Displaying 20 results from an estimated 153 matches for "surrogate".
2012 Jan 17
RTisean generating multivariate surrogates;
I have a question on generating multivariate time series surrogates
using the "surrogates" function in the RTisean library.
The surrogate data matrices are always much shorter than the input matrices.
FYI, I'm using R version 2.12.2 on Windows XP
RTisean library v 3.0.14
Tisean algorithms v 3.0.13
Creating a surrogate univariate time series...
2001 May 22
Surrogate splits for decision trees
Dear R,
Short verse of the question:
Is there R code which will calculate surrogate splits
and/or delta impurity for decision trees at each node?
Long Version:
I have local, legacy code which I use to calculate my decision trees.
I would like to switch to R, but as I understand it surrogate splits
are not implemented.
Surrogate splits and feature ranking are described in Breim...
2007 Oct 23
Multivariate regression tree: problems with surrogate splits
Sample 2
Sample 3
Sample 4
Sample 5
after performing the analysis (MRT) I asked for the summary but I didn't get the surrogate splits, only the information for the primary splits (the secuence of commands I used is pasted at the end of the email). I would like to know how to get the information about the surrogate splits, please let me know any ideas.
Thank you very much in advanced,
Looking forward to hearing from you,...
2010 May 18
proportion of treatment effect by a surrogate (fitting multivariate survival model)
Dear R-help,
I would like to compute the variance for the proportion of treatment
effect by a surrogate in a survival model (Lin, Fleming, and De
Gruttola 1997 in Statistics in Medicine). The paper mentioned that
the covariance matrix matches that of the covariance matrix estimator
for the marginal hazard modelling of multiple events data (Wei, Lin,
and Weissfeld 1989 JASA), and is implemented in Li...
2020 Apr 04
Possible Bug In Validation of UTF-8 Sequences
As per `?intToUtf8`, and in the comments to `valid_utf8`[1], R
intends to prevent illegal UTF-8 such as UTF-8 encoded
UTF-16 surrogate pairs.? `R_nchar`, invoked via `base::nchar`,
explicitly validates UTF-8 strings[2], but allows the surrogate:
??? > Encoding('\ud800')
??? [1] "UTF-8"
??? > nchar('\ud800')? // should be an error
??? [1] 1
The problem manifests on systems where `char` is signed.?...
2007 Oct 25
problems with the last version of R
R helpers,
I would like to know if it is possible that the last version of R is not giving the surrogate splits when you perform a Multivariate regression tree analysis? I installed the programm in different computers and i run the some matrix and it didn't gave me this information. With a previus version R 2.1.1. I do get the information for the surrogates. Please let me know how to get the surro...
1999 May 04
surrogate poisson models
Dear R-help,
I'm applying the surrogate Poisson glm, by following Venables & Ripley (7.3
1999 May 05
Ordered factors , was: surrogate poisson models
( ) ) /
\ ( (_/
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thomas Lumley [mailto:thomas at biostat.washington.edu]
> Sent: 4. maj 1999 16:00
> To: Simon Bond
> Cc: r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch
> Subject: Re: [R] surrogate poisson models
> On Tue, 4 May 1999, Simon Bond wrote:
> >
> > Call:
> > glm(formula = terms(Fr ~ treatment * age + (treatment + age) *
> > repair, keep.order = T), family = poisson, data = overall)
> >
> >
> > Coefficien...
2006 Mar 24
handle multiple warehouses
Hello all,
I am working on building a web store with RoR. The company has many
locations. All the stock/order information is processed through the same
Here is my question. How would you handle the multiple warehouse problem
with Rails? How would you keep track of the information in multiple
Thank you for your help,
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2017 Jul 31
[PATCH v11 03/10] daemon: utils: New functions unix_canonical_path, utf16le_to_utf8 and tests.
...i = 0 then Buffer.add_char outbuf (Char.chr (c lor first))
+ else if i > 0 then (
+ loop (i-1) (c lsr 6);
+ Buffer.add_char outbuf (Char.chr ((c land 0x3f) lor 0x80))
+ )
+ in
+ loop (len-1) c
+ in
+ (* Loop over the input UTF16-LE characters. *)
+ let is_high_surrogate c = c >= 0xd800 && c < 0xdc00
+ and is_low_surrogate c = c >= 0xdc00 && c < 0xe000
+ and surrogate_value highc lowc =
+ 0x1_0000 + (highc - 0xd800) * 0x400 + lowc - 0xdc00
+ in
+ let len = String.length instr in
+ let rec loop i =
+ if i+1 >= len then ()...
2011 Jan 24
How to measure/rank ?variable importance when using rpart?
...2325, MSE=44176.93
left son=2 (81 obs) right son=3 (147 obs)
Primary splits:
pat.karno < 75 to the left, improve=0.03661157, (3 missing)
ph.ecog < 1.5 to the right, improve=0.03620793, (1 missing)
age < 75.5 to the right, improve=0.01606491, (0 missing)
Surrogate splits:
ph.ecog < 1.5 to the right, agree=0.787, adj=0.392, (3 split)
age < 72.5 to the right, agree=0.680, adj=0.089, (0 split)
In Breiman, Friedman, Olshen, & Stone, the canonical CART book, the
pat.karno variable would get .0366 "points" for this split,
2005 Jun 29
Setting the value of a primary key field
I have a table that is to hold all ISO 639 language codes: alpha3t, alpha3b,
alpha2, that bunch. It also (indirectly) holds language names, but
that''s off-topic.
alpha3t is the primary key, so I''ve told Active Record about this by saying
set_primary_key "alpha3t" within the Language model. (Don''t try to call your
models things like ISO639 (won''t work
2007 Jan 04
randomForest and missing data
...and that one may impute missing values
using rfImpute or some other method, but I would like to avoid doing
If this functionality were available, then when the trees are being
constructed and when subsequent data are put through the forest, one
would also specify an argument for the use of surrogate rules, just
like in rpart.
I realize this question is very specific to randomForest, as opposed
to R in general, but any comments are appreciated. I suppose I am
looking for someone to say "It's not appropriate, and here's why
..." or "Good idea. Please implement and post y...
2013 Jan 27
????? Hsa.8147? < 1696.23? to the right, improve=14.46790, (0 missing)
????? Hsa.37937 < 379.39?? to the right, improve=13.75358, (0 missing)
????? Hsa.692.2 < 842.305? to the right, improve=12.38710, (0 missing)
????? Hsa.1832? < 735.805? to the right, improve=11.90495, (0 missing)
? Surrogate splits:
????? Hsa.692.2 < 1086.655 to the right, agree=0.903, adj=0.571, (0 split)
????? Hsa.3306? < 170.515? to the left,? agree=0.887, adj=0.500, (0 split)
????? Hsa.601?? < 88.065?? to the left,? agree=0.887, adj=0.500, (0 split)
????? Hsa.692?? < 1251.99? to the right, agree=0.871,...
2006 May 18
Concatenated key
Hi all,
I started playing a couple days ago with Rails and it find it very
But I''m a bit stuck with making it work with a concatenated primary key.
I want to use my own names for the DB fields and I''m using SQL Server
My tables look roughly like this:
2010 Feb 28
Gradient Boosting Trees with correlated predictors in gbm
I’m trying to understand how correlated predictors impact the Relative
Importance measure in Stochastic Boosting Trees (J. Friedman). As Friedman
described “ …with single decision trees (referring to Brieman’s CART
algorithm), the relative importance measure is augmented by a strategy
involving surrogate splits intended to uncover the masking of influential
variables by others highly associated with them. This strategy is most
helpful with single decision trees where the opportunity for variables to
participate in splitting is limited by the size of the tree. In the context
of Boosting, however, th...
2020 Jun 08
Potential issue with perl-based pattern matching with Unicode characters on Windows R 4.0 and above
Hi everyone,
I've noticed new behavior in `regexpr(..., perl = TRUE)` on Windows with
R4.0 and above with Unicode characters. Here's a minimal example where I'd
expect to see a start value of `5` (as R 3.6.2 and below gives), but R
4.0.0 (and R 4.0.1) now returns:
> regexpr("b", "foo\U0001F937bar", perl = TRUE)
#> [1] 6
2001 Nov 08
programming question
Dear r-help,
I am trying to build a new function (to process rpart objects) that will
output matrix that has a row for each node and a column for
each feature. With each entry in the table is a numerical property
at that node for that feature (e.g. surrogate split agreement, improvement).
My current trouble is that the only clue to the identity of the feature is
stored as the *name* of the feature. Whereas a table is indexed by *number*.
I have a list of sorted names, but I am having trouble translating a name
into a number. If this where perl the...
2007 Mar 08
Composite Primary Keys
Have been looking into using rails but am finding the "Composite
Primary Keys are Bad" thing a tad disturbing (to put it mildly). I
have been working with RDBMS systems for over fifteen years and this
is the first time I have herd the idea questioned. I have cone across
using surrogate keys which mirror the composite key for performance
reasons in VERY big databases but I have never herd the idea
questioned from a logical database design point of view. Apart from
it being easier in rails to use non composite keys has anyone got any
other good reasons not to use them. As far as...
2011 Nov 06
What is the best way to represent a category hierarchy using term prefixes in Xapian?
...Grand Rapids, Michigan search
criteria is less likely to include documents from Minnesota and Ohio.
However, two aspects of this approach bother me. First, the creation and
maintenance of term prefixes for each level of the hierarchy feels wrong.
Second, the concatenation of values seems like a surrogate for using weights.
So, what is the best way to represent a hierarchy with term prefixes?
Note, I posted this question to stackoverflow here:
I didn't get any response...