search for: tcfilter

Displaying 13 results from an estimated 13 matches for "tcfilter".

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2004 Sep 26
REQ: A "tcfilter" program
Will someone please write a program that can be used to assist with u32 matches? What I envision is something like ipchains'' "--check" option, which tests a packet against the selected chain. tcfilter should check against the loaded filters. It would be REALLY nice if: 1) counters (showing the number of hits (in packets)) could be included. 2) a debug mode showing what the packet header looks like, with options for hex or decimal - somewhat like an ASM DEBUG dump. This would show the packet be...
2010 Jan 21
Shorewall 4.4.6 and Multiple ISP with 2 routed subnets
...eth2 track,balance eth3 route_rules: #SOURCE DEST PROVIDER PRIORITY eth0 - ISP1 1000 eth2 - ISP2 1000 tcfilters: #INTERFACE: SOURCE DEST PROTO DEST SOURCE TOS LENGTH #CLASS PORT(S) PORT(S) 1:P eth1 all 2:P eth3 all tcrules: #MARK SOURCE...
2010 Jul 05
Problem with trafic shapping and openvpn
I''m using shorewall with openvpn and traffic shaping at all of our offices. I have noticed for a while that occasionally ping times are excessive. Usually this is during overnight off site backups but some times during the day. I have assumed the is was an ISP issue but now I''m suspecting it''s problem with openvpn and traffic shaping. In the test case have 2 sites
2011 Mar 13
Shorewall 4.4.19 Beta 1
Beta 1 is now available for testing. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. P R O B L E M S C O R R E C T E D I N T H I S R E L E A S E ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Previously /var/log/shorewall*-init.log was created in the wrong Selinux context. The rpm''s have been modified to
2011 Mar 13
Shorewall 4.4.19 Beta 1
Beta 1 is now available for testing. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. P R O B L E M S C O R R E C T E D I N T H I S R E L E A S E ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Previously /var/log/shorewall*-init.log was created in the wrong Selinux context. The rpm''s have been modified to
2009 May 23
Shorewall 4.3.11
...ssing. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- P R O B L E M S C O R R E C T E D I N 4 . 3 . 11 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Previously, specifying a source port for SCTP in /etc/shorewall/tcfilters would cause an invalid rule to be generated. 2. The list of networks returned by the ''shorewall iprange'' command was not minimal. 3. When AUTOMAKE=Yes, the ''shorewall start'' (''shorewall6 start'') command used the wrong compiled s...
2010 May 29
IFB0 throughput 3-4% lower than expected
...; tcdevices 1:eth0 - 20mbit 2:ifb0 - 20mbit classify eth0 # egrep -v ''^#'' tcclasses 1 2 100kbit 5000kbit 1 default 2:20 - 100kbit 5000kbit 1 default # egrep -v ''^#'' tcrules 2:T tcp - 5001 # egrep -v ''^#'' tcfilters 2:20 tcp 5001 The egress demonstration below indicates that throughput was 5.02mbit as averaged over 20 seconds, in comparison to the 5mbit asked for. # iperf -c mr-cool -i4 -t20 -p 5001 ------------------------------------------------------------ Client connectin...
2011 May 18
Shorewall is now available. Problems corrected in this update: 1) Previously, the compiler would allow a degenerate entry (only the BAND specified) in /etc/shorewall/tcpri. Such an entry now raises a compilation error. 2) Previously, it was possible to specify tcfilters and tcrules that classified traffic with the class-id of a non-leaf HFSC class. Such classes are not capabable of handling packets. Shorewall now generates a compile-time warning in this case and ignores the entry. If a non-leaf class is specified as the default class, then...
2009 Oct 30
traffic shaping with two internal interfaces
Hi, my shorewall is version 4.0.15 on Debian Lenny. I have 3 following interfaces: eth0 net (4mbit/512kbit) eth1 loc (100mbit) eth2 loc (100mbit) I want to shape traffic from net on two lan interfaces like: - default is 2000mbit for each local interface - if is no traffic on eth1 is 4mbit for eth2 (and vice versa) My tcdevices eth0 4000mbit 512kbit eth1 -
2012 Nov 20
Simple Traffic Shaping Problem
Hello, I have a problem with simple traffic shapping in shorewall, my current configuration is: zones vlan10 ipv4 # interfaces vlan10 vlan10 detect tcpflags,routeback shorewall.conf TC_ENABLED=Simple tcinterfaces vlan10 Internal 1mbit:50kb shorewall show tc Device vlan10: qdisc prio 5: root refcnt 2 bands 3 priomap 1 2 2 2 1 2 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2012 Sep 03
Shorewall 4.5.8 Beta 1
Shorewall 4.5.8 Beta 1 is now available for testing. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. P R O B L E M S C O R R E C T E D I N T H I S R E L E A S E ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) This release includes the defect repair from Shorewall 2) The restriction that TTL and HL rules could
2012 Sep 03
Shorewall 4.5.8 Beta 1
Shorewall 4.5.8 Beta 1 is now available for testing. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. P R O B L E M S C O R R E C T E D I N T H I S R E L E A S E ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) This release includes the defect repair from Shorewall 2) The restriction that TTL and HL rules could
2011 Apr 23
TC: Simple and complex configs interplay
Hello, From a user perspective, the simple (tcpri) and complex TC configs offers two rather distinct choices. A user can very well be OK with only using the simple way and that''s very fine. Then again, even in doing so, the more complex config options are available. What is the interplay between the two as far as having some parameters configured in both at the same time ? So far