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2011 Jun 20
[LLVMdev] C struct as function argument
...inModule:myMod]; [myMod dump]; id var = [[CGKRunner runnerForModule:myMod] runCGKFunction:rfunc]; assertThat(var,is(equalTo(N(35)))); } Thats the code in question. The CGK* types are part of my wrapper, and simply wrap the necessary part of the LLVM API. Test Case '-[SVFunctionTests testLLVMStructFuncCall]' started. ; ModuleID = 'llvm_structfunccall_test' %0 = type { i32, i32 } declare i64* @testLLVMStructFuncCall(%0) define i64* @0() { entry: %0 = call i64* @testLLVMStructFuncCall(%0 { i32 10, i32 25 }) ret i64* %0 } 2011-06-20 21:25:54.821 otest-x86_64[33...