search for: tappli

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1619 matches for "tappli".

Did you mean: tapply
2004 May 05
Dear List: I have the following simple program: x<- sample(site) VarGuilda1<- var(tapply(x,site,func1)) VarGuilda2<- var(tapply(x,site,func2)) VarGuilda3<- var(tapply(x,site,func3)) VarGuilda4<- var(tapply(x,site,func4)) VarGuilda5<- var(tapply(x,site,func5)) VarGuilda6<- var(tapply(x,site,func6)) VarGuilda7<- var(tapply(x,site,func7)) VarGuilda8<-
2007 Nov 06
A suggestion for an amendment to tapply
Dear R-developers, when tapply() is invoked on factors that have empty levels, it returns NA. This behaviour is in accord with the tapply documentation, and is reasonable in many cases. However, when FUN is sum, it would also seem reasonable to return 0 instead of NA, because "the sum of an empty set is zero, by definition." I'd like to raise a discussion of the possibility of an
2008 Aug 07
multiple tapply
Hi folk, I tried this and it works just perfectly tapply(iris[,1],iris[5],mean) but, how to obtain a single table from multiple variables? In tapply x is an atomic object so this code doesn't work tapply(iris[,1:4],iris[5],mean) Thanx and great summer holidays Gianandrea -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help
2004 May 13
tapply & hist
I'm learning how to use tapply. Now I'm having a go at the following code in which dati contains almost 600 lines, Pot - numeric - are the capacities of power plants and SGruppo - text - the corresponding six technologies ("CCC", "CIC","TGC", "CSC","CPC", "TE"). .....................................................
2008 Jul 08
extracting index list when using tapply()
Hello, The quick version of my question is how can I extract a matrix instead of a vector using tapply()? I would like to be able to access both the results of tapply() and also the index variables. In case further explanation would help: I am analyzing a large (3million rows x 9 columns) spatial/temporal dataset and am attempting to calculate the number of unique years containing any data
2017 Jan 26
RFC: tapply(*, ..., init.value = NA)
Last week, we've talked here about "xtabs(), factors and NAs", -> In the mean time, I've spent several hours on the issue and also committed changes to R-devel "in two iterations". In the case there is a *Left* hand side part to xtabs() formula, see the help page example using 'esoph', it
2008 Sep 28
using tapply on a data frame in a function
Hello, I'm trying to use tapply to find group means in a function. It works outside of a function, but I get the error message from the following code: "Error in tapply(index, cluster, mean) : arguments must have same length." Any suggestions? Thanks. eric d <- data.frame(cbind(cluster=1:2, value1=1:10, value2=11:20)) d FindClusterTraits <- function(framename, index){
2010 Feb 02
tapply for function taking of >1 argument?
I'm sure I can put this together from the various 'apply's and split, but I wonder if anyone has a quick incantation: E.g. I can do tapply( data, groups, mean) but how can I do something like: tapply( list(data,weights), groups, weighted.mean ) ? (or: mapply is to sapply as ? is to tapply ) Thanks for your help. -- View this message in context:
2009 Apr 13
tapply output as a dataframe
i use tapply and by often, but i always end up banging my head against the wall with the output. is there a simpler way to convert the output of the following tapply to a dataframe or matrix than what i have here: # setup data for tapply dt = data.frame(bucket=rep(1:4,25),val=rnorm(100)) fn = function(x) { ret = c(unname(quantile(x,probs=seq(.25,.75,.25),na.rm=T)),mean(x,na.rm=T)) } a =
2010 May 07
Any way to apply TWO functions with tapply()?
I need to compute the mean and the standard deviation of a data set and would like to have the results in one table/data frame. I call tapply() two times and do then merge the resulting tables to have them all in one table. Is there any way to tell tapply() to use the functions mean and sd within one function call? Something like tapply(data$response, list(data$targets, data$conditions), c(mean,
2017 Jan 27
RFC: tapply(*, ..., init.value = NA)
The "no factor combination" case is distinguishable by 'tapply' with simplify=FALSE. > D2 <- data.frame(n = gl(3,4), L = gl(6,2, labels=LETTERS[1:6]), N=3) > D2 <- D2[-c(1,5), ] > DN <- D2; DN[1,"N"] <- NA > with(DN, tapply(N, list(n,L), FUN=sum, simplify=FALSE)) A B C D E F 1 NA 6 NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 NULL NULL 3 6
2002 Jan 24
aggregate, by tapply
Dear R users I searched some sources but i did not find an answer.Please give me some hint to following problem. I would like to compute a summary statistic for some vector for different factor levels. I know I can use tapply or aggregate but I do not know if there is a way how to use function with several (two) variable input (like weighted.mean). I wrote a simple a function for factor
2008 Nov 14
# values used in a function in tapply
Hello, I am using tapply to pull out data by the day of week and then perform functions (e.g. mean). I would like to have the number of values used for the calcuation for the functions, sorted by each day of week. A number of entries in any given column are NAs. I have tried the following code and simple variants with no luck. for (i in 1:length(a[1,])){ x<-tapply(a[,i],a[,1],mean,
2012 Sep 03
Scatter plot from tapply output, labels of data
Hei, i am trying to plot the means of two variables (d13C and d15N), by 2 grouping factors (Species and Year) that i obtained by the function tapply. I would like to plot with different colours according to the Year and show the "Species" as data labels. My data looks like this: Species d13C d13N Year "Species1" 14,4 11.5 2009 "Species2"
2017 Jan 26
RFC: tapply(*, ..., init.value = NA)
On a related note, the storage mode should try to match ans[[1]] (or unlist:ed and) when allocating 'ansmat' to avoid coercion and hence a full copy. Henrik On Jan 26, 2017 07:50, "William Dunlap via R-devel" <r-devel at> wrote: It would be cool if the default for tapply's init.value could be FUN(X[0]), so it would be 0 for FUN=sum or FUN=length, TRUE
2004 Mar 15
Bug in tapply with factors containing NAs (PR#6672)
Full_Name: George Leigh Version: 1.8.1 OS: Windows 2000 Submission from: (NULL) ( The following example gives the correct answer when the first argument of tapply is a numeric vector, but an incorrect answer when it is a factor. If the function used by tapply is "length", the type and contents of the first argument should make no difference, provided it has the same
2004 Aug 21
more on apply on data frame
Hi R People: Several of you pointed out that using "tapply" on a data frame will work on the iris data frame. I'm still having a problem. The iris data frame has 150 rows, 5 variables. The first 4 are numeric, while the last is a factor, which has the Species names. I can use tapply for 1 variable at a time: >tapply(iris[,1],iris[,5],mean) setosa versicolor virginica
2008 Sep 09
exporting tapply objects to csv-files
Dear Everyone, I try to create a cvs-file with different results form the table function. Imagine a data-frame with two vectors a and b where b is of the class factor. I use the tapply function to count a for the different values of b. tapply(a,b,table) and I use the table function to have a look of the frequencies as a total table(a) I would like to put both results together in one txt or
2005 Jun 20
hi, i have another question on tapply: i have a dataset z like this: 5540 389100307391 2600 5541 389100307391 2600 5542 389100307391 2600 5543 389100307391 2600 5544 389100307391 2600 5546 381300302513 NA 5547 387000307470 NA 5548 387000307470 NA 5549 387000307470 NA 5550 387000307470 NA 5551 387000307470 NA 5552 387000307470
2012 Aug 29
tapply confusion
Hello I have a huge data frame with three columns 'Roof' 'Month' and 'Temp' i want to run analyses on the numerical Temp data by the factors Roof and Month, separately and together. For using more than one factor i understand i should use aggregate, but i am struggling with the tapply for single factor analysis. > tapply(Temp, INDEX = Roof, FUN = median) This works