search for: susbsytem

Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "susbsytem".

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2016 Jul 10
lxc containers won't start in a f24 custom install - odd cgroup fs layout observed
...ame having an underscore (example below uses inri_sl1 as a domain name) But trying with a regular name 'plain' without an underscore exhibits a similar issue ------------------------- Here's the set of files under /sys/fs/cgroup/memory that contains 'inri' in their name (other susbsytems have similar naming schemes in both cases) ========= f23 / libvirt- (works fine) [root@vnode06 log]# cat /etc/fedora-release Fedora release 23 (Twenty Three) [root@vnode06 log]# uname -r 4.5.7-202.fc23.x86_64 [root@vnode06 log]# rpm -q libvirt libvirt-
2001 Sep 17
making openssh work with chroot()'ed accounts?
I've been trying to get openssh to play nicely with chroot()'ed accounts (on Red Hat Linux 7.1), but so far, I haven't had much success. I can stick this line in /etc/pam.d/sshd: session required /lib/security/ debug onerr=fail For slogin, this works great. But scp and sftp don't apply the chroot, because they don't invoke do_pam_session(). Even worse, I