search for: styledtextctrl

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 21 matches for "styledtextctrl".

2010 Jan 10
Problem with StyledTextCtrl
I am using StyledTextCtrl, and want to get direct function and pointer from the handle so that I can pass them to some old codes written in C. But the output of the following code is "0, 0", which means send_msg() returns nothing but 0. require ''wx'' module Wx do fr...
2008 Jan 18
[ wxruby-Feature Requests-17217 ] change the names of group methods in StyledTextCtrl
...-2008 14:39 You can respond by visiting: Category: Documentation Group: None Status: Open Priority: 3 Submitted By: Nobody (None) Assigned to: Alex Fenton (brokentoy) Summary: change the names of group methods in StyledTextCtrl Initial Comment: in the wx::StyledTextCtrl documentation, methods are grouped for easier access. The group names could be more descriptive, like New name Current name Autocompletion <- Function name autocompletion Basic movement <- Basic movement Brace matching...
2007 Aug 29
Hi I''ve been trying out the StyledTextCtrl/Scintilla component bundled with wxWidgets 2.8. Surprisingly, it''s very easy to get this working at a basic level with wxRuby (95% of credit to Roy, who originally created a SWIG file for this). So I''m wondering: should we try and integrate this into wxRuby core? Pros: - a co...
2009 Jan 29
Control Characters
I am attempting a text editor using wxRuby. I''m having character issues. Strings are not binary-safe. Some characters are not allowed. - newline / line feed (\n), tab (\t) are displayed - carraige return (\r) is stripped - Other control characters and high-ascii cause control values to become empty. Affected controls include: Wx::TextCtrl, Wx::StaticText, Wx::Clipboard, et al. Most
2007 Oct 24
Problems with creating my own syntax highlighter
Well, I wanted to make my own syntax highlighter using Wx::StyledTextCtrl. The easiest way to do it seemed to parse the text contents in a content-changed-event. But it doesn''t seem to work.. I tried to edit the scintilla sample and added this event(@sci is the StyledTextCtrl): @sci.evt_stc_change(@sci.get_id) do @sci.clear_document_style...
2010 Jan 24
Where can I find a list of events for each widget?
I''ve searched the documentation like crazy but I can''t seem to find the events for each of the widgets. Any info on this would be greatly appreciated. -- Posted via
2009 Sep 10
App freezes on wxruby-19-2.0.1 on Windows, fine on Mac
With wxRuby-ruby19- v2.0.1, my app works well on Mac. But on Windows, it freezes after typing up to a dozen of characters in a StyledTextControl, mouse operations are fine. Once freezing, Ctrl+C couldn''t end the process. My env: Windows XP ruby 1.9.1p243 (2009-07-16 revision 24175) [i386-mingw32] It might be specific to my application (no issues on Ruby 1.8 with wxRuby 2.0.0
2007 Nov 23
[ wxruby-Bugs-15845 ] ctrl+shift+t crashes empty styled textctrl
...l&atid=218&aid=15845&group_id=35 Category: None Group: None Status: Open Resolution: None Priority: 3 Submitted By: Christopher Bludau (count_cb) Assigned to: Nobody (None) Summary: ctrl+shift+t crashes empty styled textctrl Initial Comment: If one pressed ctrl+shift+t in an EMPTY Wx::StyledTextCtrl the applictaion crashes with a Segmentation fault. If only one space (or any other char) is in the StyledTextCtrl this is not happening. I have no idea why this is happening. Tested only on WinXp (wxRuby 1.9.2) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- You can respo...
2007 Sep 03
API survey results & update minister, after all - but it was decisively a yes. 90% (9/10) supported adding keyword constructors, and 77% (7/9) ruby-style accessors. The changes are summarised at the bottom of the email. We hope to have a 1.9.1 release incorporating these in the next week or two. 1.9.1 will also add StyledTextCtrl (Scintilla) support, as well as BitmapComboBox and RendererNative. Lastly it has some useful bugfixes to methods - eg TreeCtrl#on_compare_items; Choice#append; ListCtrl#get_item_rect cheers alex 1) All widgets and frames can be created using keyword args. This is really handy, for example, if...
2010 Jan 28
Compiling problem on Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit
...zerItem.o obj/Slider.o obj/Sound.o obj/SpinButton.o obj/SpinCtrl.o obj/SpinEvent.o obj/SplashScreen.o obj/SplitterEvent.o obj/SplitterWindow.o obj/StandardPaths.o obj/StaticBitmap.o obj/StaticBox.o obj/StaticBoxSizer.o obj/StaticLine.o obj/StaticText.o obj/StatusBar.o obj/StdDialogButtonSizer.o obj/StyledTextCtrl.o obj/StyledTextEvent.o obj/SymbolPickerDialog.o obj/SystemSettings.o obj/TaskBarIcon.o obj/TextAttr.o obj/TextCtrl.o obj/TextDataObject.o obj/TextDropTarget.o obj/TextEntryDialog.o obj/TextUrlEvent.o obj/TextValidator.o obj/Timer.o obj/TimerEvent.o obj/TipProvider.o obj/TipWindow.o obj/ToggleButto...
2009 Nov 05
installing wxruby 2.0.1. missing lwx_gtk2u_media-2.8
Hi, i tried too install wxruby-2.0.1 on opensuse 11.2 from the rake command I get the following error: ... usr/lib/gcc/i586-suse-linux/4.4/../../../../i586-suse-linux/bin/ld: cannot find -lwx_gtk2u_media-2.8 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status rake aborted! Command failed with status (1): [g++ -shared -fPIC -o -L. -rdynamic -Wl,-...] /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/rake.rb:995:in
2008 Mar 01
wxRIDE Finally Available
...ings blow up, and you loose hours of work, don''t blame me! Save your files, and save them very very often. Currently, here''s a list of features that are currently implemented in wxRIDE. * Implements AUI demo to build the core interface for wxRIDE. * Implements Scintilla through StyledTextCtrl. Further syntax highlighting needed, as Ruby is the only language currently implemented. * Workspace Sidebar, to view files currently not associated to a project, and those that are associated to a project (Project handling not implemented yet), as well as a Filesystem Browser to browse files on y...
2009 Aug 14
TextCtrl performance for large files
I''ve been trying to speed up my program, which uses a TextCtrl, for large files by getting rid of code using line numbers. However, it seems that just using the get_range method is slowing down my program for large files. I don''t know whether I''m doing something wrong or there''s a way to access the text without significant slowing in large files. If anyone
2011 Mar 15
wxStyledTextCtrl: how to set caret at begining of a selection?
Hi there, I was trying to select text backwards in a StyledTextCtrl, i.e, want the caret to be in the front, not at the end of selection, however unsucessful. My code like this: set_selection_end(11) set_selection_start(5) Any suggestions? thanks in advance. Zhimin -- Posted via
2007 Sep 11
wxRuby 1.9.1, wxSugar 0.1.17
I''m very happy to announce that new versions of wxRuby and wxSugar are now available. == CHANGES == * Merged nice ruby-style syntax options into core wxRuby * Re-added support for StyledTextCtrl (Scintilla) component * Added BitmapComboBox and RendererNative classes * Fixed nasty bug which could cause instability in XML-loaded layouts * Numerous other fixes and new methods in existing classes * Figured out how to build on AMD-64 Linux * Upgraded binary builds to be based on latest wxWidget...
2007 Nov 29
WxRuby + Scintilla avec HTML + JavaScript
...fonctionne parfaitement, mais pas je ne parviens pas à appliquer pour le JavaScript inclus. ========== début du script ========== require ''wx'' include Wx class MyFrame < Frame def initialize() super( nil, -1, ''test'', [100,100], [500,400] ) @sci = self ) line_num_margin = @sci.text_width( STC_STYLE_LINENUMBER, "_99999" ) @sci.set_margin_width( 0, line_num_margin ) @sci.set_lexer_language( ''hypertext'' ) @sci.style_clear_all() @sci.style_set_foreground( 0,,0,0) ) @sci.style_set_fore...
2008 May 18
[ wxruby-Bugs-20211 ] Unresolved symbol due to linkage error
...o obj/Sizer.o obj/SizerItem.o obj/Slider.o obj/Sound.o obj/SpinButton.o obj/SpinCtrl.o obj/SpinEvent.o obj/SplashScreen.o obj/SplitterEvent.o obj/SplitterWindow.o obj/StaticBitmap.o obj/StaticBox.o obj/StaticBoxSizer.o obj/StaticLine.o obj/StaticText.o obj/StatusBar.o obj/StdDialogButtonSizer.o obj/StyledTextCtrl.o obj/StyledTextEvent.o obj/SystemSettings.o obj/TaskBarIcon.o obj/TextAttr.o obj/TextCtrl.o obj/TextDataObject.o obj/TextDropTarget.o obj/TextEntryDialog.o obj/TextUrlEvent.o obj/TextValidator.o obj/Timer.o obj/TimerEvent.o obj/TipProvider.o obj/TipWindow.o obj/ToggleButton.o obj/ToolBar.o obj/Too...
2008 Mar 04
How to build and test wxRuby
...;m probably doing something blatantly obvious to the rest of you. Here''s the output from rake install: (in /Users/david/src/wxRuby-dev/wxruby2) Enabling STATIC build Enabling RELEASE build Enabling UNICODE build The following wxWidgets features are not available and will be skipped: StyledTextCtrl StyledTextEvent Even if rake install was successful, I''m not quite sure how to make ruby use this particular version of wxRuby. All of this corralling is an attempt to keep separate my own version of wxRuby from the one I''ve installed through rubygems. Perhaps this is...
2007 Sep 10
syntax II
Hi Given the warm response to the syntax additions in 1.9.1 I''m considering moving one or two more syntax extensions into core, and would like your thoughts. Last ones, I promise. Realise we don''t want much more API change now, but also we''ll probably also have to live with whatever we settle on for 2.0 for a little while, so... 1) Setting up event handlers In
2007 Sep 12
screenshots & wxruby apps
Hi I''ve added a page to the wiki to show some screenshots opf the wxRuby samples: I''d like to get some screenshots for OS X to add to this, if anyone could supply them please. It would be nice to show the minimal sample for all three platforms, plus perhaps some of the ones that aren''t included there. Also if