Displaying 20 results from an estimated 28 matches for "tdir".
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2016 Oct 31
[PATCH 0/4] supermin: use dnf on Mageia
as pointed out by Neal Gompa, Mageia recently introduced dnf in the
distribution (currently only in Cauldron, which is the future Mageia 6),
and most probably it will replace urpmi in the future.
As such, on Mageia make supermin prefer dnf over urpmi when found,
using the same code already used for Fedora.
Related change: make test-harder.sh work explicitly also on Mageia
2011 Sep 23
should dir(all=TRUE) return "." and ".."?
...ld mind if dir(all=TRUE)
just omitted them? It might make recursive file operations
like cleaning out a directory safer, as
unlink(recursive=TRUE, dir(all=TRUE, "dirToClean"))
might start attacking dirToClean/.., then dirToClean/../..,
etc., until your disk is empty.
> dir.create(tdir <- tempfile("tdir"))
> file.create(file.path(tdir, c(".dotFile", "noDotFile")))
> dir.create(file.path(tdir, ".dotDir"))
> file.create(file.path(tdir, ".dotDir", c("noDotFileInDotDir", ".dotFileInDotD...
2010 May 24
excluding on element from a list
Dear List,
I am making a list of all the files in a folder and I want to exclude
one file called "proj.current". This is the 31st file in a folder.
Currently I use the command:
tdirs <- list.files(pattern="proj.")[-31]
However I would like to exclude it based on its name and not the position.
Any advice would be useful.
Daisy Englert Duursma
Room E8C156
Dept. Biological Sciences
Macquarie University NSW 2109
2019 Feb 14
Proposed function file.backup
...iles in the output directory
##' @author Shadi Pirhosseinloo <shadi@@ku.edu> Paul Johnson <pauljohn@@
##' @return The name of the newly created file.
##' @importFrom tools file_ext
##' @importFrom tools file_path_sans_ext
##' @export
##' @examples
##' tdir <- tempdir()
##' owd <- getwd()
##' setwd(tdir)
##' system("touch test.1.txt")
##' system("touch test.2.txt")
##' system("touch test.3.txt")
##' system("touch test.4.txt")
##' system("touch test.5.txt")
2014 Nov 24
[PATCH] rpm: use librpm's rpmvercmp
Bind and use rpmvercmp to compare versions of packages when sorting
them, instead of an own string-based comparison function.
src/librpm-c.c | 12 ++++++++++++
src/librpm.ml | 1 +
src/librpm.mli | 1 +
src/rpm.ml | 2 +-
4 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/src/librpm-c.c b/src/librpm-c.c
index 1ae3bad..fc847d6 100644
--- a/src/librpm-c.c
2003 Dec 20
rsync "hang"
...unzip of the 8_Recommended
patch set.
We have been coping one partition to another in this mannor for
several months using this procedure (extracted from larger procedure).
echo "Copy /bk1-dbX files to /bk2-dbX"
foreach DBX (db1 db2 db3)
set FDIR="/bk1-$DBX/oracle"
set TDIR="/bk2-$DBX/oracle"
echo "Copy of $DBX files from bk1 to bk2"
echo $FDIR $TDIR
# rsync -rltv --delete -e ssh "$FDIR" "$TDIR"
rsync -rltv --delete "$FDIR" "$TDIR"
echo ""
echo ""
This proble...
2016 May 25
odd warning unlinking symlink on Windows
...92515a3', reason
'There is a mismatch between the tag specified in the request and the tag
present in the reparse point.
#[1] TRUE
I can remove the symbolic link, without any warnings, if it is in
a directory that I remove with unlink(recursive=TRUE):
dir.create(tdir <- tempfile(fileext=".dir"))
file.create(tfile <- file.path(tdir, "file"))
#[1] TRUE
file.symlink(tfile, tlink <- file.path(tdir, "symlinkToFile"))
#[1] TRUE
#[1] "file" "symlinkToFile"
print(unlink(tdir, recursive=TRUE))...
2016 Oct 31
[PATCH 4/4] rpm: mageia: prefer dnf over urpmi
...> "no") &&
(Os_release.get_id () = "mageia" ||
try (stat "/etc/mageia-release").st_kind = S_REG with Unix_error _ -> false)
@@ -389,7 +388,10 @@ and opensuse_download_all_packages pkgs dir =
and mageia_download_all_packages pkgs dir =
let tdir = !settings.tmpdir // string_random8 () in
- mageia_download_all_packages_with_urpmi pkgs dir tdir;
+ if Config.dnf <> "no" then
+ download_all_packages_with_dnf pkgs dir tdir
+ else (* Config.urpmi <> "no" && Config.fakeroot <> "no" *...
2014 Nov 24
[PATCH] rpm: isolate the "packages as NA RPM list" code
- let rpms = List.map rpm_of_pkg (PackageSet.elements pkgs) in
- let rpms = List.map (
- fun { name = name; arch = arch } ->
- sprintf "%s.%s" name arch
- ) rpms in
+ let rpms = pkgs_as_NA_rpms pkgs in
let cmd =
sprintf "%s%s%s --destdir %s %s"
@@ -309,11 +305,7 @@ let rec fedora_download_all_packages pkgs dir =
(* dnf doesn't create the download directory. *)
mkdir tdir 0o700;
- let rpms = List.map rpm_of_pkg (PackageSet.elements pkgs) in
- let rpms = List.map (
- fun { name = name; arch = arch } -&...
2018 Jul 06
NEWS vs. inst/NEWS
...nstalled package.
However, if I have a package with a NEWS file in both the top-level and in
the inst directory, the top-level one appears in the installed file, not
the one in inst.
Try the following script that makes and installs a package in tempdir():
pkgName <- "junk"
dir.create(tdir <- tempfile())
dir.create(srcPkg <- file.path(tdir, pkgName))
cat(file=file.path(srcPkg, "DESCRIPTION"), sep="\n",
paste("Package:", pkgName),
paste("Title: NEWS vs. inst/NEWS"),
paste("Description: Which is installed, NEWS or inst/NEWS?&q...
2022 Oct 29
tools:: extracting pkg dependencies from DCF
Thank you Gabriel,
Just for future readers. Below is a base R way to address this common
problem, as instructed by you (+stopifnot to suppress print).
Rscript -e 'stopifnot(file.copy("DESCRIPTION",
file.path(tdir<-tempdir(), "PACKAGES")));
db<-available.packages(paste0("file://", tdir));
fields="Package")[[1L]], db, which="most")[[1L]],
2011 Jul 13
use of MAILTO variable in crontab
I want to do something like this:
30 2 * * * MAILTO=testaddr at harte-lyne.ca; echo "this should be mailed"
I have searched extensively and from what I have read I believe that
this should work. But evidently I misapprehend how cron and MAILTO
is supposed to work as my example does not cause any mail to be sent
as far as I can determine from maillog.
How does one specify unique
2013 Oct 11
[PATCH OSSTEST 0/6] Support for serial logs from marilith boxes
The marilith boxes use a conserver (http://www.conserver.com/) setup for
serial access. Our installation exports the logs via http allowing us to
grab them with wget.
Sending debug keys with is handled separately via xenuse. xenuse
ultimately speaks to the conserver too but it abstracts away the IP and
port to use so this is preferred.
With these changes the correct Serial hostprop for a
2009 Aug 24
unix like commands in R?
Dear List:
I am trying to find a command in R which is like the unix command "less" or
"more" to show the data in a object of R.
did anyone can help me on this?
Is there a collection of such unix-like commands in R?
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Oct 14
...teger(ntot), nadj = integer(tadj), madj = as.integer(madj),
ind = integer(npd), tx = double(npd), ty = double(npd),
ilist = integer(npd), eps = as.double(eps), delsgs = double(tdel),
ndel = as.integer(ndel), delsum = double(ntdel),
dirsgs = double(tdir), ndir = as.integer(ndir), dirsum = double(ntdir),
nerror = integer(1))
does it mean this function is using something from FORTRAN?
Thanks a lot!
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2004 Mar 02
Some timings for 64 bit Opteron (ATLAS, GOTO, std)
...lapsed" timings of R's
> "make check-all"
> ## into a numeric N x 3 matrix (with rownames!)
> ##
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 1 Mar 2004, 15:27
> tDir <- file.path(Rhome,"tests")
> dirLs <- c(tDir, file.path(tDir,"Examples"),
> file.path(tDir, list.files(tDir,
> pattern="\\.Rcheck$")))
> iniStr <- "^Time elapsed:"
> endPat <- "\\.Rout$"
2002 Jun 18
FINDNEXT problem, w2k and linux smbfs
I have inconsistent directory listing on share mounted on linux from windows 2k.
Some time not all files appear in the directory listing.
If reading directory listing multiple times (60-200 times) files listed originally would have one or two files missing in one of consecutive lists. The same problem appear as well if you are making backup of Windows files from multiple directories, there are
2017 Sep 22
R CMD build errors if files cannot be moved, even if they are in Rbuildignore
...ng, and ultimately fails. In particular, if a package
uses a `data-raw` folder to prepare data, and data-raw/ contains such long
files, R CMD build will not work, meaning that the data-raw folder has to
be manually stashed before building.
I propose that the following line
if (!file.copy(pkgname, Tdir, recursive = TRUE, copy.date = TRUE))
should be replaced by something like the following
include <- allfiles[!inRbuildignore(allfiles, pkgdir)] # possibly the rest
of the exclude conds too
mov2Tdir <- function(x) {
file.copy(x, file.path(Tdir, x), copy.date = TRUE)
if (any(!vapply(include...
2014 Aug 14
Asterisk 12 on Debian Wheezy [SOLVED]
2014-08-13 19:06 GMT+02:00 Matthew Jordan <mjordan at digium.com>:
> On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 12:01 PM, Olivier <oza.4h07 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> After installing various packages, here is what I did:
>> TDIR=/usr/src
>> cd $TDIR
>> PJOPTIONS="--prefix=/usr --enable-shared --disable-sound
>> --disable-resample --disable-video --disable-opencore-amr"
>> git clone https://github.com/asterisk/pjproject pjproject
>> cd pjproject/
>> ./configure ${PJOPTIONS}
2014 Nov 24
[PATCH] rpm: improve dnf invocation
..., 8 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/rpm.ml b/src/rpm.ml
index 771022e..46954c8 100644
--- a/src/rpm.ml
+++ b/src/rpm.ml
@@ -308,8 +308,14 @@ let rec fedora_download_all_packages pkgs dir =
let rpms = pkgs_as_NA_rpms pkgs in
let cmd =
- sprintf "%s download --destdir %s %s"
- Config.dnf (quote tdir) (quoted_list rpms) in
+ sprintf "%s download%s%s --destdir %s %s"
+ Config.dnf
+ (if !settings.debug >= 1 then " -v" else " -q")
+ (match !settings.packager_config with
+ | None -> &quo...