search for: state_ids

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 45 matches for "state_ids".

Did you mean: state_idx
2006 Jan 11
How to display the error messages from the controller
I have a wizard which consists of two pages. To keep it simple let''s say that the first page asks the user to select a state from the drop down menu. In case the user doesn''t select any state, an error message needs to be displayed. Ideally I would like to do something like this. def new selected_value = params[:addevent][:state_id] if selected_value == "-1"
2006 Jan 31
Relationship navigation issue
class Event < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :venue belongs_to :category end class Venue < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :city end class City < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :state end I want to retrieve all event records belonging to a state. Coming from hibernate background I tried something like this: def self.list_for_a_state(state_id) find_by_sql(["select e.*
2012 May 28
How to load a selection list into the method new of a controller?
Hi friends! I''m relatively new with Rails and I''m struggling for a long time with this problem (it should have a pattern solution but until now I didn''t find it): I have the following models: Institution, City, State and Country. class Country < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :states has_many :cities, :through => :states end # == Schema Information # Table
2006 Jul 14
Method for associated relationships
I have these tables set up like this: listings has_many :states <field>state_id [int] <other fields.... .............. .............> states belongs_to: listings <field>name <other fields.. ............... .................> In my view I have <%= %> have also tried , that didn''t seem to do the magic either. This
2006 May 28
Validating Foreign Key
Howdy, I''m a Rails beginner working on my first significant project with RoR. I''m trying to figure out how to validate a foreign key (you know, make sure the row actually exists.) However, validates_associated doesn''t seem to be what I want to use, nor does it work... -- BEGIN -- class City < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :schools belongs_to :state
2006 Mar 23
belongs_to more than one model
Suppose I have one table: states id statename And I have two other tables that contains states: houses id color state_id places id place_name state_id How would my model relationships look like? class State < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to house belongs_to place end class House < ActiveRecord::Base has_one state end class Place <
2007 Aug 20
FormBuilder in rjs
I have a page, which renders a partial that contains a ''State'' drop down list. Upon change, it re-renders the ''City'' drop down, re- populating it based on selected state_id: Page: /customer/new.rhtml <% form_for :customer, :url => customers_path do |f| %> State: <%= f.collection_select :state_id, State.find(:all), ''id'',
2006 May 22
collection_select default selected value
Hiall, Unfortunately I just can''t find out how to setup a default selected value when using collection_select. My call is like so: <%= collection_select(:consultant, :lastname, @consultants, :id, :lastname, { :selected => } ) %> which is not working, I debugged so far that I know that contains the correct value. Any tips? cheers
2006 Oct 25
NameError, uninitialized constant States
I''m completely new to Ruby and Rails and could use some help resolving an issue. I have a list method that is supposed to show the titles and states(status) of requests, but I get an error from this piece of code: <td><%= change.states.state %></td> The error is: c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-1.3.1/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:100:in
2009 Nov 06
Nested objects not propagating from view
I thought I had this fixed, but apparently not. It works okay from the console, but not from the view. I have the following: # partial schema create_table "users", :force => true do |t| t.string "login", :null => false t.string "first_name" t.string "last_name" t.string "email", :null => false
2006 Mar 11
Using :joins - How to help Rails populate a list of records from a complex join
Hi, Due to some performance issues, I want to use a custom query for a find method: def find_in_state(state) State.find :all, :limit => 10, :conditions => ['' = ? AND '' + '' = c.state_id AND c.state_id = ? AND '' + '' = col.county_id AND
2012 Mar 22
Rspec not loading fixtures
I am taking over a code base and am trying to run the tests. I am somewhat new to RSpec so this might be a trivial problem. Basically I can tell that the fixtures are not getting loaded. All 100 tests fail with a similar error. But I don''t know why. Below is the code, with my narrative with *** before it... Can you see anything or give me a clue where to look. So far I am coming up
2006 Apr 12
Dynamic Select Box
Hi, I''m new to rails/ruby having come from PHP and am just starting to get my head round how easy it can be :) However, can anyone point me in the right direction for dynamicaly updating a select box based upon the choice of a previous select box, without a page refresh. Any and all help greatly appreciated. Thanks -- Posted via
2006 Jun 26
DRY up selects in view
Here''s what I''ve got: <% @fields.each do |field_name| %> <tr> <td> <%= field_name.humanize %> </td> <td> <% unless field_name =~ /_id$/ %> <%= form.text_field field_name, :size => 40 %> <% else %> <%= select(:vendor, field_name, State.find(:all, :order
2006 Aug 13
select include_blank true
Is there any way to display a default message value ''Select'' rather tha an empty value when using this option ? kad -- Posted via
2006 Apr 25
belongs_to :through
belongs_to :through Why is that not possible? We should have: Street belongs_to :city belongs_to :country, :through => :city -- Posted via
2007 Jan 15
Using One Lookup Table for Multiple Model Properties
I have a model that has two properties that both come from the same database table. Let''s say I have a "Lead" model. This Lead has both a contact "State" (as in Colorado, Arkansas, etc.) and a "Property State" where the house he''s looking to refinance is located. Both of these should obviously be objects of the type "state".
2006 Mar 28
In_place_editor_field throws error ...
I receive the following error: Called id for nil, which would mistakenly be 4 -- if you really wanted the id of nil, use object_id when trying to use the in_place_editor_field tag: <% for employee in @employees %> <%= in_place_editor_field :employee, employee.fname %> <% end %> My model is called Employee and is being populated from a controller method employees_list:
2007 Oct 26
Custom method in Application Controller
Hi All, I took this idea Christian Hellsten and Jarkko Laine''s "Beginning Ruby on Rails E-Commerce". Here is the situation. I will be using the "options_from_collection_for_select" and "collection_select" form helper methods in my view to render drop-down selection lists for City and State that have corresponding city_id and state_id foreign key references
2006 Jun 13
Joins or relationships ?
I have a table called Post (not the actual name) where users input various piece of information, Most of the input is done by dynamic select''s (drop downs). As an example: User would choose Field: Input: Values that go into Post table Category Full Time 2 Length 45 Days 4 State