search for: stylesheet_link_tag

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 139 matches for "stylesheet_link_tag".

2006 Jun 22
stylesheet linking and layouts
In my layout, I have something like (shortened for clarity): <html> <head> <%= stylesheet_link_tag "index", :media => "all" %> </head> <body> <div id="site-container"> ... <cut for space> <%= @content_for_layout %> ... <cut for space> </div> </body> A view action has another stylesheet defined in the opening...
2010 Jun 14
I know that the following statement loads the scaffold stylesheet, but what exactly does stylesheet_link_tag do here? <%= stylesheet_link_tag ''scaffold'' %> Thanks. -- Posted via -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/JY...
2012 Mar 01
help stylesheet_link_tag
I was reading the book "Agile Web Development with Rails 4th Edition". In Chapter 11, Iteration C2: Adding a Page Layout 1 <!DOCTYPE html> - <html> - <head> - <title>Pragprog Books Online Store</title> 5 <%= stylesheet_link_tag "scaffold" %> - <%= stylesheet_link_tag "depot", :media => "all" %> - <%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %> - <%= csrf_meta_tag %> - </head> "stylesheet_link_tag" and "javascript_include_tag" dosn''t work...
2006 Aug 04
how to remove ID from stylesheet_link_tag?
When I use stylesheet_link_tag, the results come back with a timestamp ID, like this: <link href="/stylesheets/style.css?1154009736" media="screen" rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" /> I don''t want the query string and ID on the end, but I can''t see how to disab...
2006 Jul 25
Battle of Namings: stylesheet_link_tag vs link_to_javascript
Link helper namings counterintuitive in an environment where convention over configuration prevails: <%= link_to_javascript ''myscript'' %> <%= stylesheet_link_tag ''mystyle'' %> A simple def in ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper would fix things in a nice, backward-compatible way, such that: <%= link_to_javascript ''myscript'' %> <%= link_to_stylesheet ''mystyle'' %> In the meantime I can...
2009 Dec 12
how to print out content of stylesheets in <style> tag via stylesheet_link_tag
Hi! I''m developing facebook apps with ruby on rails. My connection is really slow. The stylesheets do not load mosts of the time. So i want to print out the content of my .css-files in <style> Tags. Is this possibe with some parameter to the stylesheet_link_tag or an other tag? Greetings from Germany Klaus -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/JYPxA39Uh5TLH3MbocFF+G/ To unsubscribe from this group...
2006 Mar 28
stylesheet_link_tag and apache2
On apache2, my rails application cannot access my stylesheet. <%= stylesheet_link_tag ''my_railsblog_stylesheet'' %> however, all is fine if I run my application on webrick! why? Am I doing something wrong with my apache configuration: # My Apache configuration <VirtualHost> ServerName DocumentRoot /home/ac/railsblog/pub...
2006 Sep 26
Why does stylesheet_link_tag default to :media => 'screen' !?!?!
Hi all - Can anyone tell me why stylesheet_link_tag defaults to :media => ''screen'' instead of ''all'' (or just leaving it out alltogether). Seems odd since I would think by default I''d want my page printed out the same way it looked on the screen... Anyone know why that default was chosen? -philip...
2008 Jun 02
stylesheet_link_tag, javascript_include_tag, caching problems
So, the new caching for stylesheet_link_tag, javascript_include_tag which rolls up the files into one all.js or all.css files is great ... however I''ve run into an issue: If all.cs or all.js don''t exist, they get generated ... great, I''ve reduced the number of gets ... The problem is what occurs when the files al...
2011 Sep 04
Linking failure in stylesheet_link_tag in production mode with asset pipeline enabled
Hey, in my `application.html.erb`, I have this line: <%= stylesheet_link_tag ''application'' %> which should compile through the asset pipeline and link to the application.css (which does a `require_tree .`). In development mode, I''d expect a <link ... href="/assets/application.css" /> This file is actually delivered by, fo...
2006 Mar 18
Weird stylesheet_link_tag issue after moving servers
Dear experts, I am in the process of switching servers for my application. Before the move everything was working properly. After the move <%= stylesheet_link_tag ''/stylesheets/styles.css'' %> generates <link href="//stylesheets/styles.css" media="screen" rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" /> Before the move it was generating the right code: <link href="/stylesheets/s...
2007 Feb 18
Numbers on stylesheet_link_tag and image_tag
Can anyone explain to me exactly what are those numbers that rails appends to stylesheets and images when using stylesheet_link_tag or image_tag? At first I thought it would be so the browser wouldn''t cache the stylesheets, but that doesn''t make much sense for images, plus it seems that the numbers are unique, maybe based on the session. Any idea? Thanks --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~...
2006 Mar 07
Relative stylesheet reference
Problem: The HREF generated by the stylesheet_link_tag is an absolute path. Details: The layout for my view has the following line <%= stylesheet_link_tag ''scaffold'' %> At runtime, this gets translated to <link href="/stylesheets/scaffold.css" ... /> This does not get resolved correctly. The problem...
2006 Aug 11
css - location of files.
Hi all. I have the following scenario. http://myapp/site1 is using <%= stylesheet_link_tag ''myapp_standard'' %> to define the stylesheet for layout, I have myapp_standard.css in /public/stylesheets and it works fine. However, in the stylesheet I define a image to use for my site background. eg: html, body{ background-image: url(mysite_background.jpg); padding-t...
2006 Feb 12
CSS in Views
How can I link to a CSS file in one of my view files? -- Posted via
2005 May 01
Example using Builder::XmlMarkup and .rxml files?
...yout ''accounts'' model :account def edit @edit_p = "place holder example para" end end I want to understand how to convert the scaffold generated layout: <html> <head> <title>: <%= controller.action_name %></title> <%= stylesheet_link_tag ''scaffold'' %> </head> <body> <%= @content_for_layout %> </body> </html> and template: <h1>Editing accounts</h1> <%= start_form_tag :action => ''update'', :id => @accounts %> <%= render_partial &quot...
2007 Jan 25
<!--[if IE]>....?
Hello again.. I ve been looking all over to see if there is any way to have the <!--[if IE]> thingy working without having to go to every page and add it manually...? so far my layout has: <!--[if IE]><%= stylesheet_link_tag ''ie-style'' %><![endif]--> <%= stylesheet_link_tag ''scaffold'' %> And it didnt work.... :( Any ideas on how to get this done...? Any links...? Thanks -- Posted via --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~-...
2009 Mar 26
Lightbox popup on ajax pages....
Hi, I''m using lightbox.js for displaying chromeless popup windows. I have a main page on which I have javascript_include_tag and stylesheet_link_tag to include lightbox. Calls to the lightbox popups from this main page work perfectly... But....calls to the lightbox popups from pages which are called by ajax(using link_to_remote) from the main page do not work... :( They work like simple link_to''s. Even if I write the javascript_incl...
2010 Jun 02
Ajax with JQuery
...t;%=javascript_include_tag "prototype"%> <%=javascript_include_tag "jquery"%> <%= javascript_include_tag ''livevalidation/jquery.validate'' %> <%= javascript_include_tag ''livevalidation/jquery.validation.functions'' %> <%= stylesheet_link_tag ''livevalidation/jquery.validate'' %> <%= stylesheet_link_tag ''livevalidation/style'' %> <%=link_to_remote "new user",:url=>{:action=>:a},:update=>"div"%> <div id="div"></div> <% form_for(@user) d...
2007 Jan 19
Problem with link tags
Hell all, I have a layout were I add my stylesheets and javascript in the following manner: <%= stylesheet_link_tag "/form" %> <%= stylesheet_link_tag "/text" %> <%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %> But what happens is that in the actual web page the source is the following: <link href="/form.css?1168168516" media="screen" rel="Stylesheet"...