search for: tarnus

Displaying 3 results from an estimated 3 matches for "tarnus".

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2002 Jun 05
Acls support in rsync
...(u::rwx,u:101:rwx,g::rwx,g:100:rwx,m::rwx,o::r-x myfile), and so you don't have to script anymore :-) So please dear rsync developpers, could you please give me some advice about what to modifiy in rsync to add acls to standard access rights synchronisation. Thank you in advance. Olivier Tarnus
2011 May 10
Problem rgl
Dear List, I'm using R on a Fedora 14 32 bit machine and I'm trying to use the rgl-package, but get the following error-messages: > library(rgl) Warnmeldungen: 1: In rgl.init(initValue) : RGL: no suitable visual available 2: In fun(...) : error in rgl_init > plot3d() Fehler in rgl.cur() : rgl_dev_getcurrent Does anyone know how to solve this problem? Thanks in advance, Marco
2002 May 30
XFS acls in rsync
Hi, I'm actually building a big file server for my company and is testing rsync intensively since two weeks to synchronize a stand-by server every 15 minutes. I've been really impressed by the performance of rsync :-) The filesystem is actually 140GB on XFS under linux running samba with acl support... And you already know the problem :-) Google told me you are planning full acl