sigma,alpha,beta,rho) } L } when i call the function pdf this an error...
2009 Jan 10
...39;005_avg' AND roi = '1033' AND timeseries_run = '1';") 7 > temp2 <- paste("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE MyTemporaryTable2 SELECT * FROM time_series_small WHERE participant = '005_avg' AND roi = '1033' AND timeseries_run = '2';") 8 > temp3 <- paste("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE MyTemporaryTable3 SELECT * FROM tvalFDR_small WHERE participant = '005_avg' AND roi = '1033' AND nogestureFDR > 1.95;") 9 > dbSendQuery(con, temp1) <MySQLResult:(436,20,1)> 10 > dbSendQuery(con, temp2) <MySQLResult:(4...
2013 Jan 28
Thank you your help.
Hi, temp3<- read.table(text=" ID CTIME WEIGHT HM001 1223 24.0 HM001 1224 25.2 HM001 1225 23.1 HM001 1226 NA HM001 1227 32.1 HM001 1228 32.4 HM001 1229 1323.2 HM001 1230 27.4 HM001 1231 22.4236 #changed here to test the previous solution ",sep="",header=TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE) ?tem...
2005 May 25
Error with user defined split function in rpart (PR#7895)
...l routine's "label" # numy is the number of columns for y # summary is a function used to print one line in summary.rpart # text is a function used to put text on the plot in text.rpart # In general, this function would also check for bad data, see rpart.poisson # for instace. temp3 <- function(y, offset, parms, wt) { print("***** START: TEMP3 *****"); if (!is.null(offset)) y <- y-offset ret <- list(y=y, parms=0, numresp=5, numy=1, summary= function(yval, dev, wt, ylevel, digits ) { paste(" mean=", format(signif(yval, digi...
2006 Jan 04
matrix math
...alues in this dataframe should be the sum of the 2 other dataframe. (i.e. temp1$column 1+temp2$column1, temp1$column2+temp2$column2, etc) What is the best/easiest way to accomplish this? Is I wish to "multiply" (instead of sum) the columns, how do I? I tried: temp3<-as.matrix(temp1)+as.matrix(temp2) I get the following error message: “Error in as.matrix(temp1) + as.matrix(temp2) : non-numeric argument to binary operator” --------------------------------- [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2025 Jan 28
R CMD check says no visible binding for global variable
...) > mydata first second third 1 1 2 3 If you have a varying number of columns and don't care what the names are, you can make n names that look like temp1, temp2, ... tempn like this: > paste0("temp", 1:ncol(mydata)) [1] "temp1" "temp2" "temp3" Obviously, you substitute in whatever your data.frame is called. So the code to add names for columns looks like: > colnames(mydata) <- paste0("temp", 1:ncol(mydata)) > mydata temp1 temp2 temp3 1 1 2 3 -----Original Message----- From: R-help <r-help-bo...
2008 Jun 23
Handle missing values
Hi everyone I am new to R and have a question about missing values. I am trying to do a cluster analysis of monthly temperatures and my data are 14 columns with spatial coordinates (lat,lon) and 12 monthly values: /lat - lon - temp1 - //temp2 - temp3 - .... - //temp12/ If I omit missing values (my missing values are 99.00) with /mydata <- na.omit(mydata)/ every row with a missing value (i.e. eleven good temperature values and one month missing) is deleted. I would like to retain all valid values for the k-means analysis but excluding...
2025 Jan 28
R CMD check says no visible binding for global variable
...) > mydata first second third 1 1 2 3 If you have a varying number of columns and don't care what the names are, you can make n names that look like temp1, temp2, ... tempn like this: > paste0("temp", 1:ncol(mydata)) [1] "temp1" "temp2" "temp3" Obviously, you substitute in whatever your data.frame is called. So the code to add names for columns looks like: > colnames(mydata) <- paste0("temp", 1:ncol(mydata)) > mydata temp1 temp2 temp3 1 1 2 3 -----Original Message----- From: R-help <r-help-bo...
2011 Mar 09
Anomaly with unique and match
I stumbled onto this working on an update to coxph. The last 6 lines below are the question, the rest create a test data set. tmt585% R R version 2.12.2 (2011-02-25) Copyright (C) 2011 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing ISBN 3-900051-07-0 Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit) # Lines of code from survival/tests/singtest.R > library(survival) Loading required package: splines
2015 Sep 15
CentOS-6 - LogWatch
On Mon, September 14, 2015 21:28, Always Learning wrote: > > On Mon, 2015-09-14 at 14:51 -0400, James B. Byrne wrote: > >> The Logwatch imapd service script distributed with CentOS-6 does not >> generate anything when I run logwatch --service all on a cyrus-imapd >> host. Is this expected behaviour? Is there a separate script for >> cyrus-imapd or are their