search for: tavasti

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2011 Oct 06
Access denied on shares, why?
...links (too big to include to this email). Logs are quite long, but with log level 2 there was nothing relevant, and loglevel 3 prints out a lots of log :-( If I have forgot to give some relevant information, don't hesitate to ask. All hints are welcome, I'me getting desperate with this. tavasti at mydomain:~$ smbclient //mydomainserver/asiakkaat -USome-User%passwd Domain=[MYDOMAIN] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.5.11] tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED tavasti at mydomain:~$ id Some-User uid=1017(Some-User) gid=1001(staff) groups=1001(staff),1004(some),05(other) Log from this: http:...