search for: team_id

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30 matches for "team_id".

2009 Jul 29
[newbie] double relationships in database
I have the following tables teams id :string name :string and matches id: home_team :team_id visitor_team :team_id how can I reflect that kind of relationship in a RoR model? thanks and keep up the good work.
2006 Jan 31
Updating :has_many - :through related items> tags for the "blue" side, using @match_teams[3] through 5) The Edit controller defines @match_teams as: @match = Match.find(params[:id]) @teams = Team.find(:all, :order => "number") @match_teams = [] @match.competitions.each do |team| @match_teams << team.team_id end Now in the update method I''m doing this, but it looks messy and doesn''t seem to update the correct records: @match = Match.find(params[:id]) if @match.update_attributes(params[:match]) for i in 0..2 if @match.competitions[i].team_id != params[:Red][i] then @match...
2009 Jul 17
I need help saving table data from a rake task
I need to find out how I can create and save a large dataset to a table based on multiple returned arrays from a Rake task. Here is my example using just two arrays (there are 14 in this particular rake task): update_tsos_offense = to_team_id, to_ppcs = update_tsos_offense.calculate_tsos(TotalOffense, "ydspgm", "desc") ro_team_id, ro_ppcs = update_tsos_offense.calculate_tsos(RushingOffense, "ydspg", "desc") This task starts with creating a new object (TsosOffense) which is the model that houses t...
2008 Sep 17
permalink_fu and classes with different primary_key than id?
Has anyone else had problems with this scenario? class Team < ActiveRecord::Base # Primary key self.primary_key = ''team_id'' has_many :players, :foreign_key => :team_id has_permalink :city, :param => true end I am getting all kinds of trouble - that goes away if I comment out the has_permalink declaration. With PermalinkFu: >> fs = => #<Team team_id: nil, abbr: nil, city: nil...
2010 Jan 25
has_many, :finder_sql, setting attributes
...ram_id JOIN users AS u ON up.user_id = u.user_id WHERE u.user_id = #{id}'' has_many :teams, :finder_sql => ''SELECT t.* FROM teams AS t JOIN user_teams AS ut ON ut.team_id = t.team_id JOIN user_programs AS up ON up.user_program_id = ut.user_program_id JOIN users AS u ON up.user_id = u.user_id WHERE u.user_id = #{id}'' end class UserProgr...
2009 Jun 25
Join Tables
...he singular name. However, I''ve installed both of the following plugins: redhillonrails_core foreign_key_migrations So, as an example, let''s say I created 32 tables with the following type of information: def self.up create_table :rushing_offenses do |t| t.integer :team_id t.string :name t.integer :games t.integer :carries t.integer :net t.float :avg t.integer :tds t.float :ydspg t.timestamps end end And I want to create a join table for the team_id to associate with all those tables: How would I define the self...
2006 Apr 03
HABTM migrations
Bad rails day for Matt- In a migration, for a habtm: create_table :teams_users do |t| t.column :team_id, :integer t.column :user_id, :integer end Ok, fine. In a controller (well really a migration script): @user.teams << Team.find( 3 ) And the SQL pumped at my server is: INSERT INTO teams_users (`team_id`, `id`, `user_id`) VALUES (3, 3, 34) Which promptly fails...
2006 Jul 18
Saving an ActiveRecord object
...{RAILS_ROOT}/app/models/player.rb:17:in `create_player'' #{RAILS_ROOT}/app/controllers/team_controller.rb:53:in `add_player'' And my Player model is: class Player < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :team # Crea un jugador con los valores por defecto def Player.create_player(team_id) player = player.relate_to_team(team_id) <-------------------------------- LINE 17 return player end # Relaciona el jugador con un equipo def relate_to_team(team_id) @team_id = team_id end end What means that error? Do Player class hasn'...
2006 Jul 26
team captain - habtm w/has_one...
the below... class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :teams class Team < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :users has_one :captain, :class_name => ''User'' produces the error... Mysql::Error: Unknown column ''users.team_id'' in ''where clause'': SELECT * FROM users WHERE (users.team_id = 1) LIMIT 1 i realize the error - and my current solution is to add user_id to team... then i have... class Team < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :users def captain User.find(user_...
2006 Jun 22
Filter on variable
Hi all, I have a question about filtering on a variable. If I have the following code in my controller to select a list of users > @allusers = User.find(:all, > :conditions => [''team_id = ?'', @params["id"], > :order => ''created_at'') Is there an easy way to find out all users who were created one year ago? Can I do find against a variable? Thanks. Arnold. -- Posted via
2008 Jan 27
(REST) Nested routes
...les with nested routes. I have three models: Team, Tournament and TeamTournaments class Team < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :tournaments, :through => :team_tournaments has_many :team_tournaments class TeamTournament < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :team, :foreign_key => ''team_id'' belongs_to :tournament, :class_name => ''League'', :foreign_key => ''tournament_id'' class Tournament < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :teams, :through => :team_tournaments has_many :team_tournaments So it''s a N-M relationship betw...
2009 Jul 16
Please help me understand how arrays are translated in rails
...uby I haven''t found a mental connection with how I can assign variables to arrays.. Take for example: def calculate_tsos(model, datavar, teamvar, valvar) var = model.compiled_this_week.find(:all) var.each_with_index do |rows, i| puts "#{model} [ Row #{i} | Team ID = #{rows.team_id} | Team = #{} | #{datavar} = #{rows.__send__(datavar)}" end end This will give me: TotalOffense [ Row 0 | Team ID = 5 | Team = Tulsa | ydspgm = 569.86 TotalOffense [ Row 1 | Team ID = 47 | Team = Houston | ydspgm = 562.77 TotalOffense [ Row 2 | Team ID = 20 | Team = Oklahoma...
2005 Dec 31
habtm recursion via destroy_without_callbacks
I am having a problem with two models that each have a HABTM relationship to the other. For example: CREATE TABLE people (id INT, name TEXT); CREATE TABLE teams (id INT, name TEXT); CREATE TABLE people_teams (person_id INT, team_id INT); The person model has: has_and_belongs_to_many :teams And the team model has: has_and_belongs_to_many :people The trouble comes when trying to destroy something, I end up with a recursive stack sequence that looks something like: (eval):7:in `destroy_without_habtm_shim_for_teams'...
2006 Jan 23
Looking for DB/Model Design Suggestions
Hi, I''m working on an app - my first Rails - and am looking for some suggestions on the best way (or good way) to set up my models / DB. In general there are teams and matches; a team will participate in multiple matches, and in each match there will be 6 teams - 3 vs. 3. I''m going to want to be able, for a particular team, pull up all matches for that team, to display a
2006 May 14
Strange Database Mapping Question
...s. In the models, I was thinking that the game model would include, "has_many :teams" and the team model would include, "belongs_to :game" When I then look at the scaffold list for Games the home and away teams do not show up. Is there a better way to name the home and away team_id''s in the games table that will fix this? or is there another more elegant way to handle this. Thanks for your patience reading this and I look forward to hearing from you, Dave Latham @NewZealand.Auckland
2006 Apr 16
Design question: Years/Teams/Students but a student can also have many teams (eg summer/winter abd over a number of years) . . Is there a problem with this? Doesn''t it just mean that there will be a student table with: id lastname firstname middlename and a separate "studentteams" table with: id student_id team_id ? Thanks, Phil. -- Philip Rhoades Pricom Pty Limited (ACN 003 252 275 ABN 91 003 252 275) GPO Box 3411 Sydney NSW 2001 Australia Mobile: +61:(0)411-185-652 Fax: +61:(0)2-8221-9599 E-mail:
2006 Jan 13
newbie: access model inside a model
Hi everybody, I''ve started to learn Ruby on Rails with the two books, of course I''m experimenting outside the examples in the book and walking against some things I didn''t learn yet. so here''s the question: Is it possible to access one model from within another? Actually I have a Many to Many relationship between tables and I''m trying to realize
2006 Jan 09
Include with two references of one model of the same table
...atches" where I think should be two selects on two aliases of "matches". Heres some code below to better understand what I''m talking about. class Match < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :hometeam, :class_name => "TeamsSeason", :foreign_key => "hometeam_id" belongs_to :awayteam, :class_name => "TeamsSeason", :foreign_key => "awayteam_id" end class TeamsSeason < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :hometeam, :class_name => "Match", :foreign_key => "hometeam_id", :dependent => :destroy ha...
2009 Jan 08
There is already an object named 'schema_migrations' in the database
I''ve created a table in a SQL Server database using a migration, successfully. I''ve tried to change the name of a column in the table and got the error message above when running ''rake db:migrate''. Previously I have developed using MySQL and Sqlite and migrations have worked successfully. This is an error I have not seen before. Has anybody seen this and worked
2006 Jul 28
has_many :through with multiple paths Person record could be on 6 different teams at the same time in different roles. the same person could even be on the same team multiple times in different roles. I am not 100% sure how to go about this. I am thinking that I will need something like an intermediate record. teams_people id team_id people_id role I would then have (I think) to have methods in the Team model that will find each person in the @team.people array based on the role. I the end I want a view to have something like: Team Name Manager: Person1, Person 4 Programmer: Person2, Person 3 Designer: Person2 Lackey: Perso...