Displaying 20 results from an estimated 159 matches for "stdev".
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2012 Aug 10
virtio-scsi <-> vhost multi lun/adapter performance results with 3.6-rc0
...w, bs=4K-4K/4K-4K, ioengine=libaio, iodepth=64
randrw: (g=0): rw=randrw, bs=4K-4K/4K-4K, ioengine=libaio, iodepth=64
Starting 8 processes
randrw: (groupid=0, jobs=1): err= 0: pid=7155
read : io=384MB, bw=62,934KB/s, iops=15,733, runt= 6243msec
slat (usec): min=4, max=11,681, avg=167.00, stdev=448.35
clat (usec): min=3, max=19,552, avg=2217.48, stdev=1367.27
bw (KB/s) : min= 0, max=70143, per=1.27%, avg=6362.85, stdev=19236.22
write: io=128MB, bw=21,046KB/s, iops=5,261, runt= 6243msec
slat (usec): min=4, max=11,678, avg=164.73, stdev=442.99
clat (usec): min=11, max=...
2012 Aug 10
virtio-scsi <-> vhost multi lun/adapter performance results with 3.6-rc0
...w, bs=4K-4K/4K-4K, ioengine=libaio, iodepth=64
randrw: (g=0): rw=randrw, bs=4K-4K/4K-4K, ioengine=libaio, iodepth=64
Starting 8 processes
randrw: (groupid=0, jobs=1): err= 0: pid=7155
read : io=384MB, bw=62,934KB/s, iops=15,733, runt= 6243msec
slat (usec): min=4, max=11,681, avg=167.00, stdev=448.35
clat (usec): min=3, max=19,552, avg=2217.48, stdev=1367.27
bw (KB/s) : min= 0, max=70143, per=1.27%, avg=6362.85, stdev=19236.22
write: io=128MB, bw=21,046KB/s, iops=5,261, runt= 6243msec
slat (usec): min=4, max=11,678, avg=164.73, stdev=442.99
clat (usec): min=11, max=...
2010 Mar 31
Simplifying particular piece of code
Hello, everyone
I have a piece of code that looks like this:
mrets <- merge(mrets, BMM.SR=apply(mrets, 1, MyFunc, ret="BMM.AV120",
mrets <- merge(mrets, GM1.SR=apply(mrets, 1, MyFunc, ret="GM1.AV120",
mrets <- merge(mrets, IYC.SR=apply(mrets, 1, MyFunc, ret="IYC.AV120",
mrets <- merge(mrets, FCA.SR=apply(mrets, 1, M...
2002 Feb 22
errors in integrate function?
...the integrate function in R, a function which would be
very useful for a current project of mine. But I am encountering errors
integrating the one function I have tried. The function to be integrated is
a product of a gamma demsity and a normal density:
return( dgamma(y,shape=shape,scale=scale)*
dnorm(x=x-y,mean=0,sd=stdev) )
> integrate(gamma.by.normal,lower=0,upper=Inf,
> 4.589933e-11 with absolute error < 8.4e-11
> integrate(gamma.by.normal,...
2012 Jun 01
[PATCH v3] virtio_blk: unlock vblk->lock during kick
...with locked kick
read iops=119907.50 bw=59954.00 runt=35018.50 io=2048.00
write iops=217187.00 bw=108594.00 runt=19312.00 io=2048.00
read iops=33948.00 bw=16974.50 runt=186820.50 io=3095.70
write iops=35014.00 bw=17507.50 runt=181151.00 io=3095.70
clat (usec) max=3484.10 avg=121085.38 stdev=174416.11 min=0.00
clat (usec) max=3438.30 avg=59863.35 stdev=116607.69 min=0.00
clat (usec) max=3745.65 avg=454501.30 stdev=332699.00 min=0.00
clat (usec) max=4089.75 avg=442374.99 stdev=304874.62 min=0.00
cpu sys=615.12 majf=24080.50 ctx=64253616.50 usr=68.08 minf=17907363.00
2012 Jun 01
[PATCH v3] virtio_blk: unlock vblk->lock during kick
...with locked kick
read iops=119907.50 bw=59954.00 runt=35018.50 io=2048.00
write iops=217187.00 bw=108594.00 runt=19312.00 io=2048.00
read iops=33948.00 bw=16974.50 runt=186820.50 io=3095.70
write iops=35014.00 bw=17507.50 runt=181151.00 io=3095.70
clat (usec) max=3484.10 avg=121085.38 stdev=174416.11 min=0.00
clat (usec) max=3438.30 avg=59863.35 stdev=116607.69 min=0.00
clat (usec) max=3745.65 avg=454501.30 stdev=332699.00 min=0.00
clat (usec) max=4089.75 avg=442374.99 stdev=304874.62 min=0.00
cpu sys=615.12 majf=24080.50 ctx=64253616.50 usr=68.08 minf=17907363.00
2009 Sep 30
Optim(...) estimate of stDev far too low
...'m just trying to find the ML (maximum likelihood) estimates
of the mean and standard deviation of a set of observations:
st <-params[2]
optim(c(mu,stdev),fn,method="L-BFGS-B",lower=c(0.001, 0.001)
,upper = rep(Inf, 2), hessian=TRUE, control=list(trace=1))
iter 0 value 3.011784
final value 2.802694
[1] 4.6597779 0.3860387
[1] 2.802694
function gradient
17 17
[1] 0
2010 Apr 21
Maximum Likelihood Estimation in R
...a Maximum
Likelihood optimization problem in R. Below you can find the output from R,
when I use the "BFGS" method:
The problem is that the parameters that I get are very unreasonable, I would
expect the absolute value of each parameter to be bounded by say 5.
(furthermore the variable stdev should be greater than zero).
One of the problems seems to be that I need to bound the stdev-variable from
below by zero to avoid the NaN:s produced. I unfortunately do not know how
to do that.
Below "y" is the dataset, to which, I want to fit the parameters. I.e. y is
the vector (or...
2013 Feb 11
How to plot doubles series with different location using plotCI
##mean and error first data series
tmp <-
means <-
sapply(tmp, mean)
stdev <-
sapply(tmp, sd)
n <-
ciw <-
qt(0.975, n) * stdev / sqrt(n)
first data series
col="red", barcol="red", lwd=3, pch=18,
xaxt="n", yaxt="n", ylab='benefit',xlab='typo',...
2002 Mar 01
calculating std err (SEM)?
Is there a "canned" function in R for finding the standard error of the
mean? I have tried
> sem <- function(x) c(mean =mean(x),
+ SEM = stdev(x)/sqrt(length(x)))
> sem(pnet.lai)
Error in sem(pnet.lai) : couldn't find function "stdev"
It looks like there is no stdev function in R
Kirk R. Wythers email: kwythers at umn.edu
University of Minnesota tel: 612.625.2261
Department of Forest Resources fa...
2009 Aug 20
lattice xyplot strip colors and location
...5 3 1 22
0.5 3 2 22
0.5 3 3 21
0.5 3 4 16
0.5 3 5 13
Here's what I've done so far:
plotdata <- read.table(file="data.txt", header=FALSE)
frac.f <- factor(V1)
stdev.f <- factor(V2)
levels(frac.f) <- paste("f=",levels(frac.f), sep="")
levels(stdev.f) <- paste("s=", levels(stdev.f), sep="")
xyplot(V4~V3|frac.f*stdev.f, aspect=3/4, xlab="Reads as evidence", ylab="Total incorrect")
2017 Oct 10
small files performance
Jobs: 14 (f=13): [m(5),_(1),m(8),f(1),_(1)] [33.9% done] [1000KB/440KB/0KB
/s] [125/55/0 iops] [eta 01m:59s]
fio-test: (groupid=0, jobs=16): err= 0: pid=2051: Tue Oct 10 16:51:46 2017
read : io=43392KB, bw=733103B/s, iops=89, runt= 60610msec
slat (usec): min=14, max=1992.5K, avg=177873.67, stdev=382294.06
clat (usec): min=768, max=6016.8K, avg=1871390.57, stdev=1082220.06
lat (usec): min=872, max=6630.6K, avg=2049264.23, stdev=1158405.41
clat percentiles (msec):
| 1.00th=[ 20], 5.00th=[ 208], 10.00th=[ 457], 20.00th=[ 873],
| 30.00th=[ 1237], 40.00th=[ 1516],...
2006 Nov 07
Better way to create tables of mean & standard deviations
...these functions:
summary.aggregate <- function(y, label, ...)
temp.mean <- aggregate(y, FUN=mean, ...)
temp.sd <- aggregate(y, FUN=sd, ...)
temp.length <- aggregate(y, FUN=length, ...)
txtlabs <-makeLabel(label,length(temp.mean$x))
temp <- data.frame(mean=temp.mean$x,stdev=temp.sd$x,n=temp.length$x,row.names=txtlabs)
makeLabel <- function(label,llength,increaseLag=FALSE)
x <- c()
for(cnt in 1:llength)
if(increaseLag == TRUE && mode(cnt/2))
x[cnt] <- paste(label,cnt)
and can use the following commands to create tables of m...
2008 Sep 05
typo in cov()? var() fails on NA in R 2.7.2 but not R 2.6.1
I recently started using R 2.7.2, and noticed a surprising change in
the behavior of var() on NA data:
R 2.6.1 (Patched), 2007-11-26, svn.rev 43541, x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu:
> stdev(rep(NA,3), na.rm=F)
[1] NA
> stdev(rep(NA,3), na.rm=T)
[1] NA
> var(rep(NA,3), na.rm=T, use="complete.obs")
[1] NA
R 2.7.2 (Patched), 2008-09-02, svn.rev 46491, x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu:
> stdev(rep(NA,3), na.rm=F)
[1] NA
> stdev(rep(NA,3), na.rm=T)
2010 Nov 04
ggplot output
Dear All,
I have this script:
dat <- data.frame(Month = hstat$Date,C_avg = hstat$C.avg,C_stdev =
ggplot(data = dat, aes(x = Month, y = C_avg, ymin = C_avg - C_stdev, ymax =
C_avg + C_stdev)) +
geom_point() +
geom_line() +
dat <- data.frame(Month = hstat$Date,K_avg = hstat$K.avg,K_stdev =
ggplot(data = dat, aes(x = Month, y = K_avg, ym...
2006 Oct 26
Header of dataframe
...ciate some help to hopefully a
trivial problem.
I created a function:
summary.aggregate <- function(y, ...)
temp.mean <- aggregate(y, FUN=mean, ...)
temp.sd <- aggregate(y, FUN=sd, ...)
temp.length <- aggregate(y, FUN=length, ...)
temp <- data.frame(cbind(mean=temp.mean$x,stdev=temp.sd$x,n=temp.length$x))
this outputs e.g.:
mean stdev n
1 645.6125 65.94129 60
2 655.2121 70.64094 60
3 633.3161 80.48620 60
4 650.3897 77.59191 60
5 630.4955 84.98888 60
6 656.2608 66.16100 60
7 666.1775 74.39796 60
8 663.1543 71.10769 60
Is there an easy way to add a column nam...
2009 Sep 28
probability density function for maximum values in repeated finite samples from a normal distribution??
this is probably not really a R specific question, if so apologies for
off-topic posting:
I'm interested in the probability density function of the maximum values
from repeated samples of size N from a normal distribution:
smp <- rnorm(N, meanval, stdev)
with some mean 'meanval' and standard deviation 'stdev'.
I would like to know what is the frequency distribution of max(smp) if I draw many such
if I investigate this simply via a simulation, I get of course approximate
results (and see that the resulting distribution i...
2005 May 18
SAS Enterprise Miner recommendeds to standardize using X / STDEV(X)
versus [X ? mean(X)] / STDEV(X)
Any thoughts on this? Pros Cons
2010 Sep 17
Matrix- create mean/min/max/stdev on column of matrix or rows?
I made simulation with Weibull and create Matrix,
How can I create mean/min/max/stdev on column or rows of matrix?,
2017 Oct 10
small files performance
...[m(5),_(1),m(8),f(1),_(1)] [33.9% done] [1000KB/440KB/0KB
> /s] [125/55/0 iops] [eta 01m:59s]
> fio-test: (groupid=0, jobs=16): err= 0: pid=2051: Tue Oct 10 16:51:46 2017
> read : io=43392KB, bw=733103B/s, iops=89, runt= 60610msec
> slat (usec): min=14, max=1992.5K, avg=177873.67, stdev=382294.06
> clat (usec): min=768, max=6016.8K, avg=1871390.57, stdev=1082220.06
> lat (usec): min=872, max=6630.6K, avg=2049264.23, stdev=1158405.41
> clat percentiles (msec):
> | 1.00th=[ 20], 5.00th=[ 208], 10.00th=[ 457], 20.00th=[ 873],
> | 30.00th=[...