Displaying 15 results from an estimated 15 matches for "tedzzx".
2008 Nov 06
How to manipulate the time data without the date?
I only got the time data such as:
I want to manipulate this time series data. For example, plus one second(or
minute) or minus one second
This data only has the time(h:m:s), without the date. I know that there are
chron package, ISOPix class and the timeDate class, but all these class need
the input of date.
How can we
2009 Apr 05
extract the p value of F statistics from the lm class
Dear R users
I have run an regression and want to extract the p value of the F
statistics, but I can find a way to do that.
lm(formula = log(RV2) ~ log(IV.m), data = b[[11]])
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-0.26511 -0.09718 -0.01326 0.11095 0.29777
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
2009 Mar 12
batch process file in R
Dear R experts,
I have a folder names "200209" and in this folder there are many data files,
such as:
2008 Nov 18
error in function: nls (urgent)
I am running a nonlinear regression and there is a problem.
There is a data frame: data
p s x t
1 875.0 12392.5 11600 0.06967213
2 615.0 12332.5 12000 0.06967213
3 595.0 12332.5 12000 0.06967213
4 592.5 12337.0 12000 0.06967213
5 650.0 12430.0 12000 0.06967213
6 715.0 12477.5 12000 0.06967213
'data.frame': 234 obs. of 4 variables:
2008 Oct 24
how to simply the procedure of creating a group of data.frame?
Dear R users,
I want to creat a group of data frames, such as:
How can I use the loop to simply my procedure?
Thanks advance
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2009 Mar 19
find the index of the smallest or biggest number in a vetor or data.frame
Dear R experts,
How to find out the index of minimum or maxmum number in a vetor or
For example,
n price
1 50
-2 100
0 200
-1 300
I want to find out the row which the n is the smallest or largestest and
extract the price.
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2009 Feb 23
Help in writing my own function
Dear all
I am very intersted in writing my own function to deal with some complicated
task, but I don't know how to start. I can't find detial material with
examples teaching me how to write my own functions. Can anyone help me and
recommend me some learning material?
Many Thanks
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2009 Apr 30
problem in reading data
Dear R users
I am runing into a problem in reading data in R
This is the error information
Error in scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines, na.strings,
line 1653997 did not have 5 elements
It seams that some lines don't have equal variables. I want to try
2008 Nov 11
Manipulation in timeSeries object:how to use the function "applySeries" by daily?
Hi all
I have some tick-by-tick data and I have calculated the intraday returns. I
want to sum up the intraday squared returns to calculate the daily
volatility(or daily variance). I know that the s-plus FinMerics has the
function aggregateSeries function that can be apply to daily data:
aggregateSeries(x, Fun, by="daily"), but the counterpart function in
R:applySeries can not be apply
2009 Feb 27
rounding problem
hi i am creating some variables from same data, but somewhere is different
P = abs(fft(d.zlato)/480)^2
hladane= sort(P,decreasing=T)[1:10]/480
for (j in 1:5){ for (i in 2:239){
if (P[i]/480==hladane[2*j-1]){pozicia[j]=i-1}}}
> P[2]/334
[1] 0.0001279107
> hladane[1]
[1] 0.0001279107
> P[2]/334==hladane[1]
2009 Jul 31
Tests for Two Independent Samples
Dear R users,
I have got two samples:
sample A with observation of 223:
sample A has five categories: 1,2,3,4,5 (I use the numer 1,2,3,4,5 to
define the five differen categories)
there are 5 observations in category 1; 81 observations in category 2;110
observations in category 3;
27 observations in category 4; 0 observations in category 5;
To present the sample in R: a<-rep(1:5,
2008 Nov 24
optimization problem
Dear list,
hi !
I am a R beginner and I have a function to optimize .
alpha = argmin{ f(x,alpha) }
I want alpha to be in [0,1]. Is there any function that can work?
I use nlm() but i can't fix the domain of alpha.
thanks in advance
Jiang Peng, Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Mathematics &
Antai college of Economics and Management
Shanghai Jiao
2009 Jan 15
Interface to open source Reporting tools
...d Histogram (hadley wickham)
> 14. Re: R in the NY Times (Tony Breyal)
> 15. Arguments for Rcmd BATCH (Andrew Hicks)
> 16. Calling C from FORTRAN and vice versa (Michael H?hle)
> 17. R version requires Bioconductor 2.3 version (Andreas Scherer)
> 18. JGR editor setting problem (tedzzx)
> 19. Setting a contingency table (Bhargab Chattopadhyay)
> 20. Applying 'lm' in each group (Bhargab Chattopadhyay)
> 21. Re: R in the NY Times (Florian Lengyel)
> 22. Re: Arguments for Rcmd BATCH (Prof Brian Ripley)
> 23. Re: R in the NY Times (Barry Rowlingson)
2009 Jan 10
JGR editor setting problem
Hi all,
I am using the JGR (Java GUI for R ) and I am facing some problem.
I want to use the help agent in the editor. I try to change the setting in
preference to use the help agent in editor, but it does not work. Though I
apply and save this seting ,it will return to the default seting that only
the help agent in the console. Will you help me? Thanks
R version: 2.7.2