search for: successive

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 44958 matches for "successive".

2004 Apr 07
B-channels resetting every 60 minutes?
Hello, As you can see are pri is being reset every 60 minutes! Is there a way to stop this?? Is it a Zapata configuration problem? We have a * box with a single port T1/pri card installed. Thanks lach Apr 7 09:00:07 VERBOSE[114696]: -- B-channel 2 successfully restarted on span 1 Apr 7 09:00:07 VERBOSE[114696]: -- B-channel 3 successfully restarted on span 1 Apr 7 09:00:07
2019 Nov 27
error in parallel:::sendMaster
Hi, I am facing a very weird problem with parallel::mclapply. I have a script which does some data wrangling on an input dataset in parallel and then writes the results to disk. I have been using this script daily for more than one year always on an EC2 instance launched from the same AMI (no updates installed after launch) and processed thousands of different input data sets successfully. I now
2013 Jan 30
bug report: apcsmart (WIN) 940-0024C connect fail, problem with command 'E'
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, I have several old, yet functioning APC Smart-UPS (Model 600LS, Part AP600I, Firmware 6JI, no EEPROM, from 1991). They are not supported by Powerchute any more. I run NUT 2.6.5-4 on Windows XP SP3. I use COM1 port with cable 940-0024C. The connection fails with APC Smart protocol driver 3.0 (2.6.3-3534:3540M), APC command table version 3.0 or higher - it works with APC
2019 Nov 27
error in parallel:::sendMaster
Hi again, One important correction of my first message: I misinterpreted the output. Actually in that R session 2 input files were processed one after the other in a loop. The first (with 88 parts went fine). The second (with 85 parts) produced the sendMaster errors and failed. If (in a new session via Rscript) I only process the second input file it will work. The other observations on R vs
2019 Sep 17
Building LLVM with LLVM with no dependence on GCC
Hi folks! I'm trying to get rid of any dependency on libgcc*, but without success so far. The following commands were executed on a freshliy installed and updated Ubuntu 16.04 LTS: === snip === sudo apt-get install build-essential libffi-dev cmake # see aptget.txt for packages installed sudo mv /usr/local /usr/local.orig git clone cd llvm-project; git
2019 Sep 20
Building LLVM with LLVM with no dependence on GCC
Thus wrote David Demelier via llvm-dev: > Also you will need to add more options to the components. See for example: > > LIBCXX_CXX_ABI=libcxxabi > LIBCXX_USE_COMPILER_RT=On > LIBCXXABI_USE_LLVM_UNWINDER=On > LIBCXXABI_USE_COMPILER_RT=On > LIBCXX_HAS_GCC_S_LIB=Off > LIBUNWIND_USE_COMPILER_RT=On > > And as mentioned above > > CLANG_DEFAULT_CXX_STDLIB=libc++
2019 Nov 27
error in parallel:::sendMaster
Hi Andreas, the error is reported when some child process cannot send results to the master process, which originates from an error returned by write() - when write() returns -1 or 0. The logic around the writing has not changed since R 3.5.2. It should not be related to the printing in the child, only to returning the value. The problem may be originating from the execution environment,
2009 Jul 08
Restarting of B-channel on span 1
Hi All, Hope you all are fine and good, Today i have found that Mine all PRI Channels are restating after every interval of one hour, and i have search and psot on fourms and everyone said that this is a normal behaviour. If this is a normal behaviour is there is any way to stop it { i still don't know what is the reson to restart ever hour } . Because this is listed everywhere that
2017 Mar 14
AD replication issue
Changes replicate to it, but not from it. vsc\VSC-DC02 DSA Options: 0x00000001 DSA object GUID: fe066b13-6f9e-4f3c-beb4-37df1292b8cb DSA invocationId: 8a2b1405-07b1-4d92-89dd-1d993e59e378 ==== INBOUND NEIGHBORS ==== DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=mediture,DC=dom vsc\DC01 via RPC DSA object GUID: da9bb168-47a0-4368-aff3-bf06d1b869d2 Last attempt @ Tue Mar 14
2005 Sep 10
TE110P reset
My TE110P reset some times in the day. E this cause an interruption in the service. How I decide this problem? my zaptel.conf span=1,1,0,esf,b8zs bchan=1-23 # set this to 1-15,17-31 for E1 dchan=24 # set this to 16 for E1 defaultzone=us loadzone=us my zapata.conf [channels] language=en signalling=pri_cpe switchtype=national echocancel=yes echocancelwhenbridged=yes echotraining=200 ; Asterisk
2015 Feb 10
DNS synchronisation problems
Hi, I have replications problems on one of my server. Replication was working since month and yet stopped working. on the remote server: islad01:~ # samba-tool drs showrepl | more Default-First-Site-Name\ISLAD01 DSA Options: 0x00000001 DSA object GUID: 3fe6bc7c-1116-4344-96a6-c58c43bc217f DSA invocationId: 89351eec-7207-45f5-b6b9-cebfcacfd0e3 ==== INBOUND NEIGHBORS ====
2019 Nov 28
error in parallel:::sendMaster
Hi Tomas, Thanks for your prompt reply and your offer to help. I might need to get back to this since I am not too experienced in debugging these kinds of issues. Anyway, I gave it a try and I think I have found the immediate cause: I installed the debug symbols (r-base-core-dbg), placed in cwd and changed the
2017 Mar 13
AD replication issue
I believe the problem is a lack of outbound replication for non PDC emulator DCs. You'll notice isn't even trying because last successful was epoch (never) yet there are no errors. Inbound replication for this DC seems fine. [root at vsc-dc02 ~]# samba-tool drs showrepl [...]==== OUTBOUND NEIGHBORS ==== DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=mediture,DC=dom aws\AWS-DC01 via RPC DSA object GUID:
2019 Nov 28
error in parallel:::sendMaster
Hi Andreas, thank you very much, good job finding it was EBADF. Now the question is why the pipe has been closed prematurely; it could be accidentally by R (a race condition in the cleanup code in fork.c) or possibly by some other code running in the same process (maybe the R program itself or some other code it runs). Maybe we can take this off the list and come back when we know the cause
2005 Sep 29
Is this normal?
Hey, I'm up and running fine with 30 Polycom 500s connected to Asterisk 1.2Beta on Cent OS 4.1 with a Digium TE110 connected to a PRI line. Nearly every hour, almost on the hour I get this: Sep 29 23:01:38 VERBOSE[3567] logger.c: -- B-channel 0/1 successfully restarted on span 1 Sep 29 23:01:38 VERBOSE[3567] logger.c: -- B-channel 0/2 successfully restarted on span 1 Sep 29
2017 Mar 13
AD replication issue
On 3/13/2017 2:15 PM, Arthur Ramsey via samba wrote: > Upgraded to 4.6.0 on all nodes. Still seeing the same issue. > > If I create an object on vsc-dc02, epo-dc01 or aws-dc01 DCs it doesn't > replicate. If I create it on vsc-dc01 (PDC emulator) then it does > replicate. > > On 03/13/2017 12:13 PM, Arthur Ramsey wrote: >> >> I believe the problem is a lack
2006 Aug 15
Ferret 0.10 series
Hi David, >> Otherwise I''m fully committed to getting 0.10 out. >> When it is out, I''d recommend getting it into your >> development app as soon as you can. Any idea of timeframe to a 0.10 alpha release? Kind Regards Neville
2018 Jul 13
samba-tool drs showrepl not reporting last attempt/success time correctly
I'm having a strange"samba-tool drs showrepl" output and I don't know where to start to fix it. My environment: - SRVWIN: Win2008R2 DC server - SRVSAMBA: Samba 4.7.6 DC on Ubuntu 18.04 Server - SRVSAMBA2: Samba 4.7.6 DC on Ubuntu 18.04 Server To test AD replication I've created an user object on SRVWIN and it appears on both SRVSAMBA and SRVSAMBA2 (checked with ADUC from
2016 Sep 23
replPropertyMetaData & KCC issues after updating to Samba 4.5.0
On 9/22/2016 6:31 PM, Garming Sam wrote: > On 23/09/16 00:59, lingpanda101 at wrote: >> For clarification I'll add a few things. >> >> I initially deleted all the NTDS site links for each site and allowed >> the new KCC to create them. However it did not create them I believe >> correctly. By that I mean it defined what appeared to be a bridgehead
2010 Mar 12
Problem installing new packages
Hi everyone, Using R 2.10.1 on Windows Vista. DOWNLOADED PACKAGES DO NOT INSTALL. I expect to see them in C:\Program Files\R\R-2.10.1\library These files download (see below). And they are all in zip format. What am I doing wrong? Please help. All suggestions appreciated. trying URL '' Content type