Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20 matches for "synthax".
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2008 Jul 04
synthax for R CMD INSTALL
Dear all,
I am trying to install rgdal from source on a Mac OS 10.4.11. I installed
GDAL and PROJ as frameworks so the installation does not work unless I
explicitly state where the GDAL and PROJ libraries are. I tried:
R CMD INSTALL rgdal_0.5-25
but I
2007 Mar 06
parse error with if else (PR#9551)
Full_Name: Stephanie MAHEVAS
Version: 2.4.1
OS: Windows NT
Submission from: (NULL) (
the two following instructions provide a synthax error :
if ( 5 > 4 ) cat("ok1")
else cat("ok2")
if ( 5 > 4 ){ cat("ok1")}
else cat("ok2")
whereas these ones don't
if ( 5 > 4 ) cat("ok1") else cat("ok2")
if ( 5 > 4 ){ cat("ok1")
}else cat("o...
2007 Oct 17
problem with anova() and syntax in lmer
...- 3 nested random factors : "region", "pop" and "family" with family nested
in pop and pop nested in region*landsc
I'm mainly interrested in the effect of "landsc" ane "landsc:temp" on the
variable I'm studying.
I had used the following synthax :
model3 <- lmer(eclw~1 + density + landsc + temp + landsc:temp + (1|region) +
(1|region:pop) + (1|region:pop:family), data=fem1)
But somebody told to me that the folowing one could be more correct , and
I'm in doubt now:
model4 <- lmer(eclw~1 + density + landsc + temp + landsc:temp +...
2008 Jun 15
R vs SAS and HLM on multilevel analysis- basic question
MlmSoftRev. pdf from mlmRev package.
>From what i see, the first two links seem to declare the level one variable as a random part (i don't know sas synthax, but i think i am right ) while Mr. Bates' pdf says that a grouping variable is the random part of the model, though both models, use roughly the same type of information, some characteristic of the school, along with individual characteristics in explaining individual achivement.
Am i mista...
2005 Jan 13
...le (or the
column) connecting the
name of the column to the dataframe name by means of
the $ sign:
so z$energy is the column named energy in the
dataframe z.
I don't know how to do the same with a multi-variable
time-series. I tried
both z.energy, z$energy to no avail.
What's the right synthax?
Diventare costruttori di soluzioni
Became solutions' constructors
"The business of the statistician is to catalyze
the scientific learning process."
George E. P. Box
Top 10 reasons to become a Statistician
1. Deviation is considered normal
2. We...
2004 Nov 24
Problems with samba under FreeBSD, not under Linux
Now, I can add that I had a go with Samba 3.08 under a linux gentoo
slice on the same box, replicating all the commands I had given under
FreBSD (with the exception of smbmount under gentoo & mount_smbfs under
freebsd, somewhat different synthax, too) and - under linux - it works
perfectly well.
My very short smb.conf (both under linux and FreeBSD)
workgroup = BOH_SS
server string = Samba
load printers = no
log file = /var/log/samba3/log.%m
max log size = 50
security = user
encrypt passwords = yes
smb p...
2002 Jul 01
GUIs (for teaching)
...box, my intention is to propose dialog boxes that create scripts templates
with comments for further edition. This should both encourage script edition
and facilitate the use of R for beginners or unfrequently users.
There will be not only a flexible user interface that bring some nice
additions (synthax highlighting, quick tips on the functions arguments,
templates, object explorer, RTF report,...) but also a modular conception to
allow a concurrent access to several "calculation kernels" locally or
through the network, running on a Unix/Linux/Windows remote machine. Some
data exchange f...
2005 Jan 13
...le (or the column) connecting the
name of the column to the dataframe name by means of the $ sign:
so z$energy is the column named energy in the dataframe z.
I don't know how to do the same with a multi-variable time-series. I tried
both z.energy, z$energy to no avail.
What's the right synthax?
2008 Sep 09
New member with question on multiple comparisons in mixed effects models
...if requested.
My question is maybe a bit trivial, but I would like to get out of the model the pairwise comparisons for all the factor levels using TukeyHSD, but when I try to do this using the "glht" method in the multcomp library I get an error message which seems to indicate a wrong synthax, yet I think I am following the instructions given on the package documentation. Below are the code lines and the R reply.
> glht(inner.exch.M9.lme,linfct=mcp(Personality:Day = "Tukey"))
Error: unexpected '=' in "glht(inner.exch.M9.lme,linfct=mcp(Personality:Day ="...
2007 Nov 19
login help - grouping records
I have a long list of posts posted on different days and many posts
every day. I want them to arrange like following...
How can I (say) group them to appear all posts of one date under their
related headng.
Because records have so many different days, it is confusing me.. I need
some generic solution.
Thanks in advance.
Posted via
2004 Nov 25
Fwd: Problems with samba under FreeBSD, not under Linux
------------------ \END{MESSAGE}
Now, I can add that I had a go with Samba 3.08 under a linux gentoo
slice on the same box, replicating all the commands I had given under
FreBSD (with the exception of smbmount under gentoo & mount_smbfs under
freebsd, somewhat different synthax, too) and - under linux - it works
perfectly well.
My very short smb.conf (both under linux and FreeBSD)
workgroup = BOH_SS
server string = Samba
load printers = no
log file = /var/log/samba3/log.%m
max log size = 50
security = user
encrypt passwords = yes
smb pa...
2002 Oct 11
RE: [R-gui] NEdit Highligth patterns for R
...on is a very good tool for small scripts, maybe for huge
> >projects is not the best.
> >I'm attaching the R-5.1.pats file so you can try it.
> >As usual contributions and comments are welcome.
> >Regards
> >EJ
> Nice. But regarding synthax highlighting, I stick with two problems:
> 1) It would be interesting to highlight in different colors functions and
> arguments... but they can have same name. Example: plot(x, col=2) -argument
> 'col' and col(x), function 'col'. For the moment, the only easy way I f...
2012 Aug 03
MANOVA with repeated measures in R
Dear list member,
I deperately need an help in performing a MANOVA in R, but I encountered some
problems both in the design and in the synthax with R.
I conducted a listening experiment in which 16 participants had to rate the audio
stimuli along 5 scales representing an emotion (sad, tender, neutral, happy and aggressive).
Each audio stimulus was synthesized in order to represent a particular emotion.
Participants had to move 5...
2001 May 29
Scripting capabilities for R
I'm in the final week of teaching a course to beginners using R and
S-Plus. Since I forbade the students from using the "point-and-click"
interface in S-Plus, they've become reasonably proficient at using the
command line in both programs.
Students really like the speed and ease-of-use of R for the vast majority
of their projects. I think they'd switch to R completely
2004 Dec 16
Detecting incomplete commands
I need a similar behaviour as with the prompt: asking to complete incomplete
R command with eval(parse(text = ....))
Is it a way to make the difference between an illegal and an incomplete R
command in a string?
For instance:
> parse(text="ls()")
This is fine!
> parse(text="ls(")
Error in parse(file, n, text, prompt) : parse error
This is an
2005 Mar 08
find_by_sql ON STEROID possible?
...use find_by_sql to optimize a production
app , But what an efficient way to break the OOP BEAUTY i was talking
about......i mean with find by sql, authors are no more book associated objects
but additional informations added to every book object...
with find_by_sql no more object.associated_object synthax :(
means using find_by_sql and breaks the inheritance...
there is a sql request that can fetch all that information at once:
FROM books b,...
2005 Oct 15
R GUI considerations (was: R, Wine, and multi-threadedness)
...ld make Tcl + Tk a better and more modern GUI
implementation. Look at http://www.sciviews.org/SciViews-R... the
"tcltk2" package. In that package, I add "Tile", a series of themable
and more modern widgets, the famous "tkTable", a tooltip widget, a text
widget with synthax colouring, a tree widget, etc. + some Windows
specific stuff that help regarding problems like focusing on a Tk
window, and communicating with other apps. However, I face the problem
of installing all these additional widgets seemlessly under all
paltforms supported by R. For the pure Tcl widge...
2001 Oct 04
about the char _
Dear all,
I don't know the historical reason why the char '_' was
defined in the R language grammar as a synonyme of the
assignment <-, anyway the R documentation dosen't recommand
its usage.
Well, this is a real "incompatibility issue" each time
we need to interface R with other language/systems, notably with
database systems. Recall that, in perhaps all
2005 Oct 10
Show Progress in loop
I have a loop which is doing time consuming calculations and I would
like to be able to have some feedback on where it is in it's
calculations. I tried to simply show the counter variable in the loop,
but id doesn't work as all display seems to be delayed until the loop is
completed. Is there any way of displaying the progress of a loop?
The loop:
for (i in