search for: tabularization

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 376 matches for "tabularization".

2015 Jun 09
Tablas con tabular en latex
Buenos días, estoy tratando de encontrar la manera de generar tablas en ficheros pdf (sweave) a través del paquete tables. He mirado que este tema esta activo en las listas pero no logro localizar las respuestas antes dadas, por eso lanzo esta consulta. Mi fichero .rnw tiene el siguiente aspecto: ******* \documentclass{article} \usepackage{array,booktabs,caption} \begin{document}
2012 Jul 26
Variables in a Tabular form. easily saved in a txt file
Dear all, I would like to save few variable-names with their values in a tabular form, with that I mean that files can be printed easily in R in a tabular form and also saved in a ascii file that when one opens it see also the variables in a nice tabular format. IS that possible? Below a small example of how should look results in R and in a txt file.              Postal Code | Superb
2011 Oct 28
xtable with \begin{tabular} and only.contents
I have found that I like having my captions and labels in my latex document rather than having them contained in my xtable output file (I haven't fully gone to sweave yet). I know I can do something like this by using the 'only.contents' argument in xtable. Unfortunately, the only.contents argument also removes the \begin{tabular}{rrrrrr} & \end{tabular} (in the example below) of
2004 Jan 20
Error: unknown identifier {|} in tabular format {|l|c|c|c|}
I've got a package I would like to send out for testing and have noticed a "problem" with the \tabular portion of the help "compiler" the code for inserting vertical lines, in the tabular environment, causes the build to choke, but not the check command. C:\>rcmd build --binary -docs=all nlsystemfit \tabular{|l|c|c|c|}{ \hline Method \tab Instruments \tab
2004 Jan 18
xtable feature addition suggestion
Hi, attached follows a patch to add a feature that I think it would be useful having in the print.xtable function of the xtable package. It adds the option 'tabular.environment' to that function, which could be used to set an alternative tabular environment, as the name already suggests. This is particulary useful when dealing with long tables, which do not fit in a single page. In the
2009 Apr 10
How to handle tabular form data in lmer without expanding the data into binary outcome form?
Dear R-gurus: I have a question about lmer. Basically, I have a dataset, in which each observation records number of trials (N) and number of events (Y) given a covariate combination(X) and group id (grp_id). So, my dataset is in tabular form. (in case my explanation of tabular form is unclear, please see the link:
2013 Apr 25
tables: proper use of Hline() in tabular()
Dear all, I am unable to understand how Hline() works in tabular(). I've read the vignette and the help page, and here this example compiles perfectly fine: latex( tabular( Species + Hline() + 1 ~ Heading()*mean*All(iris), data=iris) ) However, if I try it on my own data it fails. Consider this: set.seed(1) Xa <- data.frame(p=rep(c("First group","Second
2012 Oct 10
Exporting summary plm results to latex
Dear all, I am trying to export my fixed effect results to Latex. I am using the plm package with the summary function. However, it does not look like apsrtable, stargazer, or any other package can accompany using the plm package. I am interested in a classic table with the coefficient in one row followed by the standard error in paranthesis in the next row and stars by the coefficient to show
2004 Mar 12
Sweave and R output: possible to suppress "Schunk" tags in *.tex file output?
Hello, I would like to fill the rows of a Latex tabular environment with output from R, as in \begin{table} \caption{Table caption.} \label{tab:events} \begin{tabular}{c r r r r r} \hline <<echo=false,results=tex>>= @ \end{tabular} \end{table} Sweave produces the output inside \begin{Schunk} and \end{Schunk} commands, which latex doesn't
2013 May 24
xtable() with booktabs option problem
I could have sworn that yesterday xtable(file, booktabs = TRUE) was giving me toprule , midrule and bottomrule outout. Today : library(xtable) aa <- table( sample(letters[1:9], 100, replace = TRUE)) xtable(aa, booktabs = TRUE) gives me \begin{table}[ht] \centering \begin{tabular}{rr} \hline & V1 \\ \hline a & 15 \\ b & 11 \\ c & 13 \\ d &
1998 Jan 07
tabular environment for Rd files
I have added a preliminary version of a tabular environment to Rdconv and committed it to the current development sources. Syntax: \tabular{format}{ aaa \tab bbb \tab ccc \cr xxx \tab yyy \tab zzz } i.e., the column seperator is \tab and the line seperator is \cr format is a usual LaTeX tabular format string, e.g in the above example it could be `lll' giving three left justified
2008 Dec 23
Tabular output: from R to Excel or HTML
What is the equivalent for formatted tabular output of the various very sophisticated plotting tools in R (plot, lattice, ggplot2)? In particular, I'd like to be able to produce formatted Excel spreadsheets (using color, fonts, borders, etc. -- probably via Excel XML) and formatted HTML tables (ideally through a format-independent interface), and preview them using commands within R, just as
2001 Feb 09
tabular data (was RE: [R] Removing "row.names")
Hi, I agree that replacing data.frames for modeling functions would be too painful. Also I agree with Thomas that new class(es) for tabular data should not inherit from data.frame, and that data.frames should conceptually inherit from some other base tabular data class. At this point I'm not suggesting anything in concrete --- I haven't sorted it out in my own mind --- but I want
2009 Mar 05
including tabular information with a plot in R Graphics
Hi all, I have a presentation problem that I cannot find a solution to in the documetnation. I have a nice barplot. Below this I would also like a table with some information relating to the plot. My idea was to have the plot and table on the same graphics window so I can output them as an image file for a report. Does anybody know how to include tabular information from a dataset or table into
2011 Apr 14
Reshaping and plotting tabular data
Hi- Tabular data have been provided to me within .csv files. I need to transform the data from tabular format into a dataframe with three columns. The columns need to be the table row id, table column id, and the tabulated variable. An example dataset can be downloaded here:
2012 Feb 26
Sweave Print xtable
Hi, I'm working with Sweave and I have some trouble generating table. The R code is: print(xtable(myTable, caption ="", label="tab:myTab", digits=3), tabular.environment='tabular', floating=TRUE, caption.placement="top",size="\\scriptsize") and the resulting LaTeX table is: \begin{table}[ht] \begin{center} \caption{Principal
2007 Jun 20
"xtable" results doesn't correspond to data.frame
Dear useRs, Am trying to use xtable on the following data.frame and I don't get what I expect: example.table <- data.frame(rbind( c("Gender"," "," "," "), cbind(rep(" ",2),c("Male","Female"),c(3.0,4.0),c(3/7,4/7)) )) colnames(example.table) <- c(" "," ","number of
2013 Apr 19
tables package - error message of "duplicate values"
Dear expeRts! when I try summarize data using "tabular" of tables package.. here is an example.. > a <- data.frame(a=rep(10,10),b=round(runif(10,10,20)),c=round(runif(10,40,50))) > a a b c 1 10 14 44 2 10 17 40 3 10 13 40 4 10 18 40 5 10 11 49 6 10 16 46 7 10 15 43 8 10 19 49 9 10 19 49 10 10 13 45 > tabular((a+1)~(n=1)+Format(dig=0)*(b + c) * (mean +
2010 Nov 22
Problem setting the number of digits in xtable
DEar list members, I am currently using Sweave with LaTeX which is great. I can use xtable for formatting outp of tables but I have a problem setting the number of decimals in xtables when used with dataframe. I have found an example on the net ith matrix and it works. For example this works : > > tmp <- matrix(rnorm(9), 3, 3) > > xtmp <- xtable(tmp) > > digits(xtmp)
2012 Feb 17
How can I tabulate time series data (in RStudio or any other R editor)?
Hello, I have a question on how to tabulate the time series data. I use RStudio, but if can be done in any other R editor, it should work in RStudio as well. > a1<-11:22 > a1ts<-ts(a1, frequency=4, start=c(1978,1)) > a1ts Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4 1978 11 12 13 14 1979 15 16 17 18 1980 19 20 21 22 If I click the variable "a1ts" on the